[Spoilers] Heroes of the North

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Re: [Spoilers] Heroes of the North

Post by Tundrra »

Recap 095
Marpenoth 29th 15:04 1492DR Firehammer Hold

Ra blasts the undead closet with a fireball and makes room for Gutbur and Friynaf’s Dire wolf to engage them. Gutbur takes some powerful hits while waiting for Boske to mistystep into the doorway to assist. Ra summons his Spirit dragon into the closet which concentrates all of our fighters into closet and it’s entry hall. Back in the main hallway undead begin shuffling from the north and south, being called by the sounds of combat. Daeve takes up aim and fires at the incoming undead. Gutbur makes his way out of the hall as the those left in the hall begin to be overrun by undead reinforcements. HM9 continues to surprise us with his gadgets and creates a vortex that sends the undead into the hall where the dragon and Boske are able to keep them contained. Friynaf shoots forth a Sunbeam over and over into the arriving attackers shrinking their number, until a massive hulking assembly of undead reaches out to knock Gutbur unconscious. With HM9’s heals depleted Boske makes his way into the room to finish off the large undead mass and Friynaf casts a massive group heal to wake up Gutbur…but the undead continue to pour out from the other rooms…

Marpenoth 29th 15:05 1492DR Firehammer Hold

095 XP: 4,600xp The Undead Closet
Zombie Clot - 2300
Wight Champion - 2900x4=11,600
Greater Zombie - 1800x3=5,400
Zombie Plague Spreader - 1100
Skeleton Champion - 1800x2=3,600
Wraith - 1800x2=3,600
Total XP - 27,600
XP per Player - 4,600
Piety per Player - 1

200 xp Bookkeeper (Boske)

DM Talolan

Level 12 Players:
Bos’ke (Tundrra): 113514+ 4600 +200 = 118314
Friynaf (Stelmarii): 113848+ 4600 = 118448
Gutbur (Lasarian): 115016+ 4600 = 119616
HealMageNine 109667+ 4600 = 114267
Norm (Ojike): 110208+0 = 110208
Daevenalim (Ojike): 104599+ 4600 = 109199
Ra (Kermit): 104972+ 4600 = 109572

<LVL 13 = 120,000>
Tundrra TT:TableTop
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Re: [Spoilers] Heroes of the North

Post by Tundrra »

Recap 096
Marpenoth 17th 15:05 1492DR Firehammer Hold

The final six undead are all that is left of what had moved out from their hiding places. HM9 has become increasingly frustrated that his resources have dwindle and charges at the final skeleton his golden eye sensor turns a bright red as they shout “HM9-2 Online: ThaT is mY AutopSy SuBject!" and teleports Friynaf to his previous location. After the final skeleton is dispatched the the secret door to the east is opened revealing a sentry station and rooms.

With a few hours left till dark the party talks to Malavise a bit, flips through some tomes they had previous collected and rested in the guard quarters. HM9 recites a detailed report on Gutbur and his repeated behavior of being beaten, sliced and repaired over and over. However even with the short rest Gutbur still badly wounded from the battle and heads for bed, before reaching it he slums over with exhaustion collapsing on the floor. Boske runs to his aid and yells for HM9 and Friynaf, but we are to late he is dead.

Gutbur awakes in some other place, he finds himself standing on an ancient, weathered battlefield, the skies above swirling with ominous clouds. The air is thick with the scent of rain and blood. Uthgar’s voice, deep and resonant, echoes around him, “Gutbur Bloodhawk, you have fought valiantly and upheld the ferocity of the Uthgardt. Now, to walk as my Chosen, you must prove your spirit unbreakable. Face the guardians of my totem spirits, and let your strength, wisdom, and heart be judged.” Suddenly, the earth trembles beneath Gutbur’s feet, and from the ground emerge four ethereal beasts, each representing one of the totem spirits revered by the Uthgardt tribes. The Bear, The Elk, The Tiger, and The Wolf test Gutbur's abilities until he has proven to Uthgar that he is is worthy of being the "Chosen of Uthgar". When Gutbur’s soul returns to his body to the parties surprise, his tattoos have changed slightly and even glow blue for a brief moment.

The first couple watches go as normal, HM9 stands sentinel while the others take turns patrolling the area. On the final watch Ra she notices Hm9 has wonder off, after 20 mins Ra messages them... with no response, she goes off searching. Not far to the south she sees a red glow behind a tree, HM9's eye has turned red again and another more erratic report on Gutbur is being vocalized. He seems intent on opening Gutbur up for an autopsy to see how he works. Ra heads back to camp and when Boske awakes and mentions the odd behavior. Boske says he will reach out to Dimbel back in Ieirithymbul, until then an extra eye will be kept on the little construct.

Marpenoth 18th 06:08 1492DR Outside Firehammer Hold

096 XP: 1684 xp The Undead Closet
Greater Zombie - 1800x4, 7200
Zombie Plague Spreader - 1100
Skeleton Champion - 1800
Total - 1010
1684 each, 1 piety each
200 xp Bookkeeper (Boske)

DM Talolan

Level 12 Players:
HealMageNine 114267 + 1684 = 116551
Norm (Ojike): 110208+0 = 110208
Daevenalim (Ojike): 109199 + 1684 = 110883
Ra (Kermit): 109572 + 1684 = 111256

<LVL 13 = 120,000>

Level 13 Players:
Bos’ke (Tundrra): 118314 + 1684 + 200 = 120198
Friynaf (Stelmarii): 118448 + 1684 = 120132
Gutbur (Lasarian): 119616 + 1684 = 121300

<LVL 14 = 140,000>
Tundrra TT:TableTop
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Re: [Spoilers] Heroes of the North

Post by Tundrra »

Recap 097
Marpenoth 18th 06:16a 1492DR Outside Firehammer Hold

Outside the Firehammer Hold the party prepares to head back into the hold to locate the ritual area. However after last nights scare of Gutbur dying he and Friynaf want to send a message back to the village about the ordeal and need a bird for the message spell. Boske sets off to looks for one, pulling out birdseed and bread crumbs to scatter beneath the trees, but nothing stirs... the evil of this place must keeping them at bay. Strangely there are no insects either, yet squirrels and other creatures can be seen... just nothing flying?

The front main entrance looks like a typical temple, but as been desecrated like the inside of the hold. We are greeted with braziers full of dwarf hearts and dust. Heading back to the previous nights battle we examine the the statue of Haela Brightaxe the dwarven goddess of Luck in Battle, she is unharmed and intact, however it is covered in blood and is wearing a necklace of intestines, which we take time to cut off and remove. Further down passages and stairs we enter the mine which is covered in webs to the point that it is all difficult terrain. The large spiders seems to keep their distance from us and we let them be. Another Brightaxe statue is cleaned up as Friynaf prepares a 'speak with animals' ritual to use on one of the spiders, but by the time it is complete the spiders have ran off. We slowly travel deeper into the mine tunnels till another spider is spotted hiding from our torch light. Friynaf talks to the arachnid and it tells us to "get out of this place it is our home"... "your light is bright".

We pass through a ruined scroll room and as soon as we leave it to move further in Malavise sends Boske a command "Stop go back!" Reluctantly Boske tells the group to return to the library and a few mins later Malavise reports her scrying was dispelled. So anything past the doorway she cannot see. HM9 casts detect magic as we proceed, the whole area is covered in "abjuration" magic. Further in HM9 continues to detect magic and as we reach a series of mine tunnels he shouts "STOP!... This room is covered with danger don't touch anything, don't step on anything if you value your fleshy life." He detects several dangerous spells that would need to be dispelled of their magic to clear the room safely. It is determined that the spells must radiate from an object we cannot see, so after Friynaf's Firehawk does a short recon HM9 is asked to hover into the room to find the sources. The main room has 13 sacrificial plinths and an alter with items laid out on it, those items seem to be the source of the harmful spells. Gutbur confirms "this what we are here for right?" so it is suggested "We should head back out and ask for Lord Haund, who is demonologist to give us input on what to do next" So as soon as we reach the scroll library Malavise reaches out again to Friynaf whom appraises her of the situation.

Waiting for Malavise to research or find Lord Haund the party decided to check out the last couple stairwells we missed. The deepest part of the temple is the main worship area to the Dwarven goddess and the most desecrated. The final stairwell, which leads to another deep tunnel levels at the stair base, opening up to a very wide and long long tunnel. The firehawk is sent towards the light at the end of the tunnel but disappears as it approaches. We move in cautiously and slowly since the place is still covered in webbing. As we move forward Boske and Ra hear a voice they do not understand, but it is a pleasant voice and a beautiful dialect. Malavise tells Boske to move closer so she can hear it, from above in the ceiling the voice says "hello little flies" in celestial ...and the battle begins.

Boske lights up the voice with a lighting bolt and Ra casts "Haste" on Gutbur and Daeve. The huge half woman half spider queen lowers herself in front of Ra after enlarging a couple of spiders to slow down the others. She brings Ra to a unconscious state rather quickly, which drops the Haste effect leaving the two fighter out of breath. With Ra down and Gutbur dazed, Boske moved to spider next to him, killing it and misty stepping to another spider. More spiders continue to be summon by the demon mother while the party begin to be poisoned and caught in webs. HealMageNine vortexs warps Ra back down to next themselves and wakes her up. This demonic Nightmare Weaver shoots forth her hair like webbing ensnaring the area where Gutbur and Boske stand. Gutbur finds himself stuck in the hair web and goes raging mad swinging recklessly into the demon in his reach. Friynaf blindly casts her Sunbeam at the creatures as the Weaver begins to back away...

The battle continues, and we now have a good idea why there are no insects or birds in the area...

097 XP: 1000 xp Ritual Circle
1000 XP for finding the ritual circle.
1 Piety for taking the guts off the statues.

200 xp Bookkeeper (Boske)

DM Talolan

Level 12 Players:
HealMageNine: 116,551 + 1000 = 117,551
Norm (Ojike): 110208 + 0 = 110,208
Daevenalim (Ojike): 110,883 + 1000 = 111,883
Ra (Kermit): 111,756 + 1000 = 112,756
<LVL 13 = 120,000>

Level 13 Players:
Bos’ke (Tundrra): 120,198+1000+200 = 121,398
Friynaf (Stelmarii): 120,132 + 1000 = 121,132
Gutbur (Lasarian): 121,300 + 1000 = 122,300
<LVL 14 = 140,000>
Tundrra TT:TableTop
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Re: [Spoilers] Heroes of the North

Post by Tundrra »

Recap 098
Marpenoth 18th 9:22 1492DR Firehammer Hold
The intense battle continues with the spider queen, her multiple legs reaching out after almost every other attack at near by heroes. The webbing continues to keep Gutbur from landing to many hits while, Boske is able to misty step onto the huge arachnids back giving him an advantage. Daeve places several critical bow shots while Friynafs sunbeam continues to plow through spiders. The spider queen does not like that sunbeam and charges Friynaf knocking her to unconscious and then a extra stab for good measure, on the brink of death. Changing to common from Celestial the spider says “Stop or she dies!” Friynaf holds out barely, Uthgar must have been watching long enough for HM9 to vortex her to safety.

The Nightmare Weaver runs towards the light at the back of the cave with Boske still on her back swinging away til she falls dead. However the celebration does not last as thousands of small spiders crawl from the cracks from the wall on to the queen renewing her strength and creating a living shield around her. The melee strikes with everything to get through the living shield. The weaver’s many legs strike out twice as fast knocking Gutbur unconscious, then Friynaf and onto Boske leaving only Daeve and HealMageNine standing. Daeve continues to fill the queen with arrows as she heads menacingly towards them. Ignoring the cave spider and large spiders the arrows find their mark bringing the spider queen down just as she bares down on them. The large spiders shrink back down to their tiny sizes leaving only the Cave spider, but it doesn’t last long after HM9 casts a party heal waking up all the downed party.

The source of the light is several cracks leading to the daylight outside, we sit down next to it for a short rest on the thick covered webbing. Friynaf lights the area for our rest, while Hm9 detects a few magical items under the webbing and a cache of gemstones. Malavise tells us the spider queen is the demon lord Arasta of the Endless Web.

Marpenoth 18th 11:15a 1492DR Firehammer Hold
098 XP: 6,150 xp Arasta of the Endless Web
Cave Spider = 3,900
Arasta of the Endless Web = 33,000
Bos'ke, Gutbur, Friynaf, Daev, Ra, HM9
Total XP per Player = 6,150
200 xp Bookkeeper (Boske)

DM Talolan

Level 12 Players:
Norm (Ojike): 110208 + 0 = 110,208
Daevenalim (Ojike): 111,883 + 6,150 = 118,033
Ra (Kermit): 112,756 + ABSENT + 6150 = 118,906
<LVL 13 = 120,000>

Level 13 Players:
Bos’ke (Tundrra): 121,398 + 200 + 6,150 = 127,748
Friynaf (Stelmarii): 121,132 + 6,150 = 127,282
Gutbur (Lasarian): 122,300 + 6,150 = 128,450
HealMageNine: 117,551 + 6,150 = 123,701
<LVL 14 = 140,000>
Tundrra TT:TableTop
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Re: [Spoilers] Heroes of the North

Post by Tundrra »

Recap 099
Marpenoth 18th 19:07 1492DR Iron Road outside of Uluvin

Upon arriving back in Uluvin the party reports straight to Norm and Haund. Haund tells us powerful clerics will be needed to cleanse the ritual chamber. HM9 is sent for tea, while gone Boske reports of the constructs red eye behavior and wants to reach out to his gnome village for more information. Afterwards the group moves to the throne room for an audience with the Order of the Gauntlet. A Paladin Cedric Dawnblade is accompanied by the Cleric Anora Winterson, with a proposal to purchase land from Norm's kingdom. The area would be for building a castle and training grounds for their troops. On the way out we couldn’t help but notice Cedric looked to Anora for approval. Norm consults the Enclave and Herg about the proposal, which is accepted with minor changes. The Gauntlet offers to cleanse Firehammer Hold, either with Oswin’s help or with Gauntlet reinforcements.

Later in the day Friyanaf sends a message to the tribe, while Norm asks Haund to set up a a welcome back feast for the party. At the feast Ra is cured of his post dramatic alcoholism and after dancing the the day ends. In the morning the party splits for errands in town.

Marpenoth 19th morning 1492DR Uluvin

Uluvin Continues in Discord...
099 XP: 500xp RP session
200 xp Bookkeeper (Boske)

DM Talolan

Level 12 Players:
Norm (Ojike): 110208 + 500 = 110,708
Ra (Kermit): 118,906 + 500 = 119,406
<LVL 13 = 120,000>

Level 13 Players:
Bos’ke (Tundrra): 127,748 + 500 + 200 = 128,448
Friynaf (Stelmarii): 127,282 + 500 = 127,782
Gutbur (Lasarian): 128,450 + 500 = 128,950
HealMageNine (Korram): 123,701 + 500 = 124,201
<LVL 14 = 140,000>
Tundrra TT:TableTop
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Re: [Spoilers] Heroes of the North

Post by Tundrra »

Recap 100
Marpenoth 20th 8:18a 1492DR Uluvin Starhaunt Castle

Boske returns to the Starhaunt Crypts to check the puzzling wall of the Bahamut carving again When he touches he feels weaker in strength and finding a small corner of the relief the casts mold earth to try and manipulate small portion, but it resists. Meanwhile Friynaf returns to the herbalist, presenting her with a gift. A pouch of herbs with a pink note offering to have tea, Janabri thanks her and says she will see her at the dinner at the castle tomorrow. That evening at dinner Haund goes over the details of tomorrow's town function and talk of the Bahamut carving is brought up prompting the party to return to the crypt. Norm believes the relief is protected by a field of antimagic, which caused Boske's gauntlet to lose their magic while touching it and it does not take long for the party to prove him correct. Ra traces the size of the antimagic aura and Norm tries to dimension door behind the wall without success. Norm touches the fang of the dragon carving and the stone jaws clamp down, bringing him to one hitpoint. "you are not the king" a message appears in his mind. Norm will need to wait till he is king, there is some coaching that he become king sooner, but he stays firm that he will not take short cuts, Bahumet is already displeased with him as is.

The City Dinner Party is held the next evening in the courtyards, citizens and merchants pay their respects to Norm/Lord Tarklin. Malavise keeps Norm in sight but stays far away from the clerics of the Order of the Gauntlet. As dusk falls upon Starhaunt, a chilling gust sweeps across the castle’s open courtyard. Clad in gleaming armor that mirrors the night sky, the woman,
Hopea Silverlance presents herself, sent by Bahamut to help Norm find his redemption for the killing of the Githyanki girl. At the end of her monologue she kneels to Norm and he makes her regent in his absent, surprising everyone. She will protect Uluvin while Norm begins to seek his redemption starting with cleansing of Firehammer Hold. The party does not waste time and prepares to leave immediately using Friynaf’s "Transport via Plants". Lord Haund, Cedric and Mother Anora join Oswin spear as they hike north of the castle to the wood edge where Friynaf finds her tree sending us all to Firehammer hold.

Marpenoth 22nd morning 1492DR Firehammer Hold Exterior

100 XP: 500xp RP session
Piety - 0
200 xp Bookkeeper (Boske)

DM Talolan

Level 12 Players:
Norm (Ojike): 111,302
<LVL 13 = 120,000>

Level 13 Players:
Bos’ke (Tundrra): 129,042 + 500 + 200 = 129,742
Friynaf (Stelmarii): 128,376 + 500 = 128,876
Gutbur (Lasarian): 129,544 + 500 = 130,044
HealMageNine (Korram): 124,795 + 500 = 125,295
Ra (Kermit): 120,000 + 500 = 120,500
<LVL 14 = 140,000>

Tundrra TT:TableTop
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Re: [Spoilers] Heroes of the North

Post by Tundrra »

Recap 101
Marpenoth 22nd 12:23a 1492DR Firehammer

We reach the cave where the ritual chamber was preformed in Firehammer. Boske tells Mother Anora this is as far as we went, HM9 said any further and it would set off the magical wards. She ignores the warning and just walks right in. After a few moments the party begins to enter “Follow but touch nothing” she commands. We pass the 13 sites where 2 bodies laid sacrificed at each with rivers of blood meeting in a large pool at the center. Once we reach the alter Mother Anora examines the parchment, a single coin and a blade of a sword laid upon it. The parchment is written in infernal, “The Pack of the Shadow” the book explains how it can summon a Demon like Greyon for 24hr at full strength. She translates the parchment in common as it describes the detailed process of the summoning. Cedric examines the blood pool and alter reporting that three fiends are bound to the artifacts within the pool.

Beasts are summoned and cantrips are ready as Anora begins to remove curse on the first artifact the parchment… the parchment withers, the blood on the floor begins to congeal and flow to the center pool. The pool blasts up like a geyser and splatters out everywhere with the three large fiends exploding with it; a Balor and two Marliths. Gutbur and Cedric move in and engage the Balor and with each strike hellfire splashes off its hide burning any near by. Boske engages one of the Mariliths but she is focused on Mother Anora and misty steps to the alter with Boske chasing after. Anora manages to cast remove curse on all three of the artifacts but not without being grappled and pummeled by the fiend. The other Marilith keeps engaged with the summoned beasts but has her eye on Friynaf as she blasts out Sunbeam.

HM9 is able to vortex warp Mother Anora to safety once but the Marilith does not give up and continues its pursuit, eventually HM secures her in a safety bubble. With each hit the Balor sprays Gutbur and Cedric with its flames and the Marilith that the summon beasts were attacking changes focus to Gutbur. With 7 attacks each round it doesn’t take long for Gutbur to get the wind knocked out of him. With a couple well placed heals and concentrated attacks being moved to the Marlith from the Balor the first fiend finally falls. Two to go…
(S101): 0xP RP session
Piety - 0
200 xP Bookkeeper (Boske)

DM Talolan

Level 12 Players:
Norm (Ojike) xP: 119,302 + ABSENT = 119,302 | Piety: X
<LVL 13 = 120,000>

Level 13 Players:
Bos’ke (Tundrra) xP: 129,742 | Piety: 33
Friynaf (Stelmarii) xP: 128,876 | Piety: X
Gutbur (Lasarian) xP: 130,044 | Piety: X
HealMageNine (Korram) xP: 125,295 | Piety: NA
Ra (Kermit) xP: 120,500 | Piety: 25
<LVL 14 = 140,000>

Tundrra TT:TableTop
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Re: [Spoilers] Heroes of the North

Post by Tundrra »

Recap 102
Marpenoth 22nd 12:49p 1492DR Firehammer

The Battle Continues with the Balor and final Marilith. They both go down relatively quickly with no additional party members getting knocked out. The bodies of the fiends become ichor leaving behind small sacks filled with coin. After a short rest the party decides to head back on foot to Uluvin. The next day once we reached Uluvin and the Order of the Gauntlet leaves to the inn and Mother Anora says she will cast Legend Lore on the location tomorrow and tell the party what she finds out. On their way out we hear Anora promoting Cedric from Marcheon to Whitehawk, some sort of rank within their order. Friynaf prepares her own Legend Lore for the coin and great sword.

The ritual consumes the incense needed for each item. The great sword reveals nothing about the summoning but of its corruption of its previous master a paladin consumed by a evil artifact. However the coin used in enacting the Pact of the Shattered Halo to summon Gerynon the Archdevil to the material plane by a tiefling warlock named Thornevar and human wizard Astrid Cromwell. Ra knows that Astrid was part of Blackstaff tower, she was ran out of town for consorting with devils.

Later Friynaf offers to do a ritual for HM9 to cure some emotional drama. Presenting a totem made from nuts, bolts and washers she attempts to cure the aliment that causes him to go into red eye mode. When the ritual concludes she believes it worked but not permanently, it has suppressed it for at least a tenday. In the ritual mood Gutbur requests a divination from Friynaf asking, “should Gutbur being the chosen of Uthgar be attending the coronation?” A raven perches onto Fryinaf’s shoulder whispering a response: "I would not have made him my chosen now if I wanted him to leave."
(S102): XP session Fiend Battle
Balor - 22,000
Marilith - 15,000 x2
Bulezau - 700 x4
Total - 54,800

Characters - Ra, Bos'ke, Gutbur, Frinyaf, HM9, Cedric, Anora, Haund
6,850 XP per Character
2,500 Bonus XP per Character - for 3 NPCs surviving and staying awake and only taking friendly fire once
Piety per Character +2
Bonus Piety +1 for Ra (for destroying the scroll rather than collecting it)
200 xP Bookkeeper (Boske)

DM Talolan

Level 12 Players:
Norm (Ojike) xP: 119,302 + ABSENT | Piety: X
<LVL 13 = 120,000>

Level 13 Players:
Bos’ke (Tundrra) xP: 129,942 +6850+2500+200= 139,492 | Piety: 33+2=35
Friynaf (Stelmarii) xP: 128,876 +6850+2500= 138,226 | Piety: 1+2= 3
Gutbur (Lasarian) xP: 130,044 +6850+2500= 139,394 | Piety: 60+2= 62
HealMageNine (Korram) xP: 125,295 +6850+2500= 134,645 | Piety: 1+2= 3
Ra (Kermit) xP: 120,500 +6850+2500= 129,850 | Piety: 25+3= 28
<LVL 14 = 140,000>

Haund +6850= 6850
Cedric +6850= 6850
Anora +6850= 6850
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Re: [Spoilers] Heroes of the North

Post by Tundrra »

Recap 103
Marpenoth 27th evening 1492DR

The Tielfling Warlock Thornevar is in SilveryMoon, according to Malavise whom scryed using the ritual summoning coin. Arrangements are made with Hopea to have Norm leave for a couple days. Fryinaf tree travels us to the Northern Forests where her tribe roams, it is 2days west of SilveryMoon. The nights and road are quiet as we reach the gates outside the Human and Elf city. Before seeking out the Dancing Goat tavern a bit of shopping and sight seeing is done. Ra runs off to find the cities Teleportation circle only to learn it is restricted to members of the Spellguard. Norm finds a dragon mask to hide his identity and Boske purchases Iron Bands of Bilarro to help in restraining Thornevar.

The Moon Bridge expands across the river that cuts through the town it is invisible to the eye, and we see people walking on air across it. Adjacent to the bridge is the Dancing Goat, inside it is a stuffy tavern and Thornevar sits alone at a table. We order food and take a table to watch him and discuss our next move, but Friyanf says he knows we are here by reading his thoughts. So we join him at his table.

Thornevar: "Fnally the invisible king. That necklace is a real pain." Norm wants him to pay for his crimes and the warlock says “very well” and puts his hands out, Boske wastes no time and slaps the Iron bands of binding on him. His hands are bound, staff removed and his room searched. He believes he has already won and complies...all to easy. Gutbur says we should go while there has been no issue, so we head for the nearest tree outside the tavern. However the spell fizzles, there is a forbearance on the city blocking teleportation in or out of the city. We leave the town with out issue with the prisoner in tow.

Thornevar reveals that Astrid Cromwell has Norm’s fiancé, Devon Greyhearth, but Friynaf is blocked from delving deeper into his mind when she tries. Back to Starhaunt castle the order of the gauntlet joins in the discussion of Thornever’s fate, which is death. However when Thornevar dies he will become a ice devil in the 9hells, a high rank in the hells hierarchy, which is what he wants. Lord Haund notices that Thornevar was being scryed, presumably by Astrid, meaning that other than Norm whom is protected by his necklace, she has all of our faces to scry upon. To keep Thornevar from claiming his prize in hell Friynaf mentions she could turn him to stone and with Ra's help the petrification proceeds. Anora agrees to take him to the temple of Torm in Waterdeep for safe keeping.

Later that evening Aric Shadowveil is introduced as Malavise’s paramour warlock to be her contact while she is gone. Inspired by the bridge in SilveryMoon HM9 fabricates a stunning bridge between the Castle and Tower overnight.

Marpenoth 30th morning 1492DR
(S103): XP session
1666 xp
200 xP Bookkeeper (Boske)
piety +2 (Norm)

DM Talolan

Level 13 Players:
Bos’ke (Tundrra) xP: 139,492+1666+200= 141,358 | Piety: 35
Friynaf (Stelmarii) xP: 138,226+1666= 139,892 | Piety: 32
Gutbur (Lasarian) xP: 139,394+1666= 141,060 | Piety: 62
HealMageNine (Korram) xP: 134,645+1666= 136,311 | Piety: 0
Norm (Ojike) xP: 120,000+1666= 121,666 | Piety: 20+2= 23
Ra (Kermit) xP: 129,850+1666= 131,516 | Piety: 28
<LVL 14 = 140,000>

Level 14 Players:
Bos’ke (Tundrra) xP: 139,492+1666+200= 141,358 | Piety: 35
<LVL 15 = 165,000>
Tundrra TT:TableTop
*NOR/LD-High Council
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Re: [Spoilers] Heroes of the North

Post by Tundrra »

Recap 104
Uktar the 3rd 1492, slightly after half sun

Darthra has asked for a meeting with the Spear, stating she will no longer will be the lord Protector of Triboar. Her secret of being the heir of Neverwinter has gotten out and the Lord Alliance has encouraged Neverember to protector. He has placed her in new position of Ambassador at the Revel's End Prison to the far north near Ten Towns. The half orc Shim was voted by the town to become the new Lord Protector.

The next couple days arrive the more powerful guests for the coronation. These nations create extravagant towers and temples to house their entourages. Uluvin’s population has more than doubled, the square is repaired and full of traveling market stands, bustling tourists and citizens.

The first guest to request an audience with Norm is from the Shadowdale, Exyll Esokon, she wants to be archmage of Uluvin and she has a reference from the Sage Eliminster himself. Her main interest is the telescope and is able to help with the castles magical protections. The next set of guests are representatives of the Lord Alliance offering Uluvin an official position in the Alliance, with the condition that Miribar is able to own the recently discovered Firehammer Hold. The final group of guests are the Greyhearths, Norm's fiancee's family. Norm updates them on the kidnapping by Astrid and more detail on the motivations of their attack on the city.

During all these meetings Friynaf has noticed that HM9 has been absent and requests Boske to send a message to him. In response we get a unusual response of "Waiting for input." We have now discovered Heal Mage Five, the crafter. He seems to shut down to base programming when he is fabricating items, he did complete the spell component dragon statue for Friynaf and created a magical table for Gutbur to dine outdoors. By the next morning he is back to normal and the party heads to the market to visit the new vendors.

Uktar the 6th, Coronation Day! Weapons are left at the castle, guards are posted everywhere and at the temple the acting high priestess speaks the sacred words and presents the new King of Uluvin. Hall hail King Tarklin! Regent Hopea blesses the crown with a boon from Bahmut causing the crown to glow for a moment... making it a magic item.
(S104): XP
500 xP RP Session
200 xP Bookkeeper (Boske)
200 xP Nightmare (Fryinaf)

DM Talolan

Level 13 Players:
HealMageNine (Korram) xP: 136,311+500= 136,811 | Piety: 0
Norm (Ojike) xP: 121,866+500= 122,366 | Piety: 22
Ra (Kermit) xP: 131,516+ABSENT= 131,516 | Piety: 28
<LVL 14 = 140,000>

Level 14 Players:
Bos’ke (Tundrra) xP: 141,358+200+500= 142,058 | Piety: 35
Friynaf (Stelmarii) xP: 139,892+200+500= 140,592 | Piety: 32
Gutbur (Lasarian) xP: 141,060+500= 141,560 | Piety: 62
<LVL 15 = 165,000>
Tundrra TT:TableTop
*NOR/LD-High Council
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