5E: Gimble (Gnome Ranger) **Bonus Faction**

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5E: Gimble (Gnome Ranger) **Bonus Faction**

Post by Talolan »

Thanks to Lord Tundrra for the image.
Name: Gimble ‘Badger’ Ningel
Race: Forest Gnome
Background: Faction Agent (The Unbroken Scroll)
Age: 59
Skin: Light Brown
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Brown

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Personality Traits:
I quote (or misquote) sacred texts and proverbs in almost every situation.

Nothing can shake my optimistic attitude.

Power. I hope to one day rise to the top of my faction’s hierarchy. (Lawful)

I will do anything to protect the faction where I serve.

I put too much trust in those who wield power within my faction’s hierarchy.

Story Notes:
Gimble is a member of The Unbroken Scroll, a homebrew faction of elite librarians detailed at the end of this post.

Basic Backstory:
While growing up in his forest home near the elven nation of Evereska, Gimble stumpled upon an ancient ruin. While exploring this ruin, which was thankfully free of monsters, he discovered the lost tomb of a long dead Wizard. When returning to his village, it met with a local Wizard who passed the book along to the Unbroken Scroll. A scrollseeker came to Gimble that day and invited him to join the group as a scrollseeker himeslf.

Gimble served with this scrollseeker, a human named Tarn Hormule, for around a decade before setting off on his own.

Character Information
- Rather than follow most scrollseekers into wars and conflict looking for imperiled books, Gimble has followed another path in the order. He hunts for lost works in ancient ruins.
- Despite not being a classic scrollseeker, Gimble still finds valuable and sought after books for the order, and has a modest and growing bank account in Waterdeep.
- Gimble has a trained giant owl pet named Hoots. Hoots will serve Gimble as a mount, but will not engage in combat, nor will it fly into obviously dangerous situations.
- Gimble owns a home on the far outskirts of Daggerford. While he is away a portion of his scrollseeker paycheck is redirected to the maintenance of said home. Hoots can find his way back to his nest at the Gimble home and the locals recognize him the owl.

Character Goals
- Long Term: Retire as a scrollseeker and lead the council of the Unbroken Scroll.
- Find the Book of Exalted Deeds

Character Secrets
- Gimble has collected several books on “little folk” lore and history that he hasn’t returned to the order.
- Tarn is nearing retirement and has purchased the home next door to Gimble’s. Gimble hasn’t been home in a few months, so he’s unaware of this fact.

- Tarn has been Gimble’s best friend for 15 years, since initiating him into the order. If necessary the two will always come to the defense of each other in times of danger. They love to swap adventure stories in the taverns of the Sword Coast.
- Relmax Beesting is Gimble’s “literary agent” in the order. Gimble turns his finds in to Relmax, and Relmax pass him leads on ruins that may contain worthwhile books.
- The Red Wizards of Thay are not fond of the Unbroken Scroll. Gimble has run afoul of a few Thayan Wizards when retrieving books that they were seeking as well, and they wouldn’t mind if Gimble failed to return from one of his expeditions.

- Walking through the woods one fall evening, Gimble came upon a cave, the opening of which was nestled underneath an overgrowth of tree roots. None of the ‘big’ races would have had any chances of finding it, so even the elves of the area weren’t aware of it. Upon entering the cave, and following it for a few hundred feet, he saw that it opened into an underground ruin of an old, pre-elven civilization. While searching through this ruin, he came across a book in a script he didn’t recognize and hurried to the surface. A local wizard identified it as a spell book from the markings and drawings, but the language was unknown to either. The wizard turned the book over to a tall, handsome human in his 50’s named Tarn.
- News spread through the Sword Coast that the Lost Mine of the Phandelver had been found by a small band of adventurers. Interest piqued, Gimble headed to the mines and met with the current rights-holders, Gundren Rockseeker, his brother Nundro and their cousin Tundrra Hammerstone. He learned of the adventurers that cleared out the cave, and that a stubborn Wraith named Mormesk was still holding some old books in his dilapidated house. After some work, and the help of the 3 dwarves, Gimble convinced the Wraith to give up his vigil and move on to the next phase of his existence. Wave Echo Cave had been reclaimed, and his time guarding its secrets could pass. Gimble collected many histories and research journals from the cave.
- While taking a vacation from seeking, Gimble went camping by himself in the woods outside of Neverwinter. Sleeping in trees, and generally avoiding the undead that had come to plague the wood, he was getting back to nature in a way he hadn’t since his childhood. While talking to some squirrels, he caught wind of a goblinoid raiding party. The goblins had brought down a giant owl, and had it trapped under a net while they tried to build a cooking fire in the light rain of the season. Gimble distracted the goblins with a swarm of squirrels and picked them off one by one. When they lay dead, he freed to owl and tended to his wounds. The owl became his fast friend.

Class: Ranger
Sub-class: Hunter
Ability Scores: STR (8), DEX (16), CON (13), INT (14), WIS (14), CHA (10) — Forest Gnome Bonuses applied: +2 INT, +1 DEX
Skills: Nature, Animal Handling, Insight, Perception, Survival
Languages: Common, Gnomish, Halfling, Dwarvish
Languages from Favored Enemy: Goblin, Draconic, Giant
Tools: None

Background Feature: Safe Haven
As a faction agent, you have access to a secret network of supporters and operatives who can provide assistance on your adventures. You know a set of secret signs and passwords you can use to identify such operatives, who can provide you with access to a hidden safe house, free room and board, or assistance in finding information. These agents never risk their lives for you or risk revealing their true identities.

Starting Equipment:
-Leather Armor
-Shortsword (x2)
-Explorer’s Pack
-Scroll Pin
-Unbroken Scroll Field Guide

Level 1:
HP: 11 (10 + CON mod [1])
Class Feature: Favored Enemy (Humanoids: Goblinoids, Kobolds — Bonus Language: Goblin)
Class Feature: Natural Explorer (Forest)

Level 2:
HP: 18 (11 + 6 + 1)
Class Feature: Fighting Style (Archery)
Class Feature: Spellcasting

Level 3:
HP: 25 (18 + 6 + 1)
Class Feature: Ranger Archetype (Hunter)
Class Feature: Primeval Awareness
Hunter Feature: Hunter’s Prey (Horde Breaker)

Level 4:
HP: 32
Class Feature: Ability Score Increase - +1 CON (to 14), +1 DEX (to 17)

Level 5:
HP: 40
Class Feature: Extra Attack

Level 6:
HP: 48
Class Feature: Favored Enemy Improvement (Dragons, Language: Draconic)
Class Feature: Improved Natural Explorer (Grassland)

Level 7:
HP: 56
Hunter Feature: Defensive Tactics (Multiattack Defense)

Level 8:
HP: 64
Class Feature: Ability Score Increase - Feat: Athlete (DEX to 18)
Class Feature: Land’s Stride

Level 9:
HP: 72

Level 10:
HP: 80
Class Feature: Natural Explorer Improvement (Mountain)
Class Feature: Hide in Plain Sight

Level 11:
HP: 88
Hunter Feature: Multiattack (Volley)

Level 12:
HP: 96
Class Feature: Ability Score Increase - +2 DEX (20)

Level 13:
HP: 104

Level 14:
HP: 112
Class Feature: Favored Enemy Improvement (Giants, Language: Giant)
Class Feature: Vanish

Level 15:
HP: 120
Hunter Feature: Superior Hunter’s Defense (Evasion)

Character Sheets:
Coming Soon

Bonus Faction: The Unbroken Scroll
** I stole this faction from Reddit.

Seekers of Endangered Books
The Unbroken Scroll seeks to preserve knowledge that otherwise might be lost. Members are most often found traveling to lands in turmoil to save their written legacy, or transcribing oral histories from the elderly. Less often, they are found secretly preserving knowledge that some would rather see destroyed.

- History and knowledge are always worth the danger
- Neutrality is the key to our survival, we will not interfere with a region beyond saving their books
- However, when our information may aid in stopping tragedy we will secretly send it through an intermediary

Typical Quests:
- Find a book they are seeking out, or a person they want to interview for their oral history transcriptions.
- If the party is trusted by a member, they may be asked to infiltrate a dangerous place to recover a tome of evil magic, or records that show the cruelties of a powerful ruler.
- A party may be hired to secretly bring information from their archives to someone who needs it.
- Alternately, a patron could hire a party to take back a book from a Scrollseeker or The Carrels.

Books are returned to The Carrels, where people can pay a fee to search for knowledge with assistance. Because of their collection philosophy, the reading room has extensive materials on extinguished kingdoms and war-torn lands, not much on peaceful regions. The secretly collected works that would be more controversial are kept in a heavily guarded and trapped basement under an alehouse in the same city, The Dancing Giant.

- Access to forbidden knowledge and the scholars who pore over it
- A steady paycheck for full time Scrollseekers

Scrollseekers These are the hardy adventurers who have taken up the call to find the people and books the Unbroken Scroll seeks. A field squad will usually have several fighters or magic users with them to provide the muscle, and a scholar to identify valuable finds and take down transcriptions.

Archivists These scholars are usually at The Carrels, unless out on assignment. As archivists become more advanced and trusted in their tenure, they gain access to the books in the secret basement archives. Within the Archivists, most have a specialty like history, magic to preserve the collection, or once very trusted, forbidden arcane knowledge and how to counteract it.

The ruling council of The Unbroken Scroll is made up equally of Scrollseekers and Archivists who have dedicated their life to the organization.

Size, public visibility, reputation:
Members of the Unbroken Scroll are public, but are regarded a little warily by most. Common folk see them as a sign of dark times, as they head for places of strife to collect knowledge that might be wiped out by war or famine. Rulers (or their underlings) are often concerned that the Scrollseekers will turn up damming materials. Most will not publicly act out against them, but people with secrets to keep may hire mercenaries and assassins. Due to the rigorous nature of their vetting process, this is a small, exclusive organization.

“Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope.” - Dr. Seuss
Official Dungeon Master of your dreams.
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