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Guild Bank Guide & Info!

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 7:06 pm
by Zyera
[NOR] Guild Bank Guide & Info!

The NOR guild bank is for members ranking Squire and up! The top tab is used for Guild Hall and Scribe donations and the other two tabs are for members!

To find a Guild Bank NPC, look for this icon! --> Image
Wiki Link For Locations:

Top Tab - Guild Stash

This tab is for donating towards Guild Hall Upgrades & Scribing Materials. The Scribe crafting profession is used to make Guild Hall Decorations, WvW items, Guild Items such as Banners and more!

Second Tab - Treasure Trove

This tab is for all NOR members! It is usually filled with dyes, bags, minis and other helpful items! Feel free to take what you need, but do not take all the items as this is shared with the whole guild! The NOR bank is funded by donations!

If you'd like to take a part of a stack- This is how you split stacks:

To split a stack in two, Alt+Click and drag the item to an empty inventory space. A dialog will prompt you to enter the quantity for the new stack.

Third Tab - Deep Cave

This tab is also open to all Squire and up! The top is filled with Meta food and Cat food and the bottom section is used for crafting materials.