Tower of Nightmares

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Tower of Nightmares

Post by zallis »

Trailer ... 2GWu7egr4A

The newly formed Toxic Alliance consisting of krait and nightmare court showed themselves with shattering of the illusion hiding their massive tower in Lake Leviathan, Kessex Hills.
A portion of the tower, cant get the whole thing on screen
A portion of the tower, cant get the whole thing on screen
With a large portion of the land corrupted by the toxic spores coming from the base of the tower, the people there are struggling to fight off the Toxic Alliance invaders. Marjory Delequa, the private investigator and her lovely assistance Lady Kasmeer are heading the investigation. Soldiers need to find a way to invade the tower and get inside. Marjory has a plan.
Kessex Hills map, now corrupted
Kessex Hills map, now corrupted
New mission: You help the seraph fight off the Toxic alliance and save Marjory and Kasmeer, you learn about the tower.

New achievements: A page of achievements has been added for the update, holloween is still available
A portion of the new achievements page
A portion of the new achievements page
New Events: Destroy the Toxic Alliance towers sprouting up around the map, gain new currency for completion that you can use to help marjory create an antitoxin, or on a new vendor which will sell you a few things including a new skill
Tower event in Kessex Hills
Tower event in Kessex Hills
Transcribe the Obelisks: There are 25 obelisks around the world. These obelisks are what the krait believe will be the vehicles that their prophets will use to descend from the heavens then proceed to take over the world. You must find the obelisks and transcribe them all for a 5 skill point reward and an achievement, as well as lore information.

New Enemies: Toxic Alliance members have taken control of some of Kessex Hills! These glowing krait and Nightmare Court have new mechanics. When you kill a Toxic Sylvari, they go into the downed state much like in PvP, and the Toxic Krait try to heal them. You must "Finish Them" before they are revived. These new enemies appear in the new events, story mission, and spawn naturally in the areas around the tower.
Toxic Sylvari in the downed state as well as a player using "Finish Them"
Toxic Sylvari in the downed state as well as a player using "Finish Them"
Toxic Krait
Toxic Krait
New Vendor: Once you give Marjory Delequa 50 toxic spores obtained through doing things in the patch, you will unlock her vendor page. She sells recipes, a new skill, and temporary finishers.
Marjory Delequa's vendor page
Marjory Delequa's vendor page

New Skill: For the first time, ArenaNet added a new skill to the game. It is a all classes healing skill that cures poison, torment, confusion, and toxin. You can get this skill from the vendor mentioned above.
New skill in use
New skill in use
c3aae01-Antitoxin-Spray-196x124.jpg (8.56 KiB) Viewed 279 times

New Meta Rewards: The meta achievement will reward you with a krait obelisk shard for your home instance next to your candy corn node and quartz node if you have them. Once a day you can gain a skill point from this shard, and also fuse quartz shards like you normally would at a place of power.
Obelisk in human home instance
Obelisk in human home instance
a2d9102-Krait-Obelisk-Shard-196x124.jpg (10.43 KiB) Viewed 279 times
My Thoughts
After playing this for a small time, doing the mission and some events, checking out everything else they have, I can say this is one of my favorite updates as far as the atmosphere goes. It reminds me a little bit of whatever map WoW has with Tauren Mill in it. The sky being darker and the air clouded with spores is immersive. As far as the content, I can tell you right now with 95% confidence that the next update will expand on this, continuing the story, opening up the tower as a dungeon. Right now, you do events, collecting the new currency to spend ( I will find the vendor and put a pic up). When you go to Kessex for the first time, you automatically go to the mission instance, which is good the first time because it lets you know what is going on before being introduced to the actual map where players could spoil something or you start fighting Toxic Alliance before you have been introduced to them in the mission. However, you must do this mission with every character you go to Kessex Hills on. It isn't super long, and the reward is pretty decent, giving you 5 Toxic Spores (currency) and 3 champion bags.

After the mission, you spawn in a camp near the tower. Upon walking out of the camp, you will probably see events nearby, and Toxic Alliance walking around, attacking NPCs. I think it is fun, it will really all come together once the second half releases in two weeks. From the teaser art it looks like Scarlet is involved. For those of you who haven't been around for the living story, Scarlet is the main villain behind everything that has happened so far. Is this where we finally kill her?
Next patch teaser art
Next patch teaser art
Other Screenshots
Guild Wars 2
Zotash- Guardian- 80
Zerouff- Ranger- 80
Zink Xevadrill- Necromancer- 80
Zallis- Thief- 80
Zaladoru- Engineer- 80
Zuveras Bristlevine- Elementalist- 55
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