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League of Legends - Guildie Summoner Name List?

Posted: Fri May 13, 2016 11:21 pm
by Dr Frankenheket

The Doctor here, a fairly new member of NOR from the realm of Guild Wars 2! I noticed we have League of Legends listed as a nomad realm, but it looks like on the forum-side things are pretty quiet. Does NOR have a sizable league of legends player base? And if so, how might I get in touch with them/you?

I for one used to play league fairly regularly, but prefer to do so with a group and haven't had one lately. If there is a group I would be able to fit into though, that would be very cool :D . If not, if there is interest in forming one I would be happy to try starting it up!

My summoner name is RageAge, I am a jungle main and favorite characters are Zac and Shyvana, but I tend to play a wide variety of champions after I'm warmed up. I ranked gold the last few seasons, but I'm up for playing with people of any skill level so long as nobody minds that matchmaking gets a little wonky when your MMR is far apart. Good company is more important to me than winning :D

Re: League of Legends - Guildie Summoner Name List?

Posted: Sun May 15, 2016 9:09 pm
by yavool
Hail *NOR/! Dr Frankeheket,

We have a small group of NORbies that play. The play is intermittent and comprised mostly of the Ramnoth Clan (the kids and me). I will invite you to our group in-game (look for an invite from yavool). :)
