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Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 3:19 pm
by Lakasha
I see there are a bunch of addons for Rift. Are there any that people would highly recommend?

Re: Addons

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 6:32 pm
by Lakasha
Well I grabbed a few but it seems that the game just won't find them. I followed all the steps. I am thinking it has something to do with running Windows 7 and having the game installed in Program Files..

Hoping I don't have to reinstall the whole game.

Re: Addons

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 6:44 am
by Imaultis
It isn't window 7. I'm using that. This is where I have my addons loaded: C:\Users\Owner\Documents\RIFT\Interface\Addons

There aren't any Addons I couldn't live without. Probably the only 2 I use on a consistent basis is "Rift Meter" and "Dimension Toolbox". I also have loaded Carnage book, DBsMiniCoords, and Quest_Finder.

Re: Addons

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 3:07 pm
by Lakasha
Yeah that is where the folder is for mine as well only it isn't' seeing them at all :(

I tried letting the game create the folder and refresh etc.. but nothing. I am thinking it could be because I installed into program files rather than a different directory, I know Windows 7 is picky about stuff like that.

Re: Addons

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 4:23 pm
by Imaultis
Check to see that your addons are not saved one folder too deep. Often when you extract an addon it will create a folder that the actual addon folder is inside.

Example. I just dl an AH addon. It extracted it to a BananAH-0.4.10 folder. Inside that folder is another folder called BananAH. This addon wont work unless I move the BananAH folder up one directory to the addons directory. Possibly this is where the error is occurring.

When you get to the character select menu, click the addons button at the bottom and be sure your addons are listed. If they aren't listed here and enabled you wont see them in the game:(