[spoilers] Smash Monday

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Re: [spoilers] Smash Monday

Post by Tundrra »

Recap 051
Kython 16th 1p Ironstaff Toilets

The surprise attack from the ooze hits through Dimbel's shield and Sofija smashes the ooze spraying the acid onto thing near by. Her maul quickly becomes useless as it begins to erode from the corrosive substance. As the ooze gets pummeled it splits in half, into two smaller oozes and then Darkness. Zagri shouts “I fear Chalniss has returned and is angry." But she never shows herself as the party stays alert of her eventual attack. Dimbel casts his fireball into the little room and when the curtains are set afire the flames are just as quickly as they ignited. Once the ooze threat is put down the party heads to the Market to focus once again on the Fire Suppression plague that is following us. Confirming things we have already tried and trying new things the answer remains to allude us. Maybe the librarian will have some insight?

A series of new questions are presented to the and his answers are a mix. He has never seen the open flame issue before. Rupert the halfling tavern owner studied his brewing recipes from then Glacierview Distillery. Only two keys are needed to open the ritual chamber. Chalniss once studied here in the library for a long time but if she has been currupted then she could be a danger. We fear Chalniss may interfere with the battle of Lillith and seek to find her, whether it be to talk or to defeat her. We head back to the Gate Room and a blob of shadow to the north runs off. She seems to travel through the shadows making catching up to her impossible. Edu shouts "we just want to talk" and her reply "you all are useless to me, your time will come." "It is pointless to try and catch me, just continue along your path and you will serve our purpose."

Django believes we should destroy the Ironstaff Hold and to take the keys and bury them far away. If we open the ritual chamber to fight Lillith it will free her, and if we cannot defeat her then she will escape. So lets not risk it and bury this place. Zagri reminds everyone we are here because this place has been rediscovered it is only a matter of time before some one un-buries it again and releases Lillith. Either way we decide to head back to town to speak with Althon, but the Librarian will not allow the amulet to leave the library, and has placed it back on Gerrin's remains. "The library has protected its self all this time, let me continue to protect the Amulet.” However Burndelin's dagger is added to bag of holding and removed from the hold. The party arrives to Blasingdell and scatters for a few errands before we seek an audience with Althon.

Continues in Discord…
XP 051 ( 580xp ) Ooze Battle
Korram “Dungeon Master”
Level 6 Players:
Dee | "Dimbel" 17,085 + 580 = 17,665
Django | "Django" 17,085 + 580 = 17,665
Edu | "Edu" 17,085 + 580 = 17,665
Sofija | "Sofija" 17,085 + 580 = 17,665
Tundrra | "Zagri" 17,085 + 580 = 17,665

<LVL 7 = 23,000>
Tundrra TT:TableTop
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Re: [spoilers] Smash Monday

Post by Tundrra »

Recap 052
Kython 16th 4:30p Blasingdell

A party discussion on what to do next leads us to secure help from Sister Alonsa to help Zagri cleanse the items left on the table in the Great Hall. Unfortunately she was only able to point us in the direction of the Smithy to have some lead lined boxes made where we could store any magical items safely. At the inn we ask Sarel if she had heard anything about the dwarven visitor that had a met with Althon and the news was grim. He is Captain Ardon and has 12 soliders, not bandits or militia, all wearing the emblem of the Dusk League of the Shattered One. We confront Althon about the dusk league and remind them they are behind the bandit raids and the local killings by the Oni. The organized soldiers are charging “protection” to allow continued trade and travel in or out of Blasingdell. He is hoping Mirabar can could help stop them, Sir Miles is heading that way to talk to them. He will travel off road in the wilderness, the round trip will be a tenday... twice as long as normal.

As the day whines down Edu heads to bed early while the rest of the party hang out in the Stormwind inn tavern. Once the rest of the party goes to sleep Django sneaks off to the temple to talk to Sister Alonsa for updates on her research. Elerath was a "Knights of Silver" from Sliverymoon whom was reported lost and presumed dead. She promises to get his history updated of his recent death and Django gives her a rare book from the Stormwreck Isle as a thank you for all the help she has given the party.

Django leaves the temple and hears a voice from the park in elvish "You have something that I need." He pretends to not hear the voice and continues towards the inn, alert and ready to respond, but not ten feet further Chalniss is at his side. Django "good to see you again, I cant imagine what that might be?" She points at the location of the bag of holding, "you can hand it over or die." Django casts hold person but she is strong willed and shrugs off his attempts. Her attempts are more successful and stuns him, unable to move she snags his bag of holding and disappears into the shadows. A quick Detect Magic and a search spots her some distance away. Chalniss "I dont know why you are siding with them" gesturing at the town "come with me for for all the power and knowledge you would ever desire". He successfully lands a hold person freezing her in place, but the dagger is stashed in some hidden pocket, with frustration of not seeing it he blunges his own dagger into her neck. "I lived my whole life a slave I'm done being a servant." She breaks her hold and shadows swirl around her arm, her hand reaches out a whirlwind of shadows surround Django, nightmares of being slaved consume him bringing him to his knees and she vanishes into the shadows once again.

Disappointed and embarrassed he lost the key, Django heads back to bag of holding and picks up everything and returns to the Inn. At 4am the city alarm bells are sounding. Everyone runs towards the North Gate, where Bear and the militia say that guards were killed at the mine. As we run to the mine pit Django retells his story with Chalniss and as the sun begins rising on the horizon we count 9 bodies being lined up and put to rest.

Kython 17th 4:45a Blasingdell
XP 052 ( 0 xp )
Korram “Dungeon Master”
Level 6 Players:
Dee | "Dimbel" 17,665
Django | "Django" 17,665
Edu | "Edu" 17,665
Sofija | "Sofija" 17,665
Tundrra | "Zagri" 17,665

<LVL 7 = 23,000>
Tundrra TT:TableTop
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Re: [spoilers] Smash Monday

Post by Tundrra »

Recap 53
Kython 17th 5:30a Mine Pit 2

The party approaches the large excavated mine room where a group of skeletons and dwarven undead stand waiting knowing we approach. Dimbel and Edu both fire their fireballs into the room taking out half of the undead in one swoop. Darkness falls on the rest, a single archer manages to get a arrow off before Dimbel finishes the group off with another fireball. A greenish glow surrounds one of the fallen skeletons, it begins to move and the head looks to the group and a unfamiliar female voice emanates "Thank you for providing the keys to my prison, I grant you one reward, you may leave and live for just a little bit longer." Zagri heads towards the library to check on the librarian, and Lillith's voice responses, "I take it that your turning down my offer?” Zagri and Sofija both reply with a bludgeoning strike to the animated skeleton.

The library is scattered with books and downed cases. Lilith’s minions have magically imprisoned the ghostly Librarian into its own body. Zombies mill about carrying a handfuls of skeletons bones into the hidden book case passage, the passage keys would have unlocked… but the hidden passage is now ajar leading to a narrow dark hall. The Zombies are set on collecting bones and the party whittle them down with ease, however Chalniss strikes at Sofija’s back as she is distracted and disappears back into the shadows. Zagri spots her upon her next charge and calls everyone to arms. Dimbel tries to slow her down with web, but she seems unaffected, she has proven very mobile and hard to catch being able to jump to the nearest shadows. Her only weakness is Hold Person, but her strong will keeps her to pin down. A few well placed hits make contact before she is teleported by some unknown force deeper in the ritual chamber. A soft green glow and the pursuit of Chaliness brings us deeper into the dark hall which opens up to a huge chamber filled with a soft flute music coming from a green glowing well.

Kython 17th 6a Ironstaff Hold Ritual Chamber
XP 053 ( 200 xp ) Mine Skeletons
100xp -BookKeeper (Zagri)

Korram “Dungeon Master”
Level 6 Players:
Dee | "Dimbel" 17,665 + 200 = 17,865
Django | "Django" 17,665 + 200 = 17,865
Edu | "Edu" 17,665 + 200 = 17,865
Sofija | "Sofija" 17,665 + 200 = 17,865
Tundrra | "Zagri" 17,665 + 200 + 100 = 17,965

<LVL 7 = 23,000>
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Re: [spoilers] Smash Monday

Post by Tundrra »

Recap 054
Kython 17th 6:30a Ironstaff Hold Ritual Chamber

Sofjia slams her hammer onto the ground and Zagri shouts for Chalniss to show herself. From behind us, heavy footfalls hit the ground. Dimbel and Django call up the hall “Who goes there?” The casters see a Assimar and Dwarf; they ring back "We were hired by the Militia, A bear led us here.” Django calls for them to come down and not to touch anything.

The raspy voice we heard in the mine fills the room "I see you decided to refuse my gift and brought more into my domain?" Zagri replies to the disembodied voice of Lillith “Is there a body to your voice?” and walks towards the well. The green glow radiates from a flute laying about 2 foot down to a stone bottom, the well is more fountain than well. Django steps up and the fountain shimmers, like looking into heat for a moment. The fountain floor wavers and vanishes revealing no stone bottom but a sludgy brown goo of bone, instead of a flute sits a green glowing skull. Django summons his mage hand reaching out towards the glowing skull. Lillith’s voice calls out "I warned you, you are dead!" the skull shoots 35' into the air and explodes in a fire ball around it. Zagri and Django instantly are knocked unconscious, and one the skelli henchman explodes.

Lux moves to Django casting healing hands to bring him up and Sofija moves to pour a healing potion down Zagri throat, all while the other casters try and blast the skull from the sky. To high for the dwarf Xarcabard to reach, he opts to pick up a near by skull and chucks it at the flaming skull and then looks to the well where sounds of a clattering sludge crawling its way up the interior walls. Lux steps past the well and eldritch blasts the flaming skull, its green light dims out and lands on the floor, the green glow turns blue. A ghostly dwarven face appears over the skull... saying “thank you for releasing me, I don’t know how long i have been trapped here by Lilith”... the light fades and goes silent.

To the north east is a big scorch mark surrounding a large oval mirror, a dull purple column of light shoots up from its center where a crystal is smashed into its reflective shattered surface. Eye monsters float out of the piles of bone to attack the party, as the sludge monster makes it out of the well. As Lux eyes the shard, one of the skeletons rises and no longer bare boned but a undead fiend from the abyss. Lillith has shown herself and she moves into the purple column of light on the mirror screaming. Dwarven skeletons in chainmail rise from the piles around the room at her rage, she blocks Lux attempt to grab the stone. To top it off Chalniss appears in front of Lux reaching out to touch them, the shadows wrap around their body, but its necrotic damage is resisted.

Zagri’s armor shimmers and a duplicate of the shiny metals and textures explode into shards of metal blasting out and away from the armor creating spiritual guardians of radiant blades swirling around himself and allies near by. The radiant blades slicing into those that are a threat and the blades, Sofija and Xarca the skeletons begin to fall, the the sludge monster begins to be whittled down. Lillith and Chalniss glare at Lux and the group behind as we continue to battle evil.

Kython 17th 6:45a Ironstaff Hold Ritual Chamber
XP 054 ( 0 xp ) Chalniss and Lillith Battle begins
100xp -BookKeeper (Zagri)

Korram “Dungeon Master”
Level 6 Players:
Dee | "Dimbel" 17,865
Django | "Django" 17,865
Edu | "Edu" 17,865
Sofija | "Sofija" 17,865
Tundrra | "Zagri" 17,965

<LVL 7 = 23,000>

Guest Players:
Chazore | “Xarcabard Bloodstone”
Nexus | “Lux Umbra”
Tundrra TT:TableTop
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Re: [spoilers] Smash Monday

Post by Tundrra »

Recap 055
Kython 17th 6:45a Ironstaff Hold Ritual Chamber

The battle continues with Lilith and Chalniss as floating heads and eyes hover themselves out of bone piles. Lilith keeps within the protection of the purple column only to step out long enough to get in range of her targets. Lux has their eye on the shard so she teleports them far to the west where the sounds of the militia screaming can be heard. Something has changed above.

The party begins to fall as Lilith’s minions find their mark, luckily the party is prepared with potions and healing words because no one stays down for long. Unfortunately Lilith traps several party members in a vision of a dreadful castle made of bone leaving them vulnerable to critical attacks and keeping them from using their own strikes. Sofija and Lux charge back towards Lilith, Sofjia is able to knock her out of the aura while Lux blasts her with Eldritch blasts. Chalniss has made her way around the partition and has engaged Dimbel and Django. Xarcabard keeps the undead shambling mound busy as it makes it way out of the well fully and Neela arrives on the scene followed by specters from the main hall… the militia must have tampered with the table of relics.

Lilith wants her purple column back and commands Sofija to run. Before she gets the chance Zagri overrides her command with one of his own, to “attack” keeping her guarding the coveted location. With nothing nearby to attack Sofija kicks the embedded shard from the mirror towards Lux causing the column of light to vanish. Django quickly casts mage hand grabbing the crystal and bringing it back to himself.

Lilith screams another rage filled cry raising more skeletons from the piles. With the minions, ghosts and Chalniss moving in Zagri finds divine help with a destroy and turn undead. Half the minions either explode or turn their attention away from the group. Just about everyone looks to be on their last leg, Xarcabard finds himself devoured by the shambling mound. Chalniss covers the party into a circle of darkness and snuggles up into the mix waiting to strike. Django is able to dispel the darkness just in time for us to witness Sofija stepping to close to a glyph of warding as it explodes knocking her unconscious.
XP 055 ( 0 xp ) Chalniss and Lillith Battle
100xp -BookKeeper (Zagri)

Korram “Dungeon Master”
Level 6 Players:
Dee | "Dimbel" 17,865
Django | "Django" 17,865
Stelmarii | "Neela" 14000
Sofija | "Sofija" 17,865
Tundrra | "Zagri" 17,965

<LVL 7 = 23,000>

Guest Players:
Chazore | “Xarcabard Bloodstone”
Nexus | “Lux Umbra”
Tundrra TT:TableTop
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Re: [spoilers] Smash Monday

Post by Tundrra »

Recap 056
Kython 17th 6:45a Ironstaff Hold Ritual Chamber

The party enters the final phase of the battle with Lilith and Chalniss. Neela continues to attack the shambling mound which has swallowed Xarcabard. The Aberrant head chases after dimbel, knocking him unconscious on the well’s edge. Chalniss rejects Django’s advances with a series of furious blows and Sofija remains asleep in the far corner. Lilith for the third time reaches outwards with a pulse of shadow engulfing most of the group. This time as the hairs on the back of our necks stand up it’s is followed by a painful necrotic energy as our life is drained into Lilith.

Zagri casts healing word to dimbel waking him up from his brush with death and Xarcabard begins to hack his way out of the undead shambling mound as his axe head begins to poke through. Lux continues to eldritch blast Lilith as she tries to find allies, casting a charm on the recently freed Xarcabard leaving him with a shadowy crown upon his head and red in the eyes. He swings a axe at Dimbel before running off to find control of his madness. Zagri and Django both go down and Chalniss moves on to find Lux whom has become a serious threat to Lilith.

Dimbel continues to be chased around the room by the minions and with half the party down Neela searches for healing potions. She reaches into Django’s bag of holding to take out a potion, drinking one and reaching in for several more to ready for consumption. The tides begin to turn in our favor when Xacarbard take a deep breath and charges to Sofija’s side with potion in hand. Sofija awakes with a rage and storms after Lillith. Zagri and Django both receive potions of their own and the undead explode as Zagri awakes. Xacarbard and Sofija swing with all their might bringing Lilith down. Chalniss slightly confused and under the attack of Neela makes a quick exit jumping through the shadows and out of the room. Lilith’s bones and the mirror both begin to dissolve into dust, it swirls into darkness and vanishes, followed by a wave of energy flooding the room and out the passageway into the hold.

Kython 17th 7a Ironstaff Hold Ritual Chamber
XP(S056) 1500 xp Chalniss and Lillith Battle
100xp: Book Keeper (Zagri)

Korram “Dungeon Master”
Level 6 Players:
Dee | "Dimbel" 17,865 + 1500 = 19,365
Django | "Django" 17,865 + 1500 = 19,365
Stelmarii | "Neela" 14,000 + 1500 = 15,500
Sofija | "Sofija" 17,865 + 1500 = 19,365
Tundrra | "Zagri" 18,165 + 1500 + 100 = 19,765
<LVL 7 = 23,000>

Guest Players:
Chazore | “Xarcabard Bloodstone” 14,000 + 1500 = 15,500
Nexus | “Lux Umbra” 14,000 + 1500 = 15,500
Tundrra TT:TableTop
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Re: [spoilers] Smash Monday

Post by Tundrra »

Recap 057
Kython 17th 10:30a Ironstaff Hold Ritual Chamber

V and Talli have made their way into the Hold to meet the party. Talli wears a mask and protective gear for the smoke that fills the Hold. V starts carrying out bodies, while the party waits for the smoke to clear. Django’s skeletons gather the spilled coin from the cursed table and carries the chest around. We spend a bit of time examining so of the items found in Ironstaff hold till the smoke has cleared neigh to travel through.

Talli says there are three bodies still unaccounted for so the first place searched is the ash of the library. Two of the missing are discovered and it looks like a oil lanterned being damaged was the cause of the fire. Outside at the Mine pit the party finds Talli, V, 20 militia with barricades, Bear, Dara (unofficial watch commander) and 2 injured militia. One of the wounded is Rena who describes the chaos that transpired and how a older militiaman Hank fought better then ever witnessed before. Unfortunately he slammed the lantern into a shadow monster causing the oils to splash all over and ignited. Hank either incinerated or disappeared before her eye’s.

Back in town Lord Althon is apprised of Liliths defeat, but extra depressed with toll it has had and not in the buying mood when we try and present the Durgeddin battle axe. Sister Alonsa is overwhelmed with all the deaths being brought in at the temple, so the party stops for lunch at the inn. From there Lux and Xacrabard part ways, Sofija and Zagri head to the garrison to comfort the militia, and he Wizards do some shopping.

The mystery of what is in the bag of holding tugs at everyone and fears of Dimbel’s bagman stories force the party to leave the town walls. Outside Dimbel turns the bag inside out, finding no monster inside, however a large collection of magical items, coin, bottles, books and scrolls fall out. The scroll does not appear magically so Zagri unrolls it and starts to read it… it is indeed a the spell scroll, "Borrowed Knowledge". The books are poems and songs by Jarro Ironstaff, Django saves the magic ones for later identify and Sofija takes the rest to , which are the worst poetry ever heard or read.
XP(S057) 0 xp
100xp: Book Keeper (Zagri)

Korram “Dungeon Master”
Level 6 Players:
Dee | "Dimbel" 19,365
Django | "Django" 19,365
Stelmarii | "Neela" 15,500
Sofija | "Sofija" 19,365
Tundrra | "Zagri" 19,765+100= 19,865
<LVL 7 = 23,000>
Tundrra TT:TableTop
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Re: [spoilers] Smash Monday

Post by Tundrra »

Recap 058
Kython 18th early morning Stormwind Inn

After the dream discussion and what Django did with the Shard the party heads for Ironstaff Hold passing several militia and fortifications. Zagri casts detect evil and good and the party begins to dash through the hold detecting nothing at the cursed table or any of the rooms. There is a short pause for inspection in the gate room where we first encountered Chalniss and a longer search of the bar tavern. Neela finds a small ornate crystal bottle under some bar rags and small thin wooden box (6 metal flasks of “Ironstaff Winter Light Ale, (Brewed in partnership with Glacierview Distillery). Sofija knows it to be "Evermead" highly valued elvish mead and interesting enough the cans in the box are cold.

At the library the rescued pile of books are missing and new fresh fire pile of ash sits in the floor nearby where the wooden table was. Upon further investigation of the fire reveals only the table was burned not the missing 150 books. A previous unexplored door lingers near by that the party had previously passed many times. It opens to a shared sleeping quarters and looks as if was used as recently as yesterday, everything is clean but old. Only thing of interest is a super brittle journal that belonged to "Tirran" ia couple Mend spells repairs it enough to be handled. A second bedroom connects to the shared one, this room is private and decorated more richly. The rooms former resident was crafty and had several complete sets of tools.

At the secret door heading down into the ritual room we find a dagger stuck into the end of bookcase with a parchment saying in deliberate common script "thank you for the books" We ask ourselves, “Why was the table burned making it look like the books were burnt, but Chalniss left a letter thanking us for the books?” Down stairs the alter is dispelled and we find nothing of value other than the dwarven runes. Django pulls Borzan's Spell Focus gem from his robes and begins to talk to it "What do these dwarven runes say" 2 voices emit out of it.
The dwarven spirit of Borzan is one of the voices stuck in the gem whom is interrupted by a more gruff voice "Dont tell him anything." After a pause Borzan returns " That is my family's alter, the runes are the names of dwarven gods. There are no any hidden compartments on this alter. The voices return to bickering with each till Django puts the gem away.

Behind the column rests a small cylinder covered with a blanket and secured with a magic chain and lock that we had found on our previous inspection. Neela tries to cut the fabric with her dagger, it slides off like metal. Dimbel casts "knock" to unlock the chain. A boom echos through the chamber, the chain glows and shatters into pieces and the blanket turns to dust. Another dwarven voice fills the chamber "people People...Alive People!... where are all the dead stuff?" "she put me in a jar". We have found the spirit or sentient brain of Jarro Ironstaff. A plethora of questions about him and his backpack items are asked. He says if Lilith isnt destroyed she will be back she is "Chosen of Orcus". Jarro for being undead and bodiless is still quiet capable with his mage hand and floating jar.

Django asks for a tour hoping to learn about any secrets we had missed. Neela ties a fancy scarf to his jar to pull him around because his speed is so slow and tour begins. Sofija fills up some containers of the light beer for the road. We ask about secret doors and leads us first to the where the quarters were but that hall is blocked. Next we reach the north gate room and he points out a hidden guard post tunnel.Neela flys up to the small hidden guard tunnel and enters. At the end of crafted tunnel she finds it is collapsed, but on the floor are glittering objects and a massive pile of books. Seems we have found Chalniss’s small horde but she is no where to be seen. The books are split between the 2 bags of holding, however at least 35. Books are unaccounted for. Jarro floats over to his sister remains, Brundolin was crushed on the rocks near the gate, he is sadly states “all these dwarven skeletons will need to be put to rest.”

Kython 18th early morning Ironstaff Hold North Gate

XP(S058) 250 xp
250 XP per character for clearing the last of Ironstaff and saving Jarro.
100xp: Book Keeper (Zagri)

Korram “Dungeon Master”
Level 6 Players:
Dee | "Dimbel" 19,365+250= 19,615
Django | "Django" 19,365+250= 19,615
Stelmarii | "Neela" 15,500+250= 15,750
Sofija | "Sofija" 19,365+250= 19,615
Tundrra | "Zagri" 19,865+100+250= 20,215
<LVL 7 = 23,000>
Tundrra TT:TableTop
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Re: [spoilers] Smash Monday

Post by Tundrra »

Recap 59
Kythorn 18th 12:30 Mine Pit 2

Outside the Mine Pit we gather at the closest guard post, the guards said they had seen some movement in the night, but from the current distance nothing seems out of the ordinary. As we enter the pit we noticed lots of tracks, like a army of undead climbed out and headed north. Dimbel’s owl is told to follow the trail and the party enters the Hold to dash through it like last time pulling Jarro in tow. In the Great hall Django notices most of the bone piles are gone, but he manages to find enough parts to animate dead on 2 skeletons. Down in the ritual chamber where Lilith fell the ground is scorched, leaving the outline of a skull and spine.

Django goes on and on about Orcus the Demon Prince of Undeath, as we leave the Hold concluding the hold is empty and we need to begin following the trail. As we begin to embark on the trail Neela sees a bunch of activity to the south at the militia post. A new militia patrol has arrived where the scouts were. They state Hank’s body was found dismember and in his basement , (the Oni’s MO) as well as a second beaten militia member was recovered at another location. We suspect the Oni had been disguised as Hank for some time explaining why Hank was able to disappear during the fire and fight better than normal. We will let the guard investigate the mystery for now as we need to catch up with Lilith. Jarro states he is going to stay behind in ironstaff hold to begin reaching out to his dwarven cousins and we follow the trail north.

Sofija leads us up the trail with Zagri's help as we begin our march, it doesn’t take to many hours till the party has the distinct feeling that they are using the same trail they took to Stonetooth. We are moving much slower compared to the last time, since the party does not have Melro’s expertise in forest travel. Also the undead need no rest for their march, so we are losing ground quick. Just before dusk we begin looking for a place to camp and Neela talks of a recent sending she had from the Harper’s and Zagri had one from Runara, both messages spoke of the escalating tensions of the Dusk League. After few identifies and book readings the party begins their long rest beneath Dimbel’s Tiny Hut. Neela is first to see a glow in the sky streaking across like a falling star. The Blue streak heads west past us and descends, after a few minutes it re-appears like a candle flame hovering in the sky.

In the morning the light can still be seen against the day light sky to the north west, Sofija leads the party due north along trail towards Stonetooth. After some time Zagri thinks Sofija as changed direction and is going the wrong way, but he has not been there and Sofija is confident she is going the right way. Neela flys up and says there is a clear patch ahead we can check for tracks again so we continue to follow Sofjia. A short time later it is asked “Sofija what direction are you going?” Her response “North”… we are headed west. “You finished Jarro’s book last night right? I think you should let Neela and I lead, Jarro may have played another trick.” Neela and zagri take over tracking. We should take a short rest to examine Sofija and detect no magical influence but something is off. We decide to go west and let sofija lead just to see if she is on to something and after a while zagri thinks they are going the right way and agrees with Sofija a 100%

The owl returns to Dimbel, reporting the undead have vanished into a murky lake by the mountain peak. Zagri believes it’s the swamp east of Stonetooth. About noon we come upon a small tower. The glow from the sky clears away from above the tower. A soft wood wind music comes from the window as well as a blue glow from the open door. Sof and Zag have shaken off what ever compass that had a hold of them. Inside a blue robed old man introduces himself as Septimus the Blue, he calls out towards a closed door “Kyler please bring some wine” and a familiar warrior comes in without his armor "Dak says i should have told you off and to get your own down wine." We have discovered Kyler’s mystery patron who has helped us on a couple occasions now. Septim "Seeks knowledge from across the planes. Our group as peaked his interest and he has followed our progress.” He wants us to prove ourselves by completing some challenges, and we can choose one awards of Power, Knowledge or wealth. Django insists they should continue following the undead, but in the end concedes entering last into a swirling blue portal that has formed in the middle of his tower…which is much bigger on the inside.
XP (S59)
100xp: Book Keeper (Zagri)

Korram “Dungeon Master”
Level 6 Players:
Dee | "Dimbel" 19,615
Django | "Django" 19,615
Stelmarii | "Neela" 15,750
Sofija | "Sofija" 19,615
Tundrra | "Zagri" 20,215+100= 20,315
<LVL 7 = 23,000>
Tundrra TT:TableTop
*NOR/LD-High Council
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Posts: 3816
Joined: Sun Jul 15, 2012 10:05 am
Realm: Black Desert Online
House: Griffon
Record: http://newoutriders.org/wiki/index.php?title=Tundrra
Lord HC 04.06.2014
Squired SWG 03.21.2004
Recruited SWG 12.12.2003 by Baron Brambt
Location: Bloomington, IN

Re: [spoilers] Smash Monday

Post by Tundrra »

Recap 60
Kythorn 19th entered Septimus's Portal Trials @12:30

The party has been navigating through puzzles and hallways trying to find portals to leave, but each portal brings them to new challenges and some lead to Allies.

A Gelatinous cube has dropped from the ceiling, encompass the entire width of the hallway behind Sofija and Zagri. The entire hall and walls are covered in a slick slime making it difficult to find footing. The mass moves forward and onto Sofija and begins to digest her with gelatinous acid. The cube is slow and easy to hit and the pair quickly make work of the jello only to discover a second one guarding a portal out. The slime hardens after defeating it and we easily walk thru the portal leading to a new long hallway dripping with moisture. At the portal there is small table with a stick. Zagri picks ups the stick and a magic mouth appears and whispers mysteriously, "Behold, the Dowsing Rod of Actuator Location, as seen on the Interplanar Shopping Network, guaranteed to find what you need, regardless of your skill level, money back guarantee." Zagri holds the stick in front of them and it points us in the direction. We follow it until it stops at a protrusion in the ground, its starfish button. Pushing the starfish inward, causes gears sound in the distance and water begins to pour in. “Awe a timed challenge we must hurry.” states Sofija so the two rush to two more starfish and the water continues to pour in faster. From the rapidly filling water two crocodiles spring out to attack.

Meanwhile in the icy depths of this labyrinth of corridors Django and his minions find themselves face to face with an Ice Troll. Luckily the Necromancer’s army has the high ground and launch several barrages of arrows at the troll as its slips and falls continuously up the sloped corridor. Django has casted a well placed Fairie Fire making every arrow count but the troll looms ever closer.

Dimbel and Neela have found on another after entering separate portals. Now they stand together at the end of a hall, where a small hole just big enough for an arm to be reached in is covered with spiders. Neela slowly places her and and arm into the hole and locates a mechanism. After toggling the switch nothing noticeably happens and they conclude a portal may have opened behind them some where. After a bit of back tracking Neela spots the portal, dashing through it they are behind a large unsuspecting ice troll. Neela takes flight and rushes forward surprising the troll, whom was locked on reaching Django. The troll spins on the new threat biting and clawing at the winged tiefling knocking her unconscious. The extra damage Neela brought was enough for django to kill the troll and Dimbel burns its corpse to keep it from any regeneration as Django prepares a potion for neela.
XP (S60)
100xp: Book Keeper (Zagri)

Korram “Dungeon Master”
Level 6 Players:
Dee | "Dimbel" 19,615
Django | "Django" 19,615
Stelmarii | "Neela" 15,750
Sofija | "Sofija" 19,615
Tundrra | "Zagri" 20,315 +100= 20,415
<LVL 7 = 23,000>
Tundrra TT:TableTop
*NOR/LD-High Council
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