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5E: Sigmis (Fire Genasi Fighter)

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 10:27 pm
by Talolan
Image from Lord Tundrra.
Name: Sigmis Scaldor
Race: Fire Genasi
Background: Far Traveler
Age: 42
Skin: Red
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Gold

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Personality Traits:
I have different assumptions from those around me concerning personal space, blithely invading others' space in innocence, or reacting to ignorant invasion of my own.

Adventure. I'm far from home, and everything is strange and wonderful! (Chaotic)

My freedom is my most precious possession. I'll never let anyone take it from me again.

I have a weakness for the exotic beauty of the people of these lands.

Character Notes:
Sigmis was raised as a slave by an Infrit (fire djinn) named Novis. Sigmis mother was another fire elemental duke, Blyze, but her clan and Novis' fought, and after whiping out Blyze's army, Novis enslaved the survivors, including the infant Sigmis.

Sigmis fought in Novis' arena as a combatant for many years, and repelled invasions from the elemental plane of air as part of the standard elemental fire army.

A human nobel named Ronaz purchased Sigmis from Novis for a monumental sum. Shortly upon returning from the elemental plane of fire to Faerun, Sigmis murdered his new owner and claimed his freedom.

Basic Backstory:
Since arriving in Faerun, Sigmis used the only skills he had, working as mercenary and sellsword. He has traveled the length of the Sword Coast and visited the inner wilds of Faerun as well. He was fighting, and earning coin, but he found little camaraderie and a deep longing for any kind of family.

He is looking for a purpose in the world.

Character Information
-Novis cannot stand when anybody touches his possessions. So much as reading one of his books around the camp fire will send him into a rage. Living for 35 years without personal possessions of his own.
-Because he was enslaved as an infant, he has no memory of his mother, the slain djinn Blyze. He also has no knowledge of who his human father is/was.
-Due to his time fighting in an arena, Sigmis prefers to disarm his opponents whenever possible as it is the easiest way to win a fight.
-Despite being a genasi, Sigmis has come to hate fire elementals and their callus disrespect for life.
-Sigmis's greatest pleasure is a cool spring rain, which he didn't feel until after gaining his freedom.

Character Goals
-Sigmis is looking for a place to belong. He's looking for lasting frindships or family.
-If possible, he'd like to find out who his father is/was.

Character Secrets
-Novis considers the death of Ronaz at Sigmis's hand to be breech of contract. As such, he believes that Sigmis is still his property. At this time he has not done anything about that. Sigmis is unaware of this fact.
-Sigmis says that he is a worshipper of Lathander, god of the dawn and new beginnings, but every night during his prayers, he prays in priomordial to his mother.

-Sigmis has many friends still controlled by Novis, other genasi, djinn, dwarves, etc. He would love to help them, but has no desire to return to the elemental plane of fire ever again.
-While working as a mercenary Sigmis met a man named Kolfax. Kolfax helped team him the customs of various peoples in Faerun and give him the general lay of the land. Kolfax was killed in battle, and Sigmis sends money to his widow every other month, anonymously.
-Ronaz was a slave trader opperating out of the far south of Faerun. His family is actively searching for his killer, and have obtained the name of the slaves Ronaz purchased from Novis.

-When Sigmis was just 8 years old he started training in arena combat under Novis' orders. The first creature he killed was a defenseless, subdued duergar. The memory of his has kept him from exploring or even entering the underdark, or traveling near known entrances.
-When Sigmis was 17 he won his first battle in the arena. His opponent was not another enslaved gladiator, but the champion of a trade caravan that had come to the City of Brass in the heart of the elemental plane. This champion was a half-orc with tremendous skill with a blade. He has shattered Sigmis's shield, and done him grevious wounds before Sigmis managed to disarm him, quite by accident, but shooting him through the hand with his short bow. After this battle, he started training more heavily with the bow.
-After killing Ronaz, Sigmis wandered for several days without meeting another person. When he did finally come across another person, it was a kindly old shepard tending his flock. He fed Sigmis, and gave him a map of the surrounding area. A few days later Sigmis boarded the village's trade caravan heading for the town of Triboar, many days ride away. Sigmis moved with the caravan from Triboar to Neverwinter. He thinks about the shepherd often but he was so disoriented with the travel that he can't remember where he was from, and can't find his way back.

Class: Fighter
Sub-class: Battlemaster
Ability Scores: STR (13), DEX (15), CON (16), INT (13), WIS (10), CHA (8) — Fire Genasi Bonuses applied: +2 CON, +1 INT
Skills: Insight, Perception, Acrobatics, Athletics
Languages: Common, Primordial, Dwarvish
Tools: Bone Dice, Smith's Tools

Background Feature: All Eyes On You
Your accent, mannerisms, figures of speech, and perhaps even your appearance all mark you as foreign. Curious glances are directed your way wherever you go, which can be a nuisance, but you also gain the friendly interest of scholars and others intrigued by far-off lands, to say nothing of everyday folk who are eager to hear stories of your homeland.

You can parley this attention into access to people and places you might not otherwise have, for you and your traveling companions. Noble lords, scholars, and merchant princes, to name a few, might be interested in hearing about your distant homeland and people.

Starting Equipment:
-Chain Mail
-Great Sword & Longbow
-Two Handaxes
-Explorer's Pack

Level 1:
HP: 13 (10 + CON mod)
Class Feature: Fighting Style - Archery
Class Feature: Second Wind

Level 2:
HP: 22 (13 + 9)
Class Feature: Action Surge

Level 3:
HP: 31 (22 + 9)
Martial Archetype: Battlemaster
Archetype Feature: Combat Superiority (Maneuvers: Disarming Attack, Precision Attack, Pushing Attack)
Archetype Feature: Student of War (Smith's Tools)

Level 4:
HP: 40
Class Feature: Ability Score Increase - +1 STR (14), +1 DEX (16)

Level 5:
HP: 49
Class Feature: Extra Attack

Level 6:
HP: 58
Class Feature: Ability Score Increase - Feat: Sharpshooter

Level 7:
HP: 67
Archetype Feature: Know your Enemey

Level 8:
HP: 76
Class Feature: Ability Score Increase - +2 DEX (18)

Level 9:
HP: 85
Class Feature: Indomitable

Level 10:
HP: 94
Archetype Feature: Improved Combat Superiority

Level 11:
HP: 103
Class Feature: Extra Attack (2)

Level 12:
HP: 112
Class Feature: Ability Score Increase - +2 STR (16)

Level 13:
HP: 121
Class Feature: Indomitable (2)

Level 14:
HP: 130
Class Feature: Ability Score Increase - +2 DEX (20)

Level 15:
HP: 139
Archetype Feature: Relentless

Character Sheets:
Level 1