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Blizzard Previews Kun-Lai Summit

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 1:34 pm
by Talolan
You’ve learned about the sprawling Jade Forest, the sun-soaked plain of the Valley of the Four Winds and the inhospitable jungle of Krasarang Wilds. Now we explore the majesty of the Kun-Lai Summit. We recently sat down with Dave ‘Fargo’ Kosak, World of Warcraft’s Lead Quest Designer, to talk about this new location.


Re: Blizzard Previews Kun-Lai Summit

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 1:59 am
by Lakasha
I take it they are doing a series of previews prerelease or?

Re: Blizzard Previews Kun-Lai Summit

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 9:45 am
by Talolan
Lakasha wrote:I take it they are doing a series of previews prerelease?

Re: Blizzard Previews Kun-Lai Summit

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 4:43 pm
by Tygir
was fun place to quest in the beta

Re: Blizzard Previews Kun-Lai Summit

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 11:38 am
by Talolan
Kun-Lai is the largest zone in MoP I believe. You start by saving a village, and then you recruit Pandaran to your faction (alliance/horde), and build a new village with them. AFter that you'll get directed to 4 different quest hubs that spread out across the zone. I've done 1 of the four. But after doing that 1, I found 2 more "off the beaten path" hubs.

I'm not done with this zone yet. So I can't say more.

Re: Blizzard Previews Kun-Lai Summit

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 9:24 am
by Talolan
Finished this zone now. Its changed slightly since the beta.

There is a chain of 4-5 quest hubs in this zone that are completely separate from the main storyline. Most of it has to do with the Grummles being attacked and abducted by Hozen. It was pretty fun. And the final "event" of that chain is very fun.

The highlight of the main storyline is the section involving Lorewalker Cho, your constant guide. Not spoiling anything but the Zandalari (the oldest most powerful tribe of trolls) have united with the Mogu in their quest to retake Pandaria. If you go back to patch 4.1, the Zandalari reunited the Troll tribes in the upgraded Zul'Aman and Zul'Gurub. With the Zandalari in Mists, I saw Gurubashi (Zul'Gurub), Amani (Zul'Aman), Drakkari (Zul'Drak) and Frakkari (Zul'Farak) trolls.