[Spoilers] Heroes of the North

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Re: [Spoilers] Heroes of the North

Post by Kermit »

Recap 085
3:23pm on 30th Eleint 1492
Tomorrow will be the holiday Highharvest Tide
· The group is at the Frog discussing what we can do to trap Baileryl on our plane.
· Friynaf explains she can’t see material plane since she has lost the use of her eyes, but she always see the ethereal plane.
· Ra goes and buy a new alchemy jug
· Zelldeb order a new 1000gp chalice from the apothecary, will be ready the next day
· The party then spend the night at the Frost Touched Frog and invite the town to party. Norm buys 30 bottles of wine, fills in a second spot in DR4FT and drinks the rest. Both him and Ra don’t sleep and party through the night.

HighHarvestide 1:
· Group gathers the chalice and gets on the road to Neverwinter. Uneventful
· Group completes a nightwatch. Norm and Ra recuperate from their exhaustion

Marpenoth 1:
· Second day on the road. Caeron cast Divination
Question: “When I use glyph of warding to set off magic circle, will it trap Baileryl”
Answer: “You will have all the proper ingredients to trap her, but cannot say if it will work”
· Friynaf cast locate creature – fail
· Friynaf cast commune.

Question: Is Baileryl a fiend? Answer: Yes
Question: Is her mission one out of her own making? Answer: No
Question: If her mission succeed, will Norm be dead? Answer: unclear
· We think she would be a Cambion or Succubus
· First watch if Gutbur/Friynaf.
o Friynaf see Baileryl at the edge of her ethereal vision. Gutbur and her approach and converse with her. Baileryl appears on the material plane and exchange of information is made,
o Baileryl wants to know how is Friynaf able to see her. She also wants Norm.
o Baileryl name she uses among her peers is actually Malavise and she is a succubus
o She actually has been tasked with finding Norm’s uncle at all cost as he has stolen something from them, they tried wiping out Norm’s kingdom but that wasn’t enough
o She doesn’t want to tell us what was stolen and who is her master
o She is now bored of tracking us and not being able to charm us / get Norm to get his uncle out, so she gives us an ultimatum. If we do not return what Norm’s uncle has stolen, or his uncle himself by the 1st of next month she will start killing innocent civilian that we know in Triboar.
o She then leaves
· We wrap up the night with Norm explaining more of his background story, how he disappeared. We also discuss that we have the whole month to pursue this as Friynaf can transport via plants and get the whole group to Triboar (or anywhere she hugged a tree) easily.

Morning Marpenoth 1

085 XP: 500xp session/rp
Players level 11:
Daesyrliniwich (Baiz): 87900+500=88400
Ma/ra (Kermit): 88334+500=88834
Zorroth (Zelldeb): 86780+500=87280
Norm (Ojike): 89559+500=90059
Bos’ke (Tundrra): 87466+ABSENT=87466
Caerdon (Lasarian): 89875+500=90375
Gutbur (Lasarian) 85000+500=85500
Friynaf (Stelmarri) 85000+500=85500
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Re: [Spoilers] Heroes of the North

Post by Tundrra »

Recap 086
Morning Marpenoth 1

After the long night of thinking about Malavise ultimatum the party makes their way towards Neverwinter where Norm plans to see someone at the Many Starry Eyed to help find his Uncle. The travel is quiet, other than the curious movements of Zorroth’s bag of holding and the Torokka Marionette card that has appeared in its place. On the evening of Marpenoth the 5th we arrive at the gates of Neverwinter.

The guards record our names and scam us with an Iron tax before entering the City. The weather is foggy but can we can make outs some of the points of interest like the floating sky islands which Gutbur is against staying in or visiting so we decide to head to the Driftwood Tavern for lodging.

Dark figures stand in the street ahead, with heavy hooded cloaks, other smaller figures begin to flank us from the side alleys. In our minds we hear repeatedly "Tell us where the Gith is." The party thinks back to the last encounter of Gith and there were survivors and clueless what the strangers want. Another mental message broadcasts "Keep the weak one alive for interrogation, kill the others." And a bombardment of mental blasts immobilizes most of the group as they stand stunned. Norm gets close enough to the the tentacle faced Illithads where he finds himself surrounded. With Gutbur feared and most of the party stunned, Norm is knocked unconscious and grappled by the mindflayer who begins to wrap its feelers around his head.

Zorroth sends out a massive group heal but when things start to look dire a olive skinned humanoid jumps down from the roof tops and engages the ithillid surrounding Norm. Friynaf launches straight lines of death by sunlight against friend and foe alike to weaken the enemy and turning the tide of the battle. Once the final Mindflayer is dead the halflings drop instantly. A quick search of the dead reveal the halflings have had chunks of their brain missing hidden under their hoods, making them pawns in the Mindflayers battle .

The Gith apologizes saying “I may have been the cause for your attack, if we could go some where more quiet I will explain everything.” The Driftwood Tavern is close by and the party moves on wanting to avoid the Neverwinter guard and to see what this stranger as got them mixed up in.

…to be Continued in Discord …
086 XP: 2542 xp Mindflayer battle
Players level 11:
Daesyrliniwich (Baiz): 88400+ABSENT=88400
Ra (Kermit): 88834+2542=91376
Zorroth (Zelldeb): 87280+2542=89822
Norm (Ojike): 90059+2542=92601
Bos’ke (Tundrra): 87466+2542=90008
Caerdon (Lasarian): 90375+0=90375 has left the party.
Gutbur (Lasarian): 85500+2542=88042
Friynaf (Stelmarii): 85500+2542=88042
(LVL 12 =100,000)
Tundrra TT:TableTop
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Re: [Spoilers] Heroes of the North

Post by Tundrra »

Recap 087
Date: Wednesday, Sep 13th 2023
Marpenoth 5th 6:30p in Neverwinter.

The questions to Janara begin to die down, but Norm seems almost to giddy with the knowledge of seeing red dragons in Tu-Narath, the Githyanki city, which we will be going to tomorrow. With that we sleep for the night with some errands in the morning, first to the Hall of Justice where we claimed the reward for disbanding the cult of Myrkul and Ebondeath.

Next stop Cloak Tower the home of the Many Starry Eyed and where Norm spent some time after leaving Uluvin. The receptionist confirms if Norm’s uncle is wearing a amulet then the only way to use divination would be to cast it on a possible companion he may be with. They offer to research their books with his name and information which Norm hesitates giving up. However he tells then about his uncle the abdicated king of Uluvin, Sebastion Tarklinn. Norm asks specifically to look for any adventure groups he may have been part of, they say to give them an hour to research. After a bit of party shopping the receptionist returns with an list of members Sebastian adventured with. Specifically of note was a dark haired human evocation wizard from the world of Oerth, Emirikok The Chaotic, that one was on their watch list.

The final stop before leaving Neverwinter was the House of Knowledge where Gutbur confirmed the information that Janara had told them about the Githyanki city and Boske had follow up questions about finding a Baelnorn. They say they are mostly extinct but possibly one could be found under the Grandfather Tree in the HighForest where there are unexplored ruins. Also information is researched about the conch shell Gutbur had, the one that goes to the Storm Giant city of Maelstrom. The city should not be hostile to small folk if we were to use the portal device. Before the morning ends we end up back in the Driftwood tavern for a Heroes Feast and off to the floating dead god city of Tu-Narath.

Janara creates the gateway across the astral sea where we find ourselves in a teleportation circle in a small shack. The party put on cloaks to help hide their gear and blend in and we enter the junk yard they can the District of Discards. The Githyanki seem to be quick to steal and loot from worlds but grow bored with the items and they get thrown out here where scavengers sort through looking for goods. We are here to find Yingyong, a Imp looking being specializing in selling the secrets of the dead. With no clue where to start looking we ask one of the scavengers, a hobgoblin who says to ask ”Naivara she knows everyone, at the shattered dream tavern” but he corrects himself about the tavern part. It turns out alcohol sells are illegal here so finding the tavern might be a little more tricky, especially since none the buildings are labeled.

It doesn’t take us long till we find someone deep in their drink coming down the road, grabbing one of the bottle’s Ra brought along we were able to trade it for an escort to the well hidden speak easy. The place is crowded with everyone but Gith. Boske approaches the bar with a gold coin placed asking for the whereabouts of Yingyong and things begin to turn south, till Ra steps in. “We need the Berbalang to uncover some drink recipes from an old dead relative, etc,etc” she seems to buy the cover and tells us he was picked up by the Githyanki and taken to the Bonesaw Bunker. Shortly after she makes Janara as a Githzuri and says we should of led with that and gives the impression she is an ally.

Continued in Discord…
087 XP: 500xp for rp session
DM Talolan
Level 11 Players:
Bos’ke (Tundrra): 90008+500=90508
Daesyrliniwich (Baiz): 88400+ABSENT=88400
Friynaf (Stelmarii): 88042+500=88542
Janara (Korram): 2542+ABSENT=2542
Gutbur (Lasarian): 88042+500=88542
Norm (Ojike): 92601+500=93101
Ra (Kermit): 91376+500=91876
Zorroth (Zelldeb): 89822+500=90322

<LVL 12 = 100,000>
Tundrra TT:TableTop
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Re: [Spoilers] Heroes of the North

Post by Tundrra »

Recap 088
Date: Wednesday, Sep 20th 2023

Marpenoth 6th 4:22p in Tu-narath.

The party leaves Naivara and the Shattered Dream Tavern to an abandoned building next door. There they discuss their best way of freeing the Berbalang from the Guard Station, before he is taken to the Queen. Gutbur uses Clairvoyance on the Bonesaw Bunker to determine its layout and inhabitants and with that information we head across the District of Discards. The trip consisted of a Githyank skiff patrolling from above and a Beholder watching the street. “Man I hate the guy,” is the overall sentiment of the people. Janara says "that is probably our way out, we will want to go to docks and steal a skiff after we get Yingyong," referring to the flying airship.

The bunker is adjacent to the Military District and as we get closer the clutter of the Discards begins to slow but there is still a high contrast between the city zones. We find a close by abandon building which seems common for the district and Ra directs a message to where Yingyong is behind held stating that “the Githzerai are here to rescue him and to be ready”. Norm takes all the precautions, disguises self, greater invisibility and then casts dimension door in and out with the Berbalang in tow.

We remove his gag and ask him what he knows about the vessel. He tells us how he came by the information but holds onto the important stuff till he knows he is safe. So we head towards the docks with pass without trace to help hide our movements. Norm casts nondetection on Yingyong, hiding him from divination. As Ying talks to the group he only responds to Boske and Ra, because they are the only ones who had previously died, ignoring all others. 2 hours pass before the sirens of the city go off!

Friynaf casts Divination to ask "What is the safest route and safest boat" the reply "is to go under the pier.” Entering a drainage crate we end up upside down walking on the arm of the dead god the city is built on… gravity works weird on the astral plane. Accessing the small skiff only takes moments and we find ourselves flying away from the Githyanki city. Yingyong tells us of a dead sailor he spoke with, which told him “while transporting things to Titan's End the place contained a great treasure of the queen". The sailor had tried to sell that information and it got him killed.

45 minutes into floating on the Astral Sea Norm hears a roar coming from behind. A young red dragon being ridden by a Githyanki were gaining on us quickly. Ra summons a white draconic spirit and Janara maintains course as the party readies spells and weapons for the pursuers to come within range. The yanki magically jumps from the back of the dragon to the center of the ship and Janara drops control of the ship and engages. The red dragon blasts everyone on the deck with a fire breath blast, as Ra's spiritual dragon engages with it. Highly out number both the dragon and yanki fall quickly.

The spirit dragon drags the carcass onto the deck where it is harvested for its rare items and the Githyanki Knights's sword and gems are placed in the bag of holding. Friynaf casts speak with dead on the Githyanki before Ying can get the opportunity to and we learn riders were sent in all directions from to city to look for the escaped prisoner and no one else was sent in our direction. So we feel we can safely continue our voyage towards Titan's End. There are 2 ways we can proceed, one route has strong physic winds blowing and the other is a dream field.

088 XP: 2514 per player.
Young Red Dragon, Githyanki Knight (x3)

For getting Yingyong out of lockup with a clever plan, and using divination to find a path to the skiff I gave you XP for 2 extra Githyanki Knights.

DM Talolan
Level 11 Players:
Bos’ke (Tundrra): 90508+2514=93022
Daesyrliniwich (Baiz): 88400+ABSENT=88400
Friynaf (Stelmarii): 88542+2514=91056
Janara (Korram): 3042+2514=5556
Gutbur (Lasarian): 88542+2514=91056
Norm (Ojike): 93101+2514=95615
Ra (Kermit): 91876+2514=94390

<LVL 12 = 100,000>
Tundrra TT:TableTop
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Re: [Spoilers] Heroes of the North

Post by Tundrra »

Recap 089
Marpenoth 6th 20:52p in the Astral Sea Dream Fields

Sailing along on a skiff in the Astral Sea we see twinkling lights in the distant ahead. The lights are small bubbles, within are dreams, most dreams happen in the astral sea. When the bubbles burst on the side of the ship images explode from them sending Ra on a bubble bursting frolic. A house sized bubble slams into the skiff and we find ourselves not ourselves.

We all wake up laying on our backs with the need to find the golden torque (a forged necklace) for our king, and no other memory is known to us, we all have become someone else. Ahead in the distance is a tower, the torque must be within. Each of us have a special skill and as we progress towards retrieving the necklace each choice either leads to furthering our quest or our death. Upon death we awake lying on our back again, trapped in some Barbarian’s recurring dream, until we find our way to the Torque. Once the quest is complete we find ourselves waking on the deck of the skiff fully rested even though only 4hrs had passed.

Titan's End, a orange speck in the distance can be seen, "thats where we are going" says Yingyong. As we approach the speck appears to be a 200' spartan helmet, with wires dangle from below, its surface is covered scars. The object is more than a helmet but a full construct head. Yingyong askes for his payment now that we have arrived at the promised destination, so Fryinaf removes the curse. He closes his eyes and concentrates on his Planeshift ability…it doesn’t work, he says “back up! back up!” and he continues to try, eventually 3000 yards from the helmet he successfully plane-shifts away, there seems to be a Forbiddance spell protecting the area.

It appears the eyes are the only openings, so we make a heading to its base to look for another entrance. 3 psychic harpoons shoot from each eye at us towards us but stop once we make it under and behind it. We leave the ship behinds its head and walk on the helmet’s surface along the side to the left eye. Friynaf summons her bloodhawk spirit animal and sends it in to investigate. Behind the harpoons is a cargo bay full of crates and junk, the party enters and heads towards a tunnel that’s goes up and down.

Just before reaching the passage a mechanical panther jumps out and attacks with a stunning roar. The construct hits hard and is immune to psychic damage but goes down after a few rounds of combat. The passage behind him allows us to go up into a domed chamber. After some investigation it appears to be the flight control room, Janara could drive it and it’s even faster than our small skiff. Boske leads us back and down the south tunnel, through the round portals which open and close as doors. This southern door leads to a circular chamber that has ruddy bronze tiles on the floor and ceiling, and walls of bronze beaten into a rippling pattern. A sunken section of the floor accommodates two benches and a table. There are several bronze doors leading from this room, as well as a wide doorway filled with blotchy grey flesh, pulsing with greenish veins. Three Githyanki, and a black abishai watch as we stand in the doorway.

Marpenoth 7th after midnight Titans End
089 XP: 3000 per player.

DM Talolan
Level 11 Players:
Bos’ke (Tundrra): 93022+3000=96022
Daesyrliniwich (Baiz): 88400+ABSENT=88400
Friynaf (Stelmarii): 91056+3000=94056
Janara (Korram): 5556+3000=8556
Gutbur (Lasarian): 91056+3000=94056
Norm (Ojike): 95615+ABSENT=95615
Ra (Kermit): 94390+3000=97390

<LVL 12 = 100,000>
Tundrra TT:TableTop
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Re: [Spoilers] Heroes of the North

Post by Tundrra »

Recap 090
Marpenoth 7th after 4:36a Titans End

Githyanki see us at the portal door and command “Come down so we can talk, we don’t get many visitors.” The party cautiously complies and Boske plays along pretending to be only tourists of the Astral Sea looking to explore interesting things floating in the expanse, they don’t believe us. The four have us surrounded so Friynaf summons a Wall of thorns in a ring keeping the strongest one trapped within the circle with us. The Abishai is left with the Githyanki knights on the outside of the thorns, the Abishai casts a darkness onto everyone in the center of the wall making it hard for the Kith’rak and party trapped within. The knights move through the painful brambles and blindly swing at those in reach. They all hit hard wearing down Janara and Norm, finally the Abishai makes it into the darkness and is not impaired by it. The Kith'rak yells it to "drop the darkness" but the command is ignored. Norm gets knock out hard and falls to the floor. Friynaf casts a mass cure wounds to everyone waking him back up. Once on his feet a hatred towards the Abashi is visible across his face and he casts his own wall... a blinding light wall destroying the darkness and the light zigzags around the party hitting each of the enemies. The Kith'rak dies instantly and Norm takes his action surge on the Abishai destroying what remained.

The final yanki falls shortly after and the party takes time to search the bodies and sleeping quarters. This final lower chamber has one additional room with a large glowing chrysalis, within is a 16-year-old Githyanki girl, Friynaf senses her to be a innocent. She hasn’t had any non Githyanki visitors before and she points excitably at each of us... human... halfing... gnome... etc. Her common is terrible and she can't keep up with our fast common conversations. The Githyanki girl essentially is a princess locked in a tower, trained in etiquette and courtly dance and not much else. She believes that after Vlakith dies, she would be the new ruler of the Githyanki people. Janara wants her to die for the greater good denying Vlakith additional power and fulling her duty. Janara and Norm both make their argument that there was nowhere they could take the Vessel that the Lich Queen couldn't find her. By now Friynaf as cast "Hold Person" on the girl and mid-debate gives Janara a go. The Githzuri swings her powerful fists and Boske jumps in the way taking the punch instead, but Janara continues swinging. Norm approaches, Boske hoping for assistance but instead hears "forgive me Bahamut" and Norm critical strikes the held girl putting a quick end to her. Ra and Boske are mortified and Ra saying "there had to be another way."

Norm states and reveals to everyone else he is to be kinged soon. Rulers must make tough, impossible, decisions. The weight of the guilt of this does not sit easy on his shoulder, but will it be a strong reminder should the choice to take an "innocent" life come in front of him again. Either entering the Vessels room or shortly after an alarm had been set off. A message over the airwaves asks for one the Githyanki to head to the control room. We head upstairs to the control room and the screens display a large creature making its way towards the Titan's End, it is an Astral Dreadnaught and is approaching fast. Janara sits at the helm to fly us out but a enter password for planeshift message appears on the screen. So we head quickly outside towards the skiff. The guns are ready on the dreadnaught but it is still out of range. Janara starts to pilot the skiff straight back keeping the Titans End between us and the Dreadnaught. Shortly after explosions begin erupting as the cannons make contact and then a massive boom as the head explodes. We are not noticed right away and make it outside the range of the anti-plane shift, where Janara is finally able to planeshift us … poof … we are back on Toril.

It is very early morning here and we are mile out of Triboar. It is decided to take a long rest before heading to the Frost Touched Frog in the late afternoon. When we arrive the Wifflesprings are not tending the tavern, but sitting at the table is a woman of the Southern nation of Calimshan and Dorn Stonewood. The newcomer says she is Cher Koremew and is headed to Mirabar. Boske is suspicious but fails to tell whether or not she is lying. Friynaf senses the same and steps out of the tavern with Janara and begins a ritual to detect fiends and other unworldly things. More small talk and questions are asked as our suspicions grow. “Dorn where is your wife and child?” He is acting love sick and carefree of his family and we are now for sure this is Bail…Malavise. Cher tells Dorn to “go fetch the Wifflesprings and your wife.” Ra quickly disenchants the charm on Dorn, Cher again commands "do as i said go fetch the Wifflesprings and your wife" Dorn leaves towards our bedrooms and returns with the gnomes and his confused and upset wife.

Malavise now stands before us where Cher once was, “you were not gone very long, I assume your plan is to follow me to the Ethereal plane with the Gith and kill me? why?” ... “As of now only I know who you travel with Ezekiel (Norm) I have told no others, but if you kill me, I will go straight to the others and tell them how to find you.” “I have done no harm to you, I have not killed any of these villagers as i have promised, why kill me?” A lengthy discussion is had by Norm and Malavise and we learn that Vallis is not only is an object but some sort of portal or gateway to a another place and Malavise wants to go there. Norm's uncle had stolen Vallis with the help of his old adventuring party from the ninth level of hell, only 2 members still live Norm's uncle and Emirikol the Chaotic. Malavise says she will find the powerful wizard that summoned the Archdevil Geryon, the one that had razed Uluvin and the one responsible for kidnapping his betrothed. Norm tells her to leave Triboar and he will continue to look for Vallis and they will meet in Uluvin to continue the arrangement. Malavise transforms back into Cher Koremew and leaves behind a scroll where she had been at the bar, an excerpt “Ermirkol's Guide to Devils”. Janara thanks Norm and planeshifts away.

Marpenoth 07, 1492 15:21:47
090 XP:
4175 xp Githyanki Battle (Bos'ke, Norm, Friynaf, Janara)
1000 xp Session (Ra)

500 xp Attendance XP (Friynaf and Boske) 10/11 game called due to attendance.
1800 xp 9 sessions of back dated bookkeeping xp (Boske)
200 xp for BookKeeper (Boske)
100 xp Read XP (Norm, Boske, Ra)

DM Talolan
Level 11 Players:
Daesyrliniwich (Baiz): 88400+ABSENT=88400
Friynaf (Stelmarii): 94056+500+4,175=98731
Gutbur (Lasarian): 94056+ABSENT=94056
Janara (Korram): 8556+500+4,175=13231
Norm (Ojike): 95615+4,175+100=99890
Ra (Kermit): 97390+LATE+1000+100=98490
Level 12 Players:
Bos’ke (Tundrra): 96022+500+200+1800+4,175+100=102797

<LVL 12 = 100,000>
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Re: [Spoilers] Heroes of the North

Post by Tundrra »

Recap 091
Marpenoth 07, 1492 15:21:47 Triboar at the Frost Touched Frog

The party spends the rest of the day reading about succubus, discussing the best route to Ululvin and making arrangements for maintenance on the Frog while they are away. A few purchases are made and then one last long rest at the Frog. The next couple days of travel south take us through the Foot Hills of Dessarin Hills, Westbridge (town), and the Sumber Hills. Friynaf and Gutbur run off ever so often to hug the trees when they can, but over all the travel has been fast and safe the first night.

The next night at camp six travelers stopped asking to join our camp. They had been coming from the same direction as us. Two were still out hunting and they offered to share their kill with us when the others return. Their clothes match things for sell in Triboar and they were all unarmed which was odd for travelers in this area ... making Boske a bit suspicious. Eldrin Swiftstride is the oldest member of the group chatting with us, his brother Barron Swiftstride heads up the hill and begins digging a hole to dress the kill when it arrives. The group has come from melton, headed south to where it is warmer. They have been clearing out the Shar temple and deconsecrating it, Norm gives them his Nightbringers mask and the Shar hilt to be destroyed at the House of the Moon.

The two hunters, both younger woman come back with a deer on one shoulder and boar on the other, the animals show no signs of bow or weapon... only broken necks. Even more suspicious Boske offers to help field dress them. Sarafine heads over to Friynaf asking "Elk tribe?" her response "I cannot see you, you can go away." She turns to her bones to get a feel for this group of strangers. A while later Seraphine approaches Gutbur for another attempt of small talk and notes "Bloodhawk?" and they talk about the tribes and the Red Tiger tribe, which had killed members of their family. Gutbur reports that the Red Tigers have been punished and how they were under the control of a hag and tells of Gutbur's Great Adventures. They talk of the Gray Wolf Tribe, the most feral, are werewolves which adds to Bos'ke's paranoia. Barron Swiftstride talks with Gutbur about the Oswin Spear and Gutbur confirms we are them, and they are impressed. Barron has a tattoo of Selune on the back of his hand and says, "They will not be back till spring, but if you need the "Crescent Claw" send them a message".

The large group prepares for a long rest, and Boske alerts Gutbur of his concern they might be Lycan. One from each group help with watch and choose to do so away from the camp itself. During Norm's watch he spots a large cat stalking the country side but finishes watch without issue. Gutbur and Lyana sits down for the final watch and Gutbur asks what the significance of their name “Crescent Claw” she states they are WereTigers and follow Selune, hunting the followers of Shar, and evil followers of Malar. In the morning the Crescent Claw ran along beside our mounts till we reached Red Larch.

Most of the party stays at the Red Larch Inn where they dine. Boske asks Ra about access to a water breathing spell and Friynaf assures them she knows such spell. As the party splits up for the night to their rooms Norm sneaks off to pay amends to some of the destitute people of the small town...looking for redemption. Gutbur and Friynaf sleeping out of town in a empty caravan area, the night has a heavy fog cover. Sounds of hooves and a wagon can be heard approaching. A colorful wagon and old woman of silver hair, pulls in near them and asks if it was good for her to camp here. Turns out she is Vistani and travels the mists. She was in Lamorda last, a Domain of Dread. Over food and drink they share stories and in the morning she is gone looking for warmer weather.

Along the Cairn Road Gutbur asks Norm “what do we expect once we reach Uluvin” and a better under of his new deal with Malavise. We get about a half a day out from the Bargewright inn when the sun begins to set and the party prepares camp. In the middle of the night Norm makes out five low rumbling voices and one higher in the darkness. Flickers of their torch light can be seen headed towards our fire. Norm awakens the group and we see large cyclops tossing a small Modron or robot like DR4.FT between them. Boske shouts to drop the little guy as he misty steps at the approaching group while Gutbur runs to catch up. One of the Cyclops chucks the Modron at Gutbur in response. One of the cyclops has a glowing eye which shoots forth a lightning bolt at the melee, while another throws large stones at those standing at camp…

Marpenoth 11 (late night) camp off Cairn Road
091 XP: 0 session xp
100xp Reading (Friynaf)
200xp Bookkeeper (Boske)

DM Talolan
CoDM (Korram):

Level 11 Players:
Friynaf (Stelmarii): 98731+100=98831
Gutbur (Lasarian): 99999+0=99999
Norm (Ojike): 99890+0=99890
Ra (Kermit): 98490+0=98490

Level 12 Players:
Bos’ke (Tundrra): 102797+200=102997

<LVL 12 = 100,000>

Daesyrliniwich (Baiz): 88400+LOA
Tundrra TT:TableTop
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Lord HC 04.06.2014
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Re: [Spoilers] Heroes of the North

Post by Tundrra »

Recap 92
Marpenoth 11 (late night) camp off Cairn Road

The battle continued with the Cyclopses who had been tossing the little robot around. Heal Mage Nine dispenses heals through various powders and sprays and has a small flying flask called Ivy that help deliver the various remedies and enhancements. Once the final Cyclops fell we hear a roar from the west quickly incoming from above are three chimera's land with their Lion, dragon and goat heads looking to eat the cyclops’s scraps. Multiple sprays of fire breath cover those in close range to the beasts. However with HM9s heals and Friynaf’s thorn walls the party stays safely engaged with the monstrosities. When the last chimera attempts to flee by flying away, Boske pursues with his cloak of the bat allowing him to fly above it and drop down on its back and plunging his sword deep.

Introductions of Heal Mage Nine and his companion Ivy, are made. They had been in Kryptgarden forest exploring when the Cyclops group picked him up like a ball. The party offers for them to travel with us to Uluvin for as long as he would like. His creator is named Wafflesprocket and it recognized as a rock gnome name but not from any gnomes near the Kyrptgarden region. Travel was uneventful the next couple days till just before midnight when a shadow flew above the night’s sky. Landing thirty feet from the camp stood a Ancient Black Dragon, Voaraghamanthar. Voar thanks Oswin’s Spear for creating a power vacuum in Kryptgarden Forest by eliminating Old Gnawbones and Ebondeath. For our service he will allows us to live, but if we ever enter the forest again then it is certain death. After his speech he takes flight and leaves.

After a short travel montage we reach Starhaunt Castle in Uluvin, the home of Ezekiel “Norm” Tarklinn. Lord Eravien Haund is the representative of the Lords Alliance and is running the kingdom while Norm was away. He has a lengthy list of topics to discuss with Norm starting with his coronation date, which is 20 days away. Haund has been gathering news about the attack, he was previously stationed in underdark studying demon activity there. He as learned that the ritual for the summoning had taken place to the west but has been to busy to a fully search. Ambassadors of the Lord Alliance, Emerald Enclave, and Order of the Gauntlet are all in Uluvin and are waiting a audience with Norm, Haun arranges the most urgent one to be seen in the morning.

The next day Norm and party meet in the throne room to see the Emerald Enclave. Laela Greenwhisper (Tabaxi) and Talon M oonshadow (wood elf) are concerned with the Herd lumber company cutting down huge amounts of the great forest at a rate that is to quick. They suggest that in Keldo, there is a druid circle whom can help pick the trees that will best help the forest and be cut down safely ... in return they can magically enhance the local farms. Norm decides to go to Dord Herg at the Lumber Company instead of requesting him come to the castle. Before departing the castle Lord Haun asks to deputize the party and the gang heads to town to do some shopping.

Marpenoth 15 morning.
092 XP: Road to Uluvin Experience
Characters: Bos'ke, Friynaf, Gutbur, Heal Mage 9, Norm, Ra
XP for Weretigers = 250 for Everybody except HM9
XP for Witch = 100 for Gutbur and Friynaf
XP for Cyclopses = 3538 for Everybody except Ra
XP for Cyclopses = 1633 for Ra
XP for Chimeras = 1380 for Everbody except Ra
XP for Voaraghamanthar = 150 for Everbody except Ra

200 xp Bookkeeper (Boske)
5000 xp Halloween In-charater Costume (Gutgur, Friynaf, and Norm)

DM Talolan

Level 12 Players:
Bos’ke (Tundrra): 102997+5318+200= 108515
Friynaf (Stelmarii): 98831+5418+5000= 109249
Gutbur (Lasarian): 99999+5418+5000= 110417
HealMageNine (Korram): 100000+5068= 105068
Norm (Ojike): 99890+5318+5000= 110208
Ra (Kermit): 98490+1883+ABSENT= 100373

<LVL 13 = 120,000>
Tundrra TT:TableTop
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Location: Bloomington, IN

Re: [Spoilers] Heroes of the North

Post by Tundrra »

Recap 93
Marpenoth 16th 10am

Before setting off to find the summoning circles that brought Geryon and his army to our plane that had invaded Uluvin, Friynaf preforms a divination. "We are looking the circle of summoning." the bones responsed "It is blocked to me." Lord Huand calls for a scout to help us on our search and Daevenalim "Daeve" Rheintaphean (Ojike) joins the party. Norm is worried about missing additional meetings and insists at staying in the castle. While there he spends some time in the library reading through reports and books to help Boske. One report of note was about the Maelstrom, the Kracken Society, had been involved in the king-napping of King Hekaton of the Storm giants which led to some of the royal family being killed.

The party spends most of day traveling West of Uluvin reaching the first search spot at 4pm. We split up to begin searching, afterwards Friynaf and Daeve report they had found a large trampled area where something marched through from further west. The night is peaceful and quiet, so when morning arrives Friynaf casts commune with nature, looking for influence of another plane of existence and it pulls her to the west. As we get closer to the area we get the hibby jibbies, but it all looks normal except that the grass is shorter and the ground is depressed. We believe this was the secondary summoning area for the much larger army. However signs of another smaller group marching in from the west are also found. We continue towards its route and after traveling some miles Friynaf cast commune with nature again sensing to the NW a structure of undead hidden within the low hills.

The location is built within the natural stone of the rocky hills with doors and vents carved into it. The plainest door we believe to be the back entrance is where we decide to breach. Inside we are greeted by a poison spewing zombies and dwarven paladin skeletons. Ra’s chaos is more harmful than usual as he spews a fog throughout the room blocking sight to all as the battle ensues. Boske creates a cyclone around him pushing most of the fog away from the bulk of the group. As we finish clean up another chaotic burst streaks out from Ra’s finger tips striking Friynaf with a magic missile.

All the undead were dwarven and after some additional investigation they are confirmed as Duergar. We continue in further west where we find a minecart with a pulley system attached. The door leading to the south is opened and reveals a skeleton…

Marpenoth 17 1pm
092 XP: XP for everybody (Daeve, not Norm):
500xp -Searching Cleverness
1266xp -2 Skeletons, 3 Zombies
-Total XP: 1766 each

200 xp Bookkeeper (Boske)

DM Talolan

Level 12 Players:
Bos’ke (Tundrra): 108515+200+1766= 110481
Friynaf (Stelmarii): 109249+1766= 111015
Gutbur (Lasarian): 110417+1766= 112183
HealMageNine 105068+1766= 106834
Norm (Ojike): 110208+0= 110208
Daevenalim (Ojike): 0+1766= 1766
Ra (Kermit): 100373+1766= 102139

<LVL 13 = 120,000>
Tundrra TT:TableTop
*NOR/LD-High Council
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Record: http://newoutriders.org/wiki/index.php?title=Tundrra
Lord HC 04.06.2014
Squired SWG 03.21.2004
Recruited SWG 12.12.2003 by Baron Brambt
Location: Bloomington, IN

Re: [Spoilers] Heroes of the North

Post by Tundrra »

Recap 094
Marpenoth 17 1pm Firehammer Hold

Gutbur had just opened the door to the forge where a skeleton was waiting. Most of the group piles in cornering the lone skelli between the wall and stone forge. Friynaf still in the previous room is attacked by a wraith that had floated through the wall. She turned into a Great Tree while the others finish off the paladin skeleton and run to her aid. These rooms like the rest of the Hold are bare of information, however Daeve finds a hidden door to the graffitied living quarters.

After dispatching a couple wights that were lurking within Friynaf was able to decipher the desecrated some of the runes that Haela Brightaxe was the dwarven goddess of luck in battle, this hold seems to be dedicated to her. Another secret passage leads to the dining room and lounge which are being haunted by more wraiths and zombies. Malavise seems to be scrying on our progression through the dungeon, chiming in after each encounter. Ra's chaos magic is becoming more frequent as Flumphs begin appearing and group members become poisoned and missiled from side effects of his wild magic.

After several small battles a short rest is called for, where we spend some time talking to Malavise. She says she is scrying on us on the behalf of Norm and is able to relay some information about the Hold. Norm researches what we tell him in the library and determines we are in Firehammer Hold a temple to the goddess Brightaxe from a time period of 400yrs ago. (more Malavise conversation in Discord...) Once rested we continue to head west through the double doors of the dining hall and into another short hall, where T intersection is revealed. To the north is a statue and to the south is a stairwell up and a closet full of undead…

Marpenoth 17th 15:04 1492DR Firehammer Hold
094 XP: XP for everybody (Daeve, not Norm):
Skeleton Champion: 1800x2=3600
Wight Champion: 2900x2=5800
Zombie Plague Spreader: 1100x2=2200
Wraith: 1800x3=5400
Total: 17,000 / 6
XP Per Character: 2833

Gutbur, Ra, Friynaf and Bos'ke +1 piety each
200 xp Bookkeeper (Boske)

DM Talolan

Level 12 Players:
Bos’ke (Tundrra): 110481+200+2833 = 113514
Friynaf (Stelmarii): 111015+2833 = 133848
Gutbur (Lasarian): 112183+2833 = 115016
HealMageNine 106834+2833 = 109667
Norm (Ojike): 110208+0= 110208
Daevenalim (Ojike): 101766+2833 = 104599
Ra (Kermit): 102139+2833 = 104972

<LVL 13 = 120,000>
Tundrra TT:TableTop
*NOR/LD-High Council
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