Revised Event Schedule!

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Revised Event Schedule!

Post by Windemere »


We've decided to change up the Guild Wars 2 event schedule to better reflect where we are as a guild and what makes sense to have as weekly organized events. The new event schedule will be:
  • Monday, 9pm EST: Guild Missions
  • Wednesday, 9pm EST: Dungeons
  • Friday, 9pm EST: Raid Team(s)
  • Sunday, 1:30pm EST: S.I.E.G.E
We have removed fractals from the list and added a guild mission and raid night. The reason for removing fractals is not due to lack of interest or priority, in fact the hope is that people run them more frequently. Fractals are relatively quick and easy to organize, and they have several daily missions. So rather than emphasize a specific night for them, we'd rather see people queuing together for daily missions on a regular basis.

We added the guild missions night with the hope that we can attempt some of the missions that require larger groups of people. We have had some good success with ad hoc runs on Sunday afternoons but have not tried setting aside a specific time. We hope that by doing so we can eventually get enough people who reserve a block of time on Monday nights that we can complete the missions recommended for 15+ players.

We decided to make Friday evenings our raid night based on feedback from the group composition thread. We will shoot for July 15th as our first date! If we don't have enough people who are raid ready, we will decide between filling slots with LFG or running some harder dungeon content, such as Ruined City of Arah or Twilight Arbor Aetherblade for team practice and fun.

Keep in mind that these scheduled events are done in order to help keep a rhythm for grouped content going. We highly encourage people to organize their own events, or feel free to ask for help running content that they're interested in doing!
Guild Wars 2: Windemere.6534

Image Windemere Gealaich Image
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