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Road to Dragonflight and Beyond

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 9:57 pm
by RJC9000

So we're currently baking the GuildHall 8. Methinks that the Market 4 is the next priority for the Dragonflight Armor (and for Robb, Ziek, Rabbit, and Nem to get their Stamina/AP Wards/Drains).

We currently need Tedium of the Dragon junk and Surplus Equipment. For those two problems, I propose a revival of an old solution: Revive the Guild Donation runs.

If I recall, back when our AD coffer needed a lot of AD, Tyr, Tundrra, Nors, Phel, Kermit, and Gina + Paul (I may be wrong) suggested the idea of Guild Dungeon Donation runs. We picked a quick dungeon to run through and any Salvage + Loot was tossed into the Mimic.

How does AD get turned into ToD stuff and Surplus Equipment?

S. Equips: Transmutes from Castle Never (Ruined/Ancient Castle).

Reasoning: Somewhat cheap to get and yield a lot for our coffer.

While I am unsure if this is a bug or not (nothing on the Preview as of 3/21/16), the old Ruined/Ancient gear can be turned into a Purple/Epic Equivalent level donation to the Stronghold. They do cost a fair bit (5k apiece) but I am unsure if there's any other cheap/cheaper

ToD: Dragon Gems and Dragon Bone.

Reasoning: Cheap(ish) Coffer junk which yields a lot towards the ToD coffer.

The components for the Golden Dragon weapons are dirt cheap. Or much cheaper than they used to be. They yield 250 towards the ToD coffer with the only other currency yielding more being the Linus Favors (which are rare and a literal boon to get). Otherwise, the team needs the Pages/Coins/etc. for their boons. (While you can use Genie's Gifts to create extra currency for donation, you may as well give the Gifts to your alts).

Now what do we do AFTER we hit Market4?

My suggestions is as follows:

Market 4 -> W. Workshop 4 -> Mine 4-> Lumberyard-> 4 -> Quarry 4 -> Farm 4 -> Mine 4-> Guild Hall 9 -> (Insert Boon Structure Here 1-4)

After Market 4, we have no other urgent upgrades. Ideally, we'd want to make progress towards Guild Hall 9 for the new boon Structure.

Guild Hall 9 requires 7 Rank 4 Structures. Unless the Guildhall itself is one of the 7 structures needed, we need one more building at Rank 4. I suggest planting a Warehouse (+x% More Coffer capacity) since all the other production plots (Farm/Quarry/Mine) we already have. As for the order of the other structures, it's to alternate what Campaign Currencies the coffer needs so we aren't totally exhausting the coffer supply for each upgrade.

As for the boon structure itself. I think our poll once stated we wanted the W. Workshop/Expl. Guild/Temple/Stable.
Which one to pick though?

I recommend either the Barracks (my choice) or Stable.

I personally feel that the Barracks should be our top priority with Stable being the alternative.

The Explorer's Guild provides no tangible benefits over the Barracks. While the Ex. Guild can give us the way to Mastercraft, Mastercraft itself has a very low cost to reward ratio and its boons are all lackluster (+% Gold Bonus, Control Resist At Rank 3, Group Stat bonus Rank 5).

Compare the Barrack's XP/Power (Rank 3)/Incoming Healing (Rank 6), which gives bonuses to recruits and Veterans alike at a mere Rank 4. Even the Stables Provides an all around bonus at Rank 4. Defense/ArmorPen (Rank 3)/Mount Speed Bonus(Rank6).

Which one you guys pick is up to you guys.


-Get Market to 4
-Do Guild Dungeon Runs to buy Dragon Bones/Gems (for ToD) and/or Ruined/Ancient Castle Transmutes (for S. Equip)
-Upgrade Other Structures to 4
- Pick up the Warehouse if needed
-Upgrade Guild Hall to 9
-Get the Barracks for the Boon Structure

If you have any questions, I can answer them.

Re: Road to Dragonflight and Beyond

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 11:28 pm
by bluebutton
Also for surplus equipment, we can make crates with many professions (not leadership or jewelcrafting, probably just the ones that make gear for various classes)

Those of us with profession mules up to rank 20 have access to lvl 17 crate tasks. There are also lvl 23 tasks as well as lower tasks.

I discuss this here: ... 454#p33441

Re: Road to Dragonflight and Beyond

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 11:53 am
by Phelaia
In general, Hector, I think your plan is sound.

I have 5 toons that each have 3 professions at 20+, another 5 at Leadership 20. It takes no work for me to generate crates of surplus equipment. CN is not a cakewalk for those of us under 2800 item level, so I wouldn't bank on us getting too many Ancient Castle pieces just yet. Like eDemo, we'll get to the point where CN is no longer frustrating, but across the guild, we're not there yet. A lot of us have mains that did enough along the ToD campaign to make the Golden Dragon stuff, and we can certainly use our mules to generate crates on a daily basis.

Between the Barracks and Stable, I would go with Stable. It may not be that hard for melee classes to get to 60% armor pen, but it's actually quite hard and expensive for caster classes to get much armor pen just from gear. Power, on the other hand, is easily available in most gear even for the casters. I think more people would benefit from extra armor pen than from extra power.

Re: Road to Dragonflight and Beyond

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 12:32 pm
by bluebutton
Phelaia wrote: Between the Barracks and Stable, I would go with Stable. It may not be that hard for melee classes to get to 60% armor pen, but it's actually quite hard and expensive for caster classes to get much armor pen just from gear. Power, on the other hand, is easily available in most gear even for the casters. I think more people would benefit from extra armor pen than from extra power.
I vote for Stable. Same reason but for my GF & OP. Had to work my tail off to get to 40% ArPen.

Re: Road to Dragonflight and Beyond

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 2:15 pm
by Ziek88
Mmmm troll drains. In all seriousness though, the dragonflight armor is pretty exciting and have access to it will give real meaning to all this dragonslaying we're doing. For market 4 I suspect we'll be in good shape for ToD stuff but I like your idea as it will be an issue again. Great idea for the surplus equipment as well. I must agree with stables with Phel and Blue though. I did not know what each one gave before but armpen is a beautiful thing for me and is hard to come by.

Re: Road to Dragonflight and Beyond

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 7:13 pm
by RJC9000
Phelaia wrote:In general, Hector, I think your plan is sound.
A lot of us have mains that did enough along the ToD campaign to make the Golden Dragon stuff, and we can certainly use our mules to generate crates on a daily basis.
Actually, anyone can get the Golden Dragon components.

The two I was thinking about (Dragon Gem + Dragon Bone) can be bought off the AH. (aka: you can buy and donate the Dragon Gem/Bone regardless of the ToD campaign progress).

Likewise, transmutes can be bought off the AH. (ie, go do a VT/MC runthrough, salvage everything, buy transmutes, toss into coffer for loads of surplus Equips).