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Post by Kyler »

Apparently somebody or a group of people have reversed engineered TESO and upon the NDA on the private testing group being lifted they revealed all of their findings on this site:

So far, ZOS hasn't said anything about it but it does reveal content that nobody has seen before...

For example, this is one of the Adventure Zones that was revealed to an in-house beta testing at their studios:

At this point, the only thing we know for certain is that they don't want us private testers streaming content on sites like Twitch just yet...

If this is indeed a case of reverse engineering, then I suspect this site will go down quickly...


Note: It's been over 24 hours since the NDA lift hence the reason why I'm posting this since they've expressed nothing about it...If that changes then I'll blank it out. However, I think the reason why they haven't taken action is because A) it only reveals locations and not the actual content and B) it spurs controversy about the game which most of the general public knows nothing about. In fact, I think most who view it won't even know what it is since they have said nothing about it yet....Yet they've encouraged us to talk about it to a limited degree...[insert confused face]
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Post by Roxanne »

I'm surprised (pleasantly) that such a site is up already. Since I use WoWHead as a quality site for information, I look forward to being able to have a good site for information at my disposal. Thanks Kyler!
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Post by HollyCNY »

Be careful if this is a Curse or ZAM site. I make use of both Curse and ZAM websites and I've run into a very unpleasant problem with my browser opening extra tabs non stop to various third party pages that attempt to CRAM all kinds of, I don't even know what to call it, onto my system. Two particularly annoying ones are an entire truckload of popups insisting that my browser be updated (even when it's the latest version), and one site that actually tried to FORCIBLY upload what it claimed, was some kind of video player or codec onto my hard drive-- it even opened a computer control, the kind that appears when you willingly click a download link, wanting to know what directory to save the file to... the only thing that stopped it was my antivirus program. Both Curse and ZAM administrators get extremely defensive and even insulted if you ask them about their having any kind of malware... but in the meantime, I've run Spybot, CCleaner and my security system (Panda Pro) several times and reported my computer is clean. Furthermore, these problems ONLY appear when I'm on a site that's run by Curse or ZAM. Soon as I leave those sites, my browser quiets down and stops giving me problems.

I don't know where else to get UI addons for Rift, WoW, and if ESO will allow them, I don't know where else you'll be able to get those, either. But don't trust either Curse or ZAM any further than you can throw them.
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