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Guild Wars 2 EXPANSION trailer and 75% off

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 4:33 pm
by zallis

teaser trailer

Today, the first expansion for GW2 has been announced at PAX. A lot of cool stuff is coming, including "Guild Halls". The base game is only like 10 dollars right now so pick it up if you want to see how the game has evolved since launch (and it has). No release date yet

We will get:
-Guild Halls
-New Class: Revenant
-Class Specializations: Example, Rangers will now be able to become Druids
-New "Mastery System" allowing you to learn to use gliders better, learn languages that will give you access to special areas, fight monsters more effectively, and craft unique things.
-New Zones in the maguuma jungle
-new PVP game modes

Re: Guild Wars 2 EXPANSION trailer and 75% off

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 11:42 am
by Soulfinger
Any idea if this expansion is going to be free to owners of GW2 or if it's a paid expansion? I assume it's something you have to pay for since that's why they'd discount the base game. I didn't see any mention of that in their press releases...

I think GW2 is a really fantastic game, especially for the casual gamer... so much to do, and so easy to participate in the world events.

Re: Guild Wars 2 EXPANSION trailer and 75% off

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 6:08 pm
by zallis
I think it is a paid expansion, but obviously there still isn't gonna be a subscription to pay after that. They will probably do some sort of deal too where you can get the xpac and the game for like 20 dollars off or something. I hope this brings the game back into the spotlight and people come back to see what has changed. Some of the stuff they are talking about are really interesting ideas.

Re: Guild Wars 2 EXPANSION trailer and 75% off

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 7:51 pm
by Roland Wiggin
Hopefully the expansion isn't a ful $60. But this may get me back into GW2. If only I didn't have to sleep, then I could play all the mmos I wanted to.

Re: Guild Wars 2 EXPANSION trailer and 75% off

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 8:52 pm
by Soulfinger
Roland Wiggin wrote:If only I didn't have to sleep, then I could play all the mmos I wanted to.
MMOs nothin'... so many other things too. For any that like a really good RPG, Divinity Original Sin is a great game - similar to the old Baldur's Gate games. My backlog on Steam and PSN is HUGE! Work... sleep.... eat... family... game... unfortunately that has to be the order. With maybe work in the wrong place, but whatcha gonna do?

Re: Guild Wars 2 EXPANSION trailer and 75% off

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 11:16 pm
by Roland Wiggin
Don't even get me started on the list of all the books I want to read. I got half way through Divinity and had had my fill. I really want to play the Legend of Grimrock 2. It's like a first person Divinty with some puzzles.