[Spoilers] Tomb of Annihilation

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Re: [Spoilers] Tomb of Annihilation

Post by Tundrra »

Recap 26
(Present: Baiz, Kermit, Talolan, Tundrra, Zelldeb)
absent Ojike
Day 41 (915am Chult)

  • -Lisa recovering from her slam into the magnetic shield revovers her sheathed short sword.
    -Jilto begins his Ritual of Detect Magic lighting up the magical transmutation aura around the Fountain (9:20a)
    -Zaan and Lisa discover two secret doors leading down the south passage way.
    -The fountain room seems to be safe to defend during a short rest while Jilto begins another ritual spell of identify on the water (9:30a)
    -The water was a mix of bad and good effects and Jilto scoops a couple jars of the water for later uses.
    (short rest 10:30a)
    -Lisa suspects the secret door to the south leads to the room seen through the crystal window so Zaan opens the other door which heads down to a lower level.
    -zidlur sneaks down stairs till he sees another one of Tomb dwarves.
Birth of the Tomb Guardian
  • -the Rest of the party sneaks a view and Jilto updates the illusion to match the tomb dwarves 10:45
    -Old wooden benches and shelves along the walls of this chamber are covered with gears, chains, trap components, and cages filled with rats. Lit iron braziers hang by chains from the ceiling. Along the north wall, a stepped dais is set with a bulky contraption: an iron maiden of sorts, attached to a network of steaming pistons, tubes, and bubbling vats of blood. 3 masked dwarves operate the contraption, while the others work at the tables.
    -While the team quietly discusses what to do.
    -The iron contraption shudders as it opens, releasing a hissing cloud of steam. Through the roiling vapor, an armored figure wearing a bucket helm stomps into view.
    -confident their disguise will trick the undead dwarves they boldly walked through the room to the south door
    -the next corridor opens to a spiral stairway, closed door and a deadend hall.
    -Zidlur hears light tapping sounds behind the door, while Zaan searches for a secert door down the empty hall.
    -Beyond the hidden passage, water fills a carved stone font.
Stone Font
  • -Jilto begins a ritual to learn more about the fountain, but Zildur begins do peer into to see how deep it is and upon doing so the water begins to swirl, eerie light emanates from within the basin. Slowly, an image resolves on the water’s surface.
    -the party sees the room of the shield magnet through the eyes of a tall being, it continues to move along the corridor at a slow pace.
    -after a minute of viewing where the Tomb Guardian patrols Zidlur presence becomes known to the silent figure and the surface of the pool explodes, and a hulking figure wearing plate armor and a bucket helm heaves itself up from the font.
    -Jilto familiar with these golem beings instructs the group to use fire and magic to harm it.
    -Zaan finding a second secret door opens it to make room in the small enclosure for combat.
    -The door opens up to the balcony stair case seen earlier that day. Immediately to the right a closed large doorway with three oval holes are carved into a nine-foot-wide, nine-foot-high stone door at human head height. As you approach, three humanoid heads and arms stick out of the holes, each covered in putrid flesh and gnashing on an iron bit bolted to a chain bridle.
    -once the Tomb guardian fight was over the players circled along the balcony avoiding the undead prying hands.(10:50a)
    -along the wall a second warning of riddles is posted.
    -Down a long hall the party sees a goblin skeleton with a square mounted on its head.
    -The team backed tracked to the special stairs case and proceed further down.
    -At lvl 3 a door is closed to the south and when opened the room is dark and dusty. A hulking figure wearing a bucket helm stands to the west, with one hand on an iron lever set into the wall. The south wall is sloped and has a large rectangular window five feet wide by seven feet high. The window looks into a hallway, through a rectangular hole in the hallway floor. (11am)
    -slowly closing the door the party heads deeper into the tomb to level 4, where a long hall awaits and the stairs go deeper still.
The Painters
  • -Zaan quickly spots the hidden door which opens to a vaulted chamber that features a ten-foot-deep sunken floor surrounded by ledges without railings. Alcoves along the ledges hold painted wooden statues of hornet-headed humanoid warriors, each wearing a grass skirt and clutching a spear.
    A gruesome throne lashed together of bone and strips of skin stands atop the west ledge. A fearsome horned skull surmounts the throne, and small skulls are piled around it. The seat of the throne appears to be made of stretched skin and has a metal scepter resting on it.
    Shuffling about the sunken portion of the room are three gaunt humanoid figures in dusty robes draped in cobwebs, their eyes and mouths stitched shut. Armed with brushes and clay pots of pigment, they paint the walls and pillars with grim, poorly rendered illustrations.
    -The paintings currently being worked on is a knight with yellow tattered cloth show him choking from a gas in a small room.
    -Another of an figure in a room full of bodies being sucked through the mouth of Acererak’s trademark screaming demon face.
    -As Zaan makes his way around the room behind on of the warrior statues he spots another false wall.
    -behind the door is a small room it’s walls are adorned with tile mosaics of a jungle city intermingled with frescoes of flowering plants, birds, insects, and humans wearing gold skirts and carrying spears and ornate jugs. The ceiling is painted to look like a clear blue sky. A small bejeweled cockroach rests atop a sarcophagus of black basalt in the middle of the room. A two-foot-diameter orb hanging from a chain above the sarcophagus is made of hammered gold to resemble a smiling sun.
    -Jilto beings his ritual detect magic reveals auras of evocation magic around the golden sun and the bejeweled cockroach
    -Using his owl Jilto picks up the jewelry box to identify a cursed fireball necklass inside (along with a a small jade key shaped like a crocodile key) 11:45
    -Next the the owl reaches out to the sun and the sun’s smile fades to an inscrutable expression, and it emits tremendous heat in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on itself.
    -With loot in hand the party moves to leave the room and the sun’s expression turns angry as it emits rays of searing light striking Lisa with its ray.
    -As the team heads back towards the stairwell the stop at the large and heavy stone doors.
    -Flanking the door are two locked secret doors that Zidlur is unable to open. Behind the walls the sounds of scraping and undead moans are heard.
    -back to stairway
(Noon Day 41)
Tundrra TT:TableTop
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Re: [Spoilers] Tomb of Annihilation

Post by Tundrra »

Recap session 27
  • October 24th 2018
    All present
    Day 41 (Noon Chult)
Spiral Staircase
  • -With the sun damage taking its toll on Lisa the party pauses for a few moments to down a Greater Healing potion and for Lisa to get a second wind.
    -Further down the spiral staircase the party goes till it reaches its bottom floor, the fifth level.
    -at the base of the stairs is a door and a hall leading further south.
    -The sounds of water hitting the outer walls of the hall can be heard and grey puddles of slime cover the ground.
    -fire seems to have no effect on the slime as Jilto try’s to burn it away.
    -Zaan steps into the muck and receives a splitting headache of physic damage.
    -From there the party attempts to avoid the puddles by using rope, immovable rod and mage hands.
    -The end of hall is another hidden door that Zaan pops open with his keen since of perception and investigation.
    -The hall T’s north and south, the sounds of water get louder north and the south is choked with dust and cobwebs. Up ahead, flickering lights dimly illuminate a larger hall running perpendicular to this one.
The Rolling Construct
  • -As the party enters the perpendicular hall Zaan notices a large stone block in the ceiling that looks as if it could slide down blocking the entrance. The Immovable rod is placed to block the stone from cutting off the party’s exit.
    -Large puddles of gray slime spread across the floor of this ten-foot-wide, gently sloping hallway. Candles flicker on riveted sconces, casting dim light across a sequence of sculpted reliefs depicting humanoids with bestial heads kneeling before a black star. At the lower end of the hall, a thick purple drape hangs wall to wall. At the upper end, the hallway terminates.
    -A animated goblin skeleton paces around this room, with a oddly shaped octagon of bone one it’s head, and it seems un-combative and avoids the players as they get closer.
    -Zaan peaks behind the currant to find A six-foot-tall statue of a leering four-armed gargoyle stands against the back wall. One of its arms has broken off and lies on the floor in front of it, its hand curled into a tight fist. The other three arms have their clawed hands open in such a way as to suggest they’re meant to hold something. Carved into the wall above the statue is a riddle:

    Three I need
    Then three more
    Three more still
    Opens the door

    -Over the next several minutes Zaan places combinations of Coins and Ruby’s into the open hands of statue. (1pm)
    -Jilto, Lisa and Zidlur head west down the hall observing the Skelton and reliefs in the Wall.
    -One relief of a crocodile holding a chest catches Lisa’s eye and the jade crocodile key happens to fit perfectly, which opens a secret crawl way.
    -Zidlur makes his way inside to find a small secret room with a large stone construct roller taking up the full room. Also a a lustrous, spiked ruby as big as a human fist sits on a stone shelf that juts from the east wall of the room.
    -Zidlur reports back to the group then heads back for the ruby. He scales the top of the Stone Juggernaut to the shelf where the large ruby sits.
    -upon picking up the ruby the construct begins tremble, the wall at the west end of the hall slides back to reveal a stone juggernaut on rollers. The construct fills the height and width of the hall and barrels toward the group at alarming speed.
    -The party reacts quickly to evacuate the hall, however Jilto is finds himself able to make it the doorway where the rod is struggling to keep the stone Barrier from crashing to the ground or dodging the oncoming train. He picks the train...
    -As the large roller comes barreling down the hall Jilto is unable to jump out if its way and is knocked prone as the construct runs him over crushing his body.
    -With Jilto knock unconscious with blood, gore and broken bones, Teagan jumps in with a heal and Jilto downs a Greater Healing potion when he regains his senses.
Skeleton Chase
  • -As the players walked closer to the skeleton it avoids them as much as it can, eventually making its way north when the stone construct began to roll down the room.
    -The group follows it to a pungent stench filled pentagonal room, the walls of which are covered with riveted sheets of iron. A wild garden full of sickly plants and rotting compost takes up most of the interior, and a narrow path hugs the walls between two exits. Jutting from the middle of the garden is a six-foot-tall rusty sprinkler. In the ceiling above the sprinkler, a ten-foot-wide shaft leads straight up.
    -Zidlur and Zaan corner the skeleton in the room and Zaan try’s to grapple it, Lisa watching the struggle puts a few bolts into i bringing it down quickly. (1:30p)
    -the skull with the octagon key is collected and the party moves on.
    -between the rooms the walkways don’t connect and the outer area and looking through those gaps can be seen, a dark underground lake opening up before you, its ceiling festooned with chains and gears — some of which appear to have dwarves dangling from them. A gigantic motionless stone cog rises from the water, with two matching cogs connected to it. Rusty metal conduits stretch from the cavern walls to the cogs. The water of the lake is slimy, with pinpricks of phosphorescent light twinkling in the murk.
    -the party steps over the walkway gap to an acidic stenched filled pentagonal chamber, which has two exits. The walls are covered with riveted sheets of iron, and the pockmarked stone floor has a large puddle of gray slime in the middle of it. Friezes along each wall just beneath the ceiling depict five black dragons.
Control Room
  • -Zidlur continues on followed by Zaan over grey puddles of ooze to what appears to be a Control room for the cog rooms.
    -A four-foot-high, seven-foot-wide iron lectern in the middle of this rusty, iron-plated room is topped by a slanted control panel. Set into the control panel are a gold lever with a star-shaped handle, two dials in red and blue, and two buttons of the same colors. Wall engravings behind the control panel show five groups of circles, with a small crystal embedded in the wall under each one. The crystal under the configuration labeled “3” glows bright green. Three six-inch-diameter rusty iron pipes jut from the wall above the engravings.
    -Lisa consults her cartography kit and sketches she has made of the tomb so far and points out that the hole in the ceiling of the previous room should lead to the balcony and stair area they had been to previously. Also the worked stone column that’s stretches from the bottom of the lake to the cavern roof and is attached to the nearby wall by a stone conduit is the door that was at the base of the stairs. On one side of the column, steps of moss-covered stone climb from a stone dock to a landing whose stone door shows no handles or hinges. Ropes lash a pair of rowboats to a dock post, and a rusty iron cage wallows in the slime, held afloat by chain and winch. Phosphorescent crabs gather at the bottom of the lake below the cage. (1:45p)
    -Zaan prepares to use the control panel so as a precaution Teagan ritual casts water walk on all but Zaan who isn’t close enough. (1:55p)
    -Zaan stays in the control room, the bulk of the party head to the garden room and Zidlur back tracks to the door in the spiral staircase so he can watch what happens to the cogs after Zaan operates the control panel.
    -As Zidlur passes through the door it shuts behind him and a monstrous mouth forms on the door’s surface, calling out with a deep drawl: “I’m so hungry I could eat you alive, but I’ll settle for somethin’ else. Somethin’ livin’. Somethin’ light!”
    -It doesn’t take long to note the scraps of shells at the base of the door and the live illuminating crabs at the bottom of the lake, so Zidlur mage hands a crab.
-(Day 41, 2p Chult)

Tundrra TT:TableTop
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Re: [Spoilers] Tomb of Annihilation

Post by Kermit »

And everyone is now level 10! Thanks tundra!!
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Re: [Spoilers] Tomb of Annihilation

Post by Tundrra »

NOR Session 28
Nov 7th 2018
(Ojike absent)

Now in Audio: session28.mp3

Day 41 2pm Chult

Rotating Rooms
  • -The party is split in 3 awaiting Zaan to operate the control panel, the first knob is the blue dial and he rotates to it to the left.
    -Currently, the crystal under configuration 3 is illuminated. If the dial is turned and the currently lit crystal goes out and the crystal to the left lights up under 2.
    -again the dial is turned left and the crystal light moves left again.
    -Zaan debates on the red or blue button next having the desired diagram selected.
    -Red is pressed, causing a 6-inch-thick wall of stone to drop from the ceiling in the doorway, sealing off the east exit, trapping Zaan inside.
    -Next is the Blue button, the entire level trembles as the giant cogs rotate.
    -Jilto from the docks sees the giant island cogs begin to turn and the doorways of the rooms move. He then feeds the Door and heads black in and begins to make his way back around to the moving cog rooms.
    -The room of Lisa, Jilto and Teagan begin to turn and shake, a hall way and door align to the east to a third cog room.
    -At the same time a small room to the north aligns and thick green gas billows out of skull-shaped nozzles set into the walls of this cramped room. A rotting corpse clad in studded leather armor lies on the floor, mouth open and hands grasping its throat. Wrapped around one of its arms is a yellow band.
    -This scene is familiar to you, but you have no time to investigate as the rotting vegetation all around you begins to move and form into 3 shambling mounds.
    -Lisa wastes no time seeing if the gas is harmful as it begins flooding the room and runs into the new room to the east.
    -Jilto is slammed by one of slow moving mounds and as a means of escape he fades away to turn invisible to join Lisa.
The Wardrobes
  • -Five teak wardrobes stand against the ironclad walls of this chamber, each with a door bearing a carved image or scene. Puddles of gray slime cover parts of the floor. The room has two exits, including an adamantine portcullis blocking a passage to the north. Set into a metal plate above the portcullis is a row of five red crystals shaped like drops of blood.
    -as Zidlur continues to travel back to the group Lisa investigates the doors of the wardrobes
    North: this door depicts an army of orcs clashing with an army of hobgoblins.
    Clockwise: door depicts a grinning night hag with a swaddled human infant in her arms
    3: door is carved to depict the face of an ornate clock.
    4: this door depicts twisted, screaming humanoid faces wrapped in chains.
    Final door:this door depicts ghouls gnawing on bones
Control Room
  • -Zaan trapped in the control room turns the blue dial, and a annoyed ancient voice enters his mind.
    “What now, Gorra?”
    -The voice becomes curious of the stranger and asks questions on who a you and why are you here.
    -Zaan asks many questions about how to leave his room, and is told to wait, that a Tomb Guardian will be along eventually.
    -he finds out he is G’lyh’rul (guh-LEE-rool) and aberration.
    -the Power device for the soulmonger, Acererak’s feeding tube.
    -He speaks of being brought here by Acererak but must not leave till the soulmonger has fully fed the Atropal.
    -A few more minutes of Zaan trying to get more out of the voice about the room grew bored and disconnected the connection.
    -Zaan says he has come hunting aberrations and it says you have come to the right place
Shadowfell Wardrobe
  • -Zidlur makes it back to Lisa and Jilto, and before they decide to try and open a wardrobe door Zidlur does some more recon of a room off to the south east.
    -Down a long hall a life-size golden statue of a mastodon stands atop a one-foot-high stone cog at the center of this room. Jeweled tusks sweep from its jowls, and its trunk is raised in a roar.
    -Once back, the party spreads out along the back walls and mage hands the door open depicting ghouls, the door beyond is a portal and you gaze out across an ancient cemetery, its canted tombstones shrouded in fog. Eerie, hungry shapes move among the graves in the distance. Suddenly, bright glowing balls of light appear in the room and vanish.
    -WilloWisps reappear shocking the party, and Jilto places a fireball destroying most of them.
    -Zaan trapped in the room for the past 45 minutes, decides to try the voice again, and makes a telepathic connection once again.
    -How do I open the door - Tomb Guardians will come eventually, but it’s no concern of mine.
    -When the world Is devoured the aberration will be free to roam the ocean.
    -When Zaan discovers the aberration is an Aboleths he hurriedly ends his conversation.
Acheron Wardrobe
  • -door depicts an army of orcs clashing with an army of hobgoblins is opened, and
    Dust and smoke billow from the wardrobe, and the air around you sounds out with the roar of battle. Beyond the doors, armies fight under a blood-red sky that has an iron cube floating in it like a huge, distant moon. Clouds of ash suddenly fly out of the wardrobe, transforming into screaming orcs before your eyes.
    -Jilto quickly cast another fireball as the 8 orcs are grouped together and disintegrates all but the war chief.
    -Saving her magic bolts Lisa jumps in with her short sword, as the team brings down the last orc.
    -The orcs have great axes, hide armor and 5 anti-toxins.
    -Jilto decides Zaan has been out of contact for to long and Zidlur explains how to make it around the cog floors.
    -once Jilto is close enough he messages Zaan and they fill in the group of what’s happening.
    -Towards the end of the conversation an hour goes by from when the wall locked Zaan in and the stone door rises back into the ceiling by itself.
    -No time is wasted for the whole group to reunite in the wardrobe room.
Gehenna Wardrobe
  • -Jilto ritual casts group telepathy so that if the party becomes separated again they will have some contact.
    -If full numbers the party spreads out once again as the mage hand reaches out to the door depicts a grinning night hag with a swaddled human infant in her arms.
    -The door opens above the caldera of an active volcano. Shards of black rock float above the molten magma. Perched atop one shard are two man-sized creatures with insectoid features and four arms apiece.
    -two mezzoloths step into the room, and are quickly filled with bolts. At first chance they filled the room with darkness.
    -The wounded one steps through the dark while the other seeks the closest target attacking with trident and claw.
    -when the darkness concentration is broke and as last resort for the mortally wounded Mezzoloth, it dispenses a cloud kill, bringing Jilto to unconsciousness.
    -it dies quickly ending the spell, but the other casts it as it reaches its death and moments after Jilto is brought back by Teagan, he is down again.
    -Some time in the darknes or poisonous cloud the Illusion of the undead dwarves fall away, leaving a battered and wounded party
Day 41, 3:20p Chult
Tundrra TT:TableTop
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Lord HC 04.06.2014
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Re: [Spoilers] Tomb of Annihilation

Post by Tundrra »

NOR session 29
  • Nov 14th 2018
    Absent: Zelldeb and Ojike
    Day 41, 3:20p Chult
    Audio File of the Adventure: Session 29
Corpse of the Yellow Banner
  • -Jilto on the brink of death from the cloudkills, takes a much needed rest in the wardrobe room along with the rest of the party.

    (short rest 4:20p)

    -During the rest the poisonous gas next door began to disappear leaving the shambling mounds to reform into their previous sickly vegetation state.
    -Under the cover of shadow Zaan is able to move through the room and into the small northern room.
    -Skull-shaped nozzles set into the walls of this cramped room where the gas had poured. A rotting corpse clad in studded leather armor lies on the floor, mouth open and hands grasping its throat. Wrapped around one of its arms is a yellow band.
    -The figure looks familiar from the paintings you saw in the throne room with the blind painters.
    -The corpse wears studded leather armor and carries a sheathed longsword with a dragon-shaped hilt. Zaan also finds a dungeoneer’s pack, tucked inside is a pouch containing six carnelian gemstones (50 gp each).
    -Zaan brings all the items back to Jilto who studies them a few minutes and does a Detect Magic ritual (4:45p)
    -The sword glows under its sheath and Jilto identities it as a Sword of Dragonspeak, giving its bearer the ability to speak and understand the Draconic language (5pm)
Mechanus Wardrobe
  • -Once again the party spreads out around the room and prepares for battle, 3 of the 5 crystals are illuminated above the locked portcullis and 2 wardrobes remain unopened.
    -Zidlur’s mage hand reaches out to the door that was carved to depict the face of an ornate clock and when it opens enormous interlocking gears and cogs stretch as far as you can see. Suddenly, a spherical construct with spindly legs and small wings tumbles through the open doorway.
    -A single creature holding a small dagger stands confused in the room, looking back at the door of the wardrobe, and trying to reopen it.
    -Lisa approaches it but it doesn’t understand her questions and gestures, after few moments it appears to hear something and tries to leave through the north tunnel, which remains locked.
    -Jilto recasts his group Telepathy spell to successfully make contact with the monodrone. His mind is simple and doesn’t communicate well, but you understand it’s trying to get home and will fight if needed to do so.
    -The party prepares to open the final door but it will not budge, while the current wardrobe is active.
    -Realizing the wardrobe challenge needs to be finished, Zaan puts an arrow in the confused construct, bringing a short sadness to him. (5:30p)
Nine Hells Wardrobe
  • -The scene on the final door depicts twisted, screaming humanoid faces wrapped in chains. When the door is opened, Waves of heat assail you as the door opens, revealing an iron road leading to a basalt citadel surrounded by the charred remains of defeated armies. Prisoners scream from iron gibbets that festoon the citadel walls. Suddenly, a single glowing ember flies out of the wardrobe and transforms into a winged, bony fiend with a smiling, skull-like visage.
    -Lisa plugs the bone devil full of bolts, but they seem considerably less in-affective and it returns attacks at her with claws and poisonous tail.
    -Jilto summons his sphere of water to hold the devil, but discovers its high magic resistance and it’s attention is then turned to Zaan.
    -Before it can makes its way to him, Teegan casts holy weapon upon Lisa’s crossbow and the hell beast suffers rapid brutal deathly blows.
Hall of Decay
  • -Lisa and Zaan make their way to the next long hall with a steep stairwell, Graven images of rotting corpses decorate this hall, and the floor is littered with tarnished coins, pieces of armor, broken shields, axe heads, and other bits of scrap metal.
    -Towards the far end of the hall another room full of purple lightening and clouds can be seen.
    -Seperating the rooms is A yawning archway which has a keystone adorned with an iron bull’s skull, which bites down on an ivory ring.
    -Jilto goes in for a closer look, and steps off the stairs onto the floor and instantly his clothes, weapons and items become brittle in his hand and start falling from his body.
    -A detect magic spell reveals an aura of necromancy magic emanating from the ivory ring. The party shoots an arrow striking the skull holding the ring and as it drops from the wall the necromancy aura fades from the ivory ring.
    -Lisa tosses a short sword into the hall and satisfied with the solid loud hit echoing on the floor the party proceeds forward.
    -The party decides to descend yet another floor, but before going down Zaan peeks into the next room and he is hit with a hot wind tinged with the smell of burning oil blows down a forty-foot-diameter vertical shaft. Stone balconies protrude from the walls on opposite sides of this expanse, with the west balcony fifteen feet higher than the east one. Two thick chains rattle in the gulf between the balconies — one ascending two hundred feet before disappearing into a cloudy vortex lit by arcs of purple lightning; the other wrapping around an enormous metal gear floating one hundred feet below. Another hundred feet below the gear, a second vortex rages.
    -The naked Jilto takes Zidlur’s spare commoners clothes and his given various supplies from the other party members. (6pm)
Hag Dolls
  • -Green smoke billows out from a bronze cauldron in the middle of this twenty-foot-high vaulted hall. Barely visible through the haze are three rocking chairs, several work benches heaped with haberdashery, a spinning wheel, and a rusty iron cage containing a prisoner. Galleries stand ten feet above the floor to either side of the room.
    -The billowing smoke seems to be harmless as the party explores the room just obscuring the floor and room.
    -Zaan and Lisa head towards the cage housing a nude bloodied figure, the figure is malnutrition and beaten. The figure looks up at Lisa who looks back into the eyes of Lisa!
    -A heavy padlock secures the gate of the rusted cage, and Lisa hurries to pick the lock, covering the look alike and feeding it rations.
    -Teagan purifies the tarry greenish-black brew that fills the bronze cauldron, causing the smoke to stop billowing and Lisa pours cups of it to the scrawny version of herself.
    -Zaan makes his way to the large door to the south.
    -This twelve-foot-high, ten-foot-wide door is made of green stone, its surface carved with grinning goblin skeletons. A belt of smooth stone spans the door at a height of four feet, set with five gold symbols in a row: a triangle, a square, a pentagon, a hexagon, and an octagon. Each symbol is engraved on a recessed circular seal.
    -Zaan pulls out the octagon skull from his pack and attempts to get it to fit, but the seal blocks it from being inserted.
    -Three tiny figures waddle toward him through the smoky haze: a straw doll with rusty pins sticking into its body, a faceless child molded from clay, and a stuffed monkey with the lower body of a unicycle.
    -The straw figure says it is locked and you must have all the keys from above to open it.
    -The straw doll continues tell you , “You need to run away! The Sewn Sisters will be back any moment now!” “The hags are dangerous” “They take care of what’s behind the door” “They can walk another plane”
    -Lisa asks about the prisoner and how long it has been here, at first the figure can’t recall its name and no memory of having been created, but has its mind clears and it looks upon the party it knows all of you.
    -Narrative Edit: The clone being distraught in a windowless dungeon, starved and tortured was confused on how long she has been trapped by the witches, seems like forever. However when you asked the dolls, the accurate answer is 3days ago, on the cliffs of Omu. (session 17)
    -The dolls tell her, the hags have forged a magical link between the clone and Lisa which was made from blood or something left from the camp above Omu. The clone knows everything the character knows, up to and including all present knowledge. The hags have been interrogating the clone to learn everything about the adventurers. Once they have no more use for such information, the Sewn Sisters plan to kill and eat the clone, like all the others.
    -The clone is not a perfect copy. It is shorter and scrawnier than the character after whom it’s modeled, and it has deformities. On top of the malnutritionment and torture.
Trial of the Hexagon
  • -Five wooden doors are set into the walls of the galleries, each carved with a geometric symbol: a triangle, a square, a pentagon, a hexagon, and an octagon.
    -Lisa insists the party should head back upstairs to find the other keys, but Zaan wants to look behind the doors.
    -A large, cracked, six-sided mirror is mounted above a stone shelf protruding from the opposite wall. Five unlit candles stand on the shelf, each made of yellow wax and covered with tiny black sigils. Scrawled on the wall above the mirror in dried blood are the words “PIGGY PIGGY PIGGY.”
    -Jilto joins Zaan in the room and helps him search the room, a 6th candle is found hidden under the shelf.
    -Zaan lights all 6 candles and nothing happens till he repeats the word piggy in the mirror, in the reflection next to Jilto a lever appears.
    -pulling it retracts the seal around the hexagon key hole of the large skeletal gate. (6:15p)
    -Heading back up the way the party came with clone in tow the party pauses to recasted telepathy at the top of the stairs. (6:30p)
    -As the party runs around the bend in the hallway and enters the cog room they are startled to see tomb dwarves cleaning up the bodies of the dead orcs.
(Day 41, 6:30p)
Tundrra TT:TableTop
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Re: [Spoilers] Tomb of Annihilation

Post by Tundrra »

Recap NOR session 30
2018 November 28th
(Baiz Absent)
Recording: Session_30

(Day 41, 6:30p Chult)

Gear Rooms
  • -A gruesome scene of bloody Orcs being dragged from the wardrobe room by undead tomb dwarves fill Zaan’s vision.
    -The dwarves are quick to grab their wicked battle axes as Zaan rained down arrows on them.
    -Two dwarves stay to confront Lisa and Zaan while the third rushes to the plant room to warn the remaining group.
    -Moments later the echoing sounds of a fist banging on a wall can be heard coming from the greenhouse room.
    -Zaan bursts into the room to put some arrows in the alarm raiser, but it’s to late as the gears beneath the floor begin to shake and starts the process of the room’s rotation.
    -Jilto sends a explosive charge into the gear system grinding the platforms halfway between configuration 1 and 2.
    -With only one dwarf remaining it flees jumping into the water, swimming towards the cliff walls.
    -Teagan and Zaan are able to finish him off, sinking his corpse to the depths below. (6:35p)
    -Lisa heads back to the portcullis to retrieve the Lisa Clone and attaches a rope to her waist. As the two make their way around the slick cog wheels the clone slips into the water pulling Lisa to her knees.
    -the shadow of a large creature swimming at the base of the lake circling under the cog rooms is enough to spook Lisa into downing her potion of strength and sprouting wings. (Wings reset at 10:40p) (potion and wings expire at 7:40)
    -She swoops in to carry the clone to safety.
    -With wings active Lisa flys up to the 20’ ceiling of the cavern and up the dark shaft in the ceiling which is 10 feet wide and 15 feet deep.
    -The radiating light on her weapons reveals a room at the bottom of the grand staircase, a resonant mechanical rumbling emanates from the dark shaft beneath her in the middle of chamber’s floor. Four cylindrical stone pedestals surround the shaft, each ten feet tall, five feet wide, and featuring a tiny slot in its side. Squatting atop each pedestal is a large four-armed gargoyle. Each gargoyle is contained within a square made of metallic tiles embedded in the top of its pedestal. Starting with the northernmost pedestal and going clockwise, the tiles are copper, silver, gold, and platinum.
    -Flying back down to the party, it is decided it would be best to have Lisa ferry them all to the spiral staircase where they entered the cavern lake.
Hexagon Skeleton Key
  • -the fourth level of the spiral staircase brings the party back to the throne room with the painters.
    -The locked large stone door looms at the east end of the room, but it bears no handles or hinges, and Zaan sees no way to release it from this side.
    -While under the strength potion, Lisa and the others reach down and push the stone doors up into the ceiling, propping it open with the unmovable rod.
    -Jutting from the wall on either side of the door are two matching bronze sculptures — each the head and neck of a serpent with fangs bared. On the lintel above the door is inscribed the following message in Common: “Warm like flame, cold for the cruel, still for the dead, gruel for the ghoul.”
    -The party believes feeding blood to these serpents would open the door from this side.
    -The long hall opens up to the balcony area, but a side passage to the north Zaan spots the goblin skeleton.
    -After ten feet, this dusty corridor becomes a staircase that descends fifteen feet to a lower tunnel. Resting on the floor at the bottom of the staircase is an old treasure chest with a rusty built-in lock. Just beyond the chest, the tunnel opens up to a huge, dark chamber.
    -Zaan takes aim and brings down the roaming goblin skeleton and sends Zidlur in to retrieve the skull key.
    -Zidlur quickly spots a latch in the ceiling above the stair well. A quick mage hand and A 5-foot-diameter sphere of solid granite falls from the trap door and thunders down the stairs and tumbles into a hidden pit.
    -Lisa flies over the 10-foot-deep pit lined with thick glass, and filled with green acid.
    -She retrieves the key in the Four marble columns support the ceiling of this grand tomb. Twin staircases ascend to an upper gallery, where a carving in the form of a giant maze adorns the wall. On the floor of the tomb stands an opaque crystal sarcophagus that is constantly changing color. Minotaur murals adorn the walls on the lower level of the tomb. (6:50p)
  • -With 2 Keys retrieved, the party rushes back to the spiral staircase and heads up to level 3.
    -Recalling a Tomb Guardian behind the 3rd floor door with a hand on a lever, the party decides to head to floor two, the top floor of the staircase.
    -The door to the west is unlocked and the sound of light scurrying can be heard.
    -Zaan opens the door and enters.
    -Candles dimly illuminate a cluttered office. A skeletal songbird rasps at you from a filthy cage in one corner. Other furnishing include a wooden writing desk and a tall-backed chair. Anatomical drawings sketched in charcoal hang on the wall behind the desk. Seated in the chair is the shriveled corpse of a humanoid wearing moldy robes and a bronze mask sculpted to look like a frowning visage. Around the figure’s neck hangs a black skull-shaped amulet, and a number of severed hands crawl on the desk and floor around him.
    -You meet Withers the caretaker of the tomb, inquisitive on the state of Omu, Ras Nsi, Chult...basically the world outside.
    -Not much is said by the party and he bids them to enter and await an escort of Guardians.
    -Eventually Teagan begins to cast and everyone jumps into action.
    -Zaan cuts at the undead man and hands envelope Zaan and Teagan.
    -Once Teagan gets his turn undead spell off the creepy hands explode.
    -Withers reaches down to the raven necklace on his neck and bids the party farewell, teleporting into the next room where he begins casting a spell in Lisa’s earshot.
    -Lisa shouts to Jilto who is able to counter spell it.
    -Jilto then traps the caster in a water bubble, as 2 Tomb Guardians come bursting out the door next to Lisa, who gets slammed near unconsciousness along with Jilto.
    -With the party distracted by the reinforcements Withers triggers his amulet once again and teleports out of sight.
    -Jilto and the clone retreat to the office where Jilto notices a manual of golems (clay) lies open on his desk.
    -On the verge of death and no where to run Lisa jumps into the water bubble and is pulled away from the golem avoiding death.
    -Teagan casts a Death ward on Lisa as a precaution.(ends at 2:50a)
    -Zaan, Zidlur and Teagan finish off the Guardians and the group barricades themselves in Withers office.
    (Ding level 10).
Tundrra TT:TableTop
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Re: [Spoilers] Tomb of Annihilation

Post by Tundrra »

Recap NOR session 31
2018 December 5th
(all present )
Recording: Session_31

(Day 41, 8p Chult)

Withers office
  • -Evening has come and the party’s resources have been expended, not sure of any safe place to make camp, the party barricades its self in Withers office.
    -The Immovable rod is placed in front of the wood door, keeping it from being pushed open.
    -The room is littered with exploded creepy hands and papers and journals, which is searched throughly.
    • found Manual of Clay Golems
    • His moldy journals track the history of Omu and the Tomb of the Nine Gods, and detail the arrival of the atropal and the construction of the Soulmonger.
    • read History of Omu
    • give handout of journal.
    • On the inside back cover of the Journal is what appears to be a name: Khomara Blackfire.
    • enough equipment on his desk to assemble a scholar’s pack.
    • The desk drawer contains a translucent, fist-sized gray stone
    -During the first watch Zaan reads through the journals. The Forbidden City, the Trickster Gods, the fall of Omu, the Rise of Ras Nsi.
    -eventually the hour grew late and Lisa took over watch.
    -During Lisa’s watch came a pounding at the door which turned into fists through the door as Tomb Guardians began tearing bits of the wood door from the frame.
    -Teagan fully refreshed from his long elf rest, was ready to battle while the others still weak from their long day in the tomb.
    -Zaan summoned two big cats to grapple and distract the guardians while the party finished them off.
    (Long Rest, Day 42, Level 10)
Papazotl’s Tomb
  • (7am Chult, Day 42)
    -The party heads out of Wither’s office through the secret doors past the font into the balcony stairway.
    -Lisa looked again at the bronze sign with Acererak’s warnings.
    -Three oval holes are carved into a nine-foot-wide, nine-foot-high stone door to the south at human head height. As you approach, three humanoid heads stick out of the holes, each covered in putrid flesh and gnashing on an iron bit bolted to a chain bridle.
    -head and arm chopping ensued. (7:10a)
    -peaking through the hole, six glass cauldrons brimming with humanoid bones line the walls of this tomb, at the center of which stands an ancient chariot bearing a bronze sarcophagus with treasure strewn atop it. Paintings on the chariot’s body show a tall bird with a long, sharp beak. On the south wall, a bronze shield bears the embossed image of a Chultan warrior carrying a spear, below an inscription that reads, “Bow before no one.” Four bronze statues stand on pedestals to either side of the shield. They depict Chultan warriors: one holding a sword, two with spears, and one missing its face.
    -Zaan walked around the perimeter of the room searching for secret door doors and bowing to each cauldron and statue, referring to the possible clue Acerack left.
    -strewn atop the sarcophagus: is a gold torc (250 gp), three gold cups (75 gp each), five gold cloak pins (25 gp each), and an amulet.
    -Zaan finds a passage to the right leading to an narrow corridor filled with Ancient cobwebs, whose midpoint features an arched alcove. Within the alcove, a dusty bottle stands on a table.
    -Lisa examines the dusty bottle, too dusty to see much within there is a indistinguishable movement.
    -another secret door opens and the air here reeks of sulfur and brimstone. On the floor of this chamber, a pentagram traced in salt surrounds an ornate sarcophagus, its lid covered with figurines of prancing frog-like humanoids. Pacing around the room is a goblin skeleton with a square shape on its head.
    -Zaan’s treasure hunting habits get the best of him and the temptation is to great, with Lisa at the ready secret door, Zaan empty’s the top of the sarcophagus into his pack and runs for the shutting door. (7:30a)
    -with the sealed door behind him, the dusty bottle ends up in his pocket on his way to the pentagram room.
    -curious on the state of the sarcophagus room, Lisa opens the door a peek, seeing dozens of skeletons climbing endlessly out of the cauldrons.
    -in the room with the pentagon the party casts detect magic and sees that the amulet lights up within Zaan’s bag, several things in the sarcophagus, the bottle. (7:45a)
    -upon closer examination and a comprehend language spell, it’s discovered a female demanding voice tells Jilto to let them out of the bottle. They offer treasure if they do. If you let me out I can cast a spell to allow me to speak to you. (8am)
    -There is some debate of chucking it in the skeleton room or to open here.
    -Jilto summons the mage hand and glides it to the center of the room hoping to contain anything in it within the pentagram, and pops the lid.
    -A female Dao comes pouring out of the bottle and begins to cast a spell keeping everyone ready and watchful.
    -as she is about to finish her cast she is stab with a great sword out of nowhere,as a invisible frog like creature emerges.
    -The cast finishes, and you hear curses of why did you let me free only attack me!
(Day 42, 8:05a Chult)
Tundrra TT:TableTop
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Lord HC 04.06.2014
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Re: [Spoilers] Tomb of Annihilation

Post by Tundrra »

Recap NOR session 32
2018 December 12th
(all present )
Recording: Session_32

(Day 42, 8:05a Chult)

NangNang’s Tomb
  • -The Dao retreats from its surprised attack by the invisible Sladd.
    -Finishing it’s casting of tongues, a demanding female voice of the Dao accuses the group “how dare you attack me with your disgusting slave, do you know who I am! I control the elements ...blah blah, you release me only to attack me and take my possessions. I free offered them, but you have no honor!”
    -Jilto pulls out the control gem that was found in Withers desk, and commands the Slaad to sit.
    -Having control of the Slaad didn’t help persuade the Dao that they didn’t intentionally attack her.
    -However with no further attack, wary she kept her distance and watched the group proceed.
    -Zaan walks by to slaad, to examine the sarcophagus when it reacted with a swipe as he came to close, Jilto quickly demanded it to disarm itself and hold its attack’s towards the party.
    -Jilto reaches in Zaan’s pack to identify the amulet from the previous room, upon grabbing it. Strange shadows shift across the walls, forming the outline of a long-legged bird. Its beak stabs at you as a voice echoes through your mind: “You will do as I command!”(8:20a)
    -the Eblis’s shadow form pecks into Jilto’s chest becoming one with him.
    -After he recovers he continues the identify on the “amulet of health” and passes it back to Zaan.
    -Jilto commands the Slaad to knock off the lid of ornate sarcophagus, scattering the figurines of prancing frog-like humanoids to the floor.
    -inside Zaan picks up the petrified egg and hands it to Jilto for identifying.
    -As Zaan touchs the egg, a tendril of slime rises from its surface and transforms into a frog-like head that bobs toward you. A croaking voice sounds out in your mind: “Nangnang will help you now.”
    -Zaan puts up no resistance and allows her to enter his form.
    -Zaan refuses to give amulet the amulet back to Jilto when asked, after the petrified egg is identify as a “pearl of power”. (8:35a)
    -identified potion of potion of supreme healing which was given to Lisa (8:45a)
    -Jilto picks up the final item in the sarcophagus to identify it, upon touch the urn causes him to begin dancing.
    -the Dance lasts a full minute and brings him to a point of exhaustion. (1 point of exhaustion)
    -The Dao is asked about the trickster gods and mentions the minor gods were weak but strong in number and may be helpful in defeating Acererak.
    -She keeps her promise of gifts, giving the party two sapphire cords (1,250 gp each) that she wore in hair and a topaz belly-button gemstone (500 gp).
    -upon saying her goodbyes she casts a planar shift and a large portal opens behind her, and as she turns to the party describing a beautiful city, the party sees something much different appear within the portal.
    -As the voices fades off to frustration the group prepares to fight of a 1000 skeletons in the previous room.
    -clone Lisa puts on some studded leather, Zaan had recovered from a body down lower in the rooms .
    -the Slaad prepares two fireballs and sets the ablaze into the middle of the horde, the party walks closely behind it, with Zaan walking along the ceiling, which seems to be something new?

First Floor
  • -The party comes to the balcony area once again and heads up the stairs to the first floor.
    -The debate of direction they had not been in order to find a goblin skeleton.
    -to the east a wide hall ending with a giant stone skull crusted with moss juts out from the end of the passageway. A flame flickers within each of its eye sockets, and a view into a chamber beyond can be seen through its open jaws.
    -Zaan gets a bit close to peer through the mouth and notices the jaws of the opened mouth seemed to be hinged and could close.
    -So from the hall the room is examined. Skulls crusted with dried mud glower from niches cut into the walls of this tomb. A stone sarcophagus stands at the center of the chamber, its lid adorned with a coiled serpent carved in relief. Behind the sarcophagus, resting atop a marble pedestal, is an ornate crystal box with a small humanoid skull floating inside it. no goblin skeleton to be seen.
    -the group decided to head further north to check out the next room.
    -A long hall with carved birds soar across the walls of this corridor. Blocking the passage near its northern end is a large adamantine propeller with five sharp blades.
    -Zaan walking upon the ceiling and Lisa below, fan slowly begins to turn as the floor’s pressure plate lowers with Lisa’s weight.
    -Zaan continues on without the group along the ceiling.
    -A deep pit opens up at the entrance to this next tomb, with a stone sarcophagus resting at the bottom. A snarling monkey-like creature decorates the sarcophagus lid. Beyond the pit, three treasure chests sit on stone daises. The chest on the left is carved of black onyx, the middle chest is made of rusty iron, and the chest on the right is cast of silver and glistening with frost.
    -the treasure chest compels Zaan to investigate further.
    -He steps up to the rusty chest and it seems unlocked. He opens it and sees a key on the inside of the chest inserted to the lid. It is un-moving.
    -not wanting to risk the puzzle alone he leaves and returns to the group and the room with the large skull entrance.
Moa’s Tomb
  • -The immovable rod is placed on the jaw prevent possible movement.
    -Zaan crawls through and enters the room and a single flame in the left eye goes out.
    -The voice of a young girl echoes into Zaan’s mind: “What’s happening? Why can’t I see?”
    -a Bombardment of questions follow as Zaan explores the room.
    - • Where am I? How did I get here?”
    • “Why can’t I see anything?”
    • “Are you friends of my father? Is he looking for me?”
    -secret door to the north, short hall with steep stairs to a underground stream.
    -you discover the girls is Nepartak the 10-year-old granddaughter of Napaka, the last queen of Omu.
    -Zidlur enters the room, the second flame goes out.
    -the two open the stone sarcophagus which isn’t locked and they slide it open.
    -Inside, a bundle of faded cloth holds the serpentine bones of a jaculi, the trickster god Moa’s animal form. A staff of the python rests atop these remains.
    -The leave it be and ask Jilto Detect Magic on the sarcophagus, and the staff glows. (9:30a)
    -to best find the roaming skeleton they decide to split up.
    -Teagen enters the room and the skull attempts to close quickly, catching on the immovable rod.
    -Grabbing the rod as they go Lisa, Jilto, clone and the slaad head west towards the crate in the floor near the entrance.
    -Zaan and Zidlur begin down the stairs to the water as Teagan grabs the staff within the sarcophagus.
    -Green smoke billows from the staff, coiling around you like a serpent. A sibilant voice whispers in your ear: “Let me help you! I promise to be good.”
    -unable to fight its will, the shadow slithers into Teagen’s ear.
(Day 42, 9:35am Chult)
Tundrra TT:TableTop
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Lord HC 04.06.2014
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Re: [Spoilers] Tomb of Annihilation

Post by Tundrra »

Session 33
all present (Zaan late)

(Day 42, 9:30a Chult)

Underground Stream
  • -Teagan casts waterwalk on the party that took the underground stream (ritual) 9:45a
    -During that time Lisa and Jilto headed west towards the main entrance and grate above the under water stream.
    -Zidlur explores down stream to the east where it opens up to falls plummeting deeper into the tomb.
    -Lisa peers through the crystal glass window that is covered in creepers and vines clinging to the walls through it, you can see a dark chamber containing a sarcophagus and 6 thrones with figures sitting on them. No roaming skeleton.
    -Undergound the stream is dark and the party walks around the water to the west till the sounds of foot steps ahead further down the curvy corridor excites the group.
    -Jilto commands the slaad to open the grate with Lisa’s help, the skeleton runs past below.
    -Teagan increases the waterflows speed making it slower for the fleeing skeleton.
    -As Zidlur catches up to the goblin Skeleton it disappears into a thick cloud of stench.
    -Zidlur commands his snake familiar to enter the haze, finding a stairwell and the ending of the cloud on the other end, surviving without effect from the cloud.
    -Jilto comes down from above leaving Lisa, Slaad and Clone up top in the hall.
    -Jilto sending his owl in to explore the stair and to confirm any negative effects of the gas.
    -With no familiar deaths zidlur runs through followed by the party.
    -Zidlur tracks to skeleton to a small cave where water pours from cracks and seams in the rough walls of this cavern, whose floor is a muddy pool that flushes out into the tunnel beyond. Just above the pool’s surface, a large treasure chest dangles from rusty chains embedded in the ceiling.
    -Zidlur quickly puts a cross bolt the skeleton and with Teagan controlled water easily recovers the skull key.
    -Zidlur picks the lock on the dangling chest with a mastery attempt, unlocking it
    -With the help of Teagan’s water control the party drags the chest to the grate and the chest is elevatored up to the main hall.
    -The chest interior is lined with lead and contains 300 gp, a gold tankard embossed with a sad face that smiles when the tankard is filled (250 gp), and a stoppered bone tube containing a spell scroll of remove curse.
    -Jilto detects magic, and preforms identify rituals. (10:30a)
Jackal’s window
  • -With only one skull key left they head to floor 3 which is covered in purple mossy growth, upon stepping on the plants, eyes of all sizes pop up all over them.
    -At the base of the stairs is displayed another bronze sign and warning from Acererak.
    -Jilto explores a short hall to the north that dead ends at a huge carving of a snarling jackal’s head protrudes from the wall at the end of this corridor. A chamber is visible through the gaps between its fangs.
    -through the window Jilto sees four torches illuminate stone sphinxes crouched in the corners of this fifteen-foot-high room. The torches cast flickering light across hieroglyphs carved into the tiled floor. At the center of the room, a gold-inlaid funeral barge stands atop a three-foot-tall stone dais. Resting on the deck of the barge is a small golden sarcophagus decorated with horned rabbits. A dark shaft opens in the ceiling directly above the barge.
    -A slab of wall suddenly grinds upward to the east, and a dwarf wearing a turban and chain mail creeps into the tomb. He brandishes a shield in front of him as he treads cautiously across the floor.
    -A loud click sounds out as the dwarf steps onto one of the floor tiles. Then a deafening buzzing rises as locusts pour out from the mouths of the sphinx statues, quickly engulfing him. He tries to fight them off, to no avail. When the cloud of insects vanishes, nothing of the dwarf remains except its bones and gear.
    -With no goblin skeleton in the room with the dead dwarf the party decides to try the south hall.
Reflection room
  • -From there they find a crawl way and a room full of still puddles of water covering the floor of this fifteen-foot-wide hallway. The walls are slick with moisture and set with murals showing animal-headed humanoids in armor, most of which appear to brandish real weapons hanging on the walls. A three-foot-high crawlway in the east wall is flush with the floor. At the far end of the hall, a rippling, transparent curtain of water fills a stone archway. Beyond the curtain, you see another hallway that looks similar to the one in which you stand.
    -Jilto detect magic, illuminating the waters falls Clear water that forms a 1-foot-thick, 7-foot-high, 10-foot-wide curtain between the two hallways, radiating an aura of conjuration magic (11am)
    -Also 5-foot-wide, 8-foot-tall illusions of damp stone walls bearing paintings of hawk-headed female warriors radiate as illusions.
    -Behind the Illusion an 5’ alcove sit a crystal 1” sphere.
    -The party sends the Slaad through the falls with trident in hand and follows with their own tridents.
    -Another Sphere is collected from a matching false wall.
Lisa’s Shadow
  • -A door branch’s off from the hall and Lisa opens the door to this chamber containing a stone font filled with a steaming green liquid. Beyond it, a shadowy figure stands at an open door on the far side of the room. The figure’s back is toward you.
    -Lisa’s quickly recognizes a now familiar sight of her third self, before anyone can respond the crossbow firs shooting the replica in the back of the head.
    -Jilto detects illusion magic on the font (11:15a) however nothing is revealed to the party as the continue to investigate and try different things.
    -Further down the hall it dead ends The corridor ends at a block of stone on which is painted a seven-foot-tall jackal-headed humanoid with a circular gold medallion around its neck. All around the figure are carvings of locusts.
    -A peephole viewing area looks at the dead end revealing a dial under the medallion’s cover.
Chained Guardians
  • -Still in pursuit of the skull the party back tracked to the balcony.
    -As the party gathers Zidlur runs forward stepping over a chain in the middle of the hall, awakening two silent hulking figures standing in alcoves along this long hall, facing each other. Armor is bolted to their flesh, and they wear bucket helms and spiked gauntlets. Iron collars around their necks are connected by a spiked chain that stretches across the corridor.
    -The party jumps into action at the sight of these familiar foes.
    -As the attacks are focused on one of the guardians they both seem to become injured. The magical spiked chain that binds the guardians together no only prevents them from moving more than 15 feet apart. Additionally, it seems as long as the chain is intact, damage dealt to either guardian is divided evenly between them.
    -Zidlur spots their quarry to the North tomb where the goblin skeleton paces in front of a four-columned portico juts out from the far wall, beneath which a stone sarcophagus rests in a wall recess. Four ceramic frog masks hang in niches around the sarcophagus. Beneath the masks, humanoid bones are strewn across the floor. To the east, a large carving of a tentacled frog-monster squats above a shrine. Offerings lie on a shelf before it. Four rectangular frescoes adorn the adjacent walls.
    -Zaan collects the key and sees Jilto was inspecting a wall to the south and quickly points out the secret door seams.
    -The door opens revealing a golden skull resting on a pedestal in the middle of this small, dusty room.
    -The greedy look in Zaan’s eyes flare up and he picks up the golden skull, it becomes weightless in his grip and levitates before him.
    -This cursed human skull plated in gold is the remains of a fool named Yaka — an entertainer who once amused the royal family of Omu.
    -a endless chain of bad jokes spew from its mouth, following Zaan where ever he may go.
(Day 42, 11:40a Chult)
Tundrra TT:TableTop
*NOR/LD-High Council
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Re: [Spoilers] Tomb of Annihilation

Post by Tundrra »

Session 34
all present

(Day 42, 1130a Chult)

  • -With Yaka in tow the party heads down to the 4th floor through the center balcony.
    -Heading west past the blood hungry serpents sconces, past the painters and into the secret spiral staircase.
    -A awaiting Guardian stands near the bottom of the stairwell, guarding the stair from intruders.
    -Zaan attempts twice to knock him down the stairs, he exceeds on his second attempt, but not enough for him to go prone and catching its balance at the bottom of the stairs.
    -Exiting from the tower stairs to the docks, Teagan casts waterwalk on the group. 11:50a expires 12:50
  • -The Slaad is commanded to head west to distract the lurking Aboleth, and proceeds to stomp across the lake.
    -Heading east the party makes it way around the geared rooms, spotting tomb dwarves attempting to repair the damaged gears.
    -Teagan invisibles ahead and catches glimpse of Withers chanting and restocking the wards of conjuration upon the wardrobes.
    -Appearing from his place of hiding he wards off evil sending the dwarves running.
    -Withers resisting turns with a wall of fire, encircling Teagan, Lisa and a tomb dwarf.
    -Zaan came running through the flames arrows flying into Withers breaking his concentration.
    -Zidlur sneaks around the outside of room to ambush Withers from behind, but isn’t in time to stop the burst of lighting that streaks through his companions.
    -Withers falls moments later and Zaan loots a journal detailing the history of the tomb, his spellbook, and a raven skull necklace that Jilto identifies in the hall of rust as a Teleportation device.
The Seals
  • -The hag dolls meet the party at the base of the stairs, welcoming you back and warn that the witches were angry that their meal was stolen as they look at the clone Lisa.
    -The dolls offer to help knowing that the party doesn’t plan on leaving, and Zaan picks up Joho the monkey.
    -The one seal remains unlocked from the day before so the party heads up the stairs to unlock the additional seals.

    Trial of the Pentagon
    • -The door leading to the next room has a pentagon carved into it and opens up to a delicious aroma of spiced meat greets you. At the end of a twenty-foot-long corridor, a room opens up with red tapestries covering the walls. A feast is spread out on three tables, consisting of roast boar, squash stew, and a tray of iced cakes. Flagons of frothy beer complete the banquet.
      -A gaunt human male in a dusty black suit quietly arranges the items on the cake table, taking notice of your intrusion. Without a word, he gestures for you to come forward and sample the feast.
      -Zaan takes the advice of his spirit Nangnang and eats one of the delightful iced cakes.
      -The rest of the party shuns the buffet and searches for the lever hidden within the tapestries.
      -When the party leaves and the door is closed a crippling hunger falls upon the party with the exception of Zaan.
    Trial of the Triangle
    • -The door with a triangle carved into it. Opens to a five-foot-wide, floor-to-ceiling glass cylinder near the back wall of this room is filled with light, the source of which is not apparent. A tiny triangular hole is cut through the glass, five feet above the floor. Inside the cylinder, an iron lever is set into a metal plate on the floor.
      -A quick mage hand through the hole isn’t enough to budge the lever but with some rope and group pulls the party is able to pry the lever up.
    Trial of the Octagon
    • -Carved into the door of this room is an octagon. The ceiling of this plaster-walled room is fifteen feet high. A leather-backed tome rests open atop a wooden lectern bolted to the floor. Set into the wall behind the lectern are eight human skeletons, arranged so that they appear to be falling and screaming.
      -With caution the party stays in the hall, and mage hand the book to them.
      -The infernal written book is a nursery rhyme, and with the help of Joho, Zaan is able to read it out loud to the group.
      -A secret compartment within the lectern opens revealing the lever.
    Trial of the Square
    • -The final door has a square carved into it and the room is filled with flying sheets of parchment, with writing on the pages visible as they flutter by. A metal plate bolted onto the far wall is set with a ghostly lever.
      -Strawbundle had told them when they arrived that he could travel to the border ethereal plane, he sometimes has to communicate with the hags.
      -Zaan returns to the floor and carries him to the room and enters a foggy mirrored realm where the lever is solid and the rest of the world ghostly.
      -Jilto picks up the small clay no-face figure and his hunger disappears.
      -When Zaan returns to the balcony he sees the three hags surrounding Zildur menacingly and seconds later they phase into reality.
(Day 42, 12:40a Chult)
Tundrra TT:TableTop
*NOR/LD-High Council
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