Blizzard talks procedural and player-created content in WoW

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Blizzard talks procedural and player-created content in WoW

Post by Talolan »

In an interview with Rock, Paper, Shotgun, lead content designer Corey Stockton talked about the possibility of procedurally generated content, and player generated content coming to WoW in the future.
I think what we'd like to do is say we can still have our seven or eight dungeons, but then over here we've got some crazy procedural supplement. Maybe the dungeon is random, maybe the boss is randomized with different [abilities] – how ever we could do that. But I think that'd be a cool supplement to the handcrafted stuff. Because I think that's what sets us apart.
Procedural is the only thing we've really talked about, and I feel like that has to be the next step. We have to be able to make that kind of content, and then offer up the tools. But obviously Blizzard has a very strong history of [user-created content]. I mean, things like the StarCraft II editor are all about that. So I think that would be a natural step.
Who knows if we'll ever actually see anything, but both procedural and player-generated content are the hallmarks of the rest of Blizzard's franchises. The dungeons in Diablo 1 and 2 were almost entirely procedurally generated, and while so were some of the layouts in Diablo 3. Player-generated content in the WarCraft and StarCraft RTS series have lead to entire new genres of game. If it weren't for Defense of the Ancients in Warcraft 3, there would be no League of Legends, DOTA 2, Heroes of the Storm and a slew of other MOBAs.

Frankly, I'd like to see both types of experiences come to WoW. Something like a Foundry for WoW would be great.

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