PnP: "Things are not always what they seem..."

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PnP: "Things are not always what they seem..."

Post by GuardianElite »

New [noo, nyoo] ;of a kind now existing or appearing for the first time; novel: a new concept of the universe.

Outrider [out-rahy-der] ;a person who leads the way or is a member of a vanguard; forerunner.

Jedi Temple, Tython...One Hour after the Sith Empire captures it.

As a creature designed to simply crush and annihilate her enemies, Mrysti was not prone to overt displays of emotion. Truth be known, she despised them. Not just some emotion, but all of them. Scrambled as her mind was after sustaining serious injury in her flight from this place; accident combined with years of abuse at the hands of a Sith Taskmaster created a monster. A monster that fed on hate and drank in the despair of others. So it was slightly surprising to her Field Commander and everyone on her assault team when she became somber; a sad pallor coming over her. It was no more surprising to anyone than to Mrysti herself as she entered the Jedi Mediation Hall and the first pang of familiarity came over her. Though much of her memory had not returned, she had instances of what she could only describe as Déjà Vu. Reflections of a memory, not even a complete memory.

Slowly she walked the hall, every so often using her foot to push glass or a piece of broken architecture out of the way. Debris filled once spartan hallway, debris from the mess her people had made. Behind her several members of her assault team followed. Weapons still at the ready even though the Jedi were supposedly dead or captured in this area. Wanting to give a not so subtle hint to her men, Mrysti turned her head slightly to the side, just enough so that her Field Commander could see the look and feel the gaze of one eye. Stopping dead in his tracks he turned around waving the rest of the Team back.

"Alright men! Turn it around, back to the Main Foyer. Lord Alpha wishes to be alone..."

Mrysti waited until the sounds of boots on marble faded and finally died out, leaving her alone and she let her eyes get heavy. Half-lidded, she didn't look out of the slit of her eyes as she reached out with her right hand trying to feel, trying to grasp another piece of familiarity. The Force led her. She stopped in a far corner of the hall and jerked her eyes open. The single pedestal held a humanoid sized cushion on it, capable of one person to kneel or sit crossed-legged in what the Jedi were so fond of doing; a meditative posture. One of the support beams from the ceiling lay over the top of the seating area and Mrysti angrily grabbed and flung it out of the way. She was close, she wanted to know more. Looking both ways down the hall to ensure no one was watching, Mrysti kneeled down on the cushion and this time closed her eyes. was a dream.

She was sure of it because it couldn't possibly be her, standing next to a large Beast, complete with mounting saddle. She moved her hand over its scaly skin cooing to it lovingly. It didn't matter that she couldn't here what she was saying to it. The Force had made her a spectator.

From the front, Karolin and another large Jedi rode up on the same type of beast. It was then that Mrysti noticed she wore the brown of a Jedi robe and the man addressed her directly.

"Mrysti, you are the only Seer in the group. Ride out with the Vanguard and ensure they are in for NO surprises along the way..." The large Jedi looked at the others all standing by their mounts,raising his voice to address them all, "You ARE our Outriders...if you don't do your jobs lots of people don't make it home! So mount up!!! And get moving!"

Mrysti watched herself mount the lizard like creature patting it's head once she was comfortable. Karolin and the Large Jedi rode up beside her, preparing to leave. Karolin smiled at her Sister.

"His bark is worse than his bite, Mrysti. You just learn to ignore Markus, like I've done." Markus Chase threw Karolin a wry grin as he regarded Mrysti, almost sizing the large woman up.

"We have to get you something bigger to ride. You look kinda funny up there. Who knows...maybe we'll make an Outrider out of you yet."

Mrysti smiled back, leaning forward in the saddle toward Markus.

"Outriders are Sentinels...or Guardians. You said it yourself...I'm a Seer. I kinda like being a Consular..."

Nearly falling off the cushion, Mrysti lurched herself off the seat looking back down at it. In a flash she drew her lightsaber cutting the pedestal in half angrily, stalking back down the hall.

"Consular? Seer? No Kriffin way!"

From the corner, several of the Outrider Jedi watched the spectacle. Hiding themselves in the Force, waiting for the order to counter attack. One such Jedi stepped forward, the hilt of his saber already in hand to pursue and put an end to Mrysti. The Orange robed arm barred the Padawan from pursuit as he watched the tall Mirialan disappear down the hall. Respectfully, the Master Jedi looked down at the Learner.

"Not yet, Padawan. The order has not yet been given..." The shadow of Mrysti finally disappeared altogether as the Master watched reflectively. "And that are not, nor will you ever be strong enough to face..."
Mize, Level 60: Sith Juggernaut
Mrysti, Level 65: Sith Juggernaut
Sicness, Level 60: Sith Inquisitor
Amalgom, Level 60: Imperial Operative
Marstel, Level 60: Bounty Hunter
Karolin (Dark-side), Level 65: Sith Mararder

RTninefoursix, Level 65: Republic Vanguard
RTninefourfive, Level 60: Republic Commando
Karolin, Level 65: Jedi Sage
Porchia, Level 65: Gunslinger
Derrick-veruna, Level 65: Jedi Guardian
Beta, Level 60: Jedi Sentinel
V'ictoria, Level 60: Scoundrel
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Re: PnP: "Things are not always what they seem..."

Post by Alystri »

Alystri and Tru rounded the corner and saw the four battle droids at the end of the passageway. Alystri said "Now!" and sent energy surging through her sabers. Throwing her sabers she leaped towards the droids. While she was in the air, Tru send a blast of force sending the four droids flying through the air. Alystri's sabers slashed through the group of droids and Alystri expertly landed between them. Using the force to slam the droids who were standing back up into the ground, Alystri swung her two sabers in an arch cleaving the droids in two. Tru laughing, leaped to Alystri's side, "Sis, we make quite a team.". Alystri smiled and said, "Let's go get this turncoat."

Sprinting towards the closed hatch ahead, Alystri and Tru began to feel the presence of the Dark Side. Tru send a wave of energy into the hatch blowing it off its hinges. Leaping, Alystri landed in the middle of what appeared to be a laboratory. Looking around she saw cowering in the corner the source of the Dark. The Twi'Lek doctor looked up at Alystri, "Please Master Jedi, my research will push the Republic ahead of the Empire by leaps and bounds. I just need a few more test subjects." Looking around, Alystri saw the empty cages full of the uncleaned filth of the doctor's test subjects. Alystri spoke quietly, "Doctor, I know the source of your knowledge, we have been watching you for a long while. There is no way that an average student with limited understanding of biochemistry could have made the advancements that you made in a matter of months. I know of your trip to moon of Balmorra and what you took from there. The knowledge you gained from that dark source cannot be used."

The doctor stood up strangely different, a distant look in his eyes, "Foolish Jedi, you are too late my Master just left with the serum. Kill the doctor, it makes no difference. His lust for power and wealth have left him open to our influence and corruption. The damage has been done." Alystri watched as the Doctor fell to the floor, she knew he was dead.

Suddenly, Tru's holo-communicator sounded, looking down, a look of worry covered her face. Alystri felt the worry in her sister, "What Tru, what has happened?" Tru quietly responded, "The Temple has fallen on Tython." Alystri could not believe her ears. "There is more", Tru said, "You must go there, the Covenant is needed. The Temple did not fall without help from within. The Master sent us this image, it is of a silver haired Mirialan Sith. The Master says that she was instrumental in the fall. The Master feels that she might be one who can guide us to others within the Republic and our Order who have touched the Dark.

"But what about you?", Alystri asked Tru. "We are a team." Tru responded, "Someone has to recover the serum. With the Order scrambling to retake the Temple on Tython we cannot spare the luxury of going together. Good luck Aly, I feel that you are heading into a place much darker than I. The Master says that a Republic Strike Team will meet you on the Gav Daragon. I think there will be someone there you will want to speak to. Until we meet again, may the force be with you."

Alystri sped off into the night, what had Tru meant, someone I would want to speak to? Remembering the image of the Mirialan Sith, Alystri could not help but feel like things are not always what they seem.
Alystri (Level 60 Watchman Sentinel)
Alyianna (Level 55 Vanguard Tank)
Tru-alanna (Level 12 Jedi Sage-Healer)
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Re: PnP: "Things are not always what they seem..."

Post by Zyera »

Evara sits quietly in a far off cave, where she gathered her first lightsaber crystal as a young Padawan. She slowly walked the caverns, remembering what conversation she had with her sister not too long ago.

Hours before the invation, Evara was on Tython- meditating in the near by gardens when she felt a huge shift in the force. It seemed to have hit her straight in the chest, making her feel sick. She looked up into the sky and couldn't tell what it was, but she hasn't felt anything like that in the years she has been here. She was alone in the gardens, miles away from other Jedi. She shook her head, trying to shake off the dreadful feeling till she felt a light tap on her shoulder. She stood up and spun around, sheilding herself in defense as she was looking straight into the eyes of her sister- Sirenah.

Her eyes grew in shock, "S-Sirenah?! What are you doing here?" she lowered her shield. "You do know this is Tython, there are Jedi everywhere! How did you even-" she was cut off my Sirenah's voice.

"You need to run. Sith are going to be here any minute and I- and the rest of the Keywork can not be seen aiding you in anyway. You are too important in the mission to get yourself killed." her voice was harsh and meaningful. "We are here for some records or something, I don't know but it's fishy and I don't want you here. You need to leave. Master Zyera is already on a mission to Korriban-"

Evara stopped breathing, "K-Korriban?! Is she mad! It's one of the most protected places in the galaxy!"

Sirenah nodded, "I know, it's extremely suspicious that both factions are attacking archives at the same time. It will be a bloodbath and I need you to go." her deep brown eyes locked on her sister. "Please, Evara..."

Evara's mind snapped back to reality, her eyes looking at the crystals, lightly seeing her own reflection. She could hear the bombs not too far off, wondering if she should keep moving or wait for the Empire to leave. She sat down in the cave, trying to focus and see if she could see through another Jedi's eyes to know what is going on.
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Re: PnP: "Things are not always what they seem..."

Post by Alystri »

Alystri landed on the Gav Daragon and quickly went to the briefing room to meet up with the waiting Strike Team. As she neared the entrance, she began to feel a presence that she had not felt in a long while. Despite its familiarity there was something different about it. Something harder.

Entering the chamber she saw who it was she was feeling, Alyianna! Running towards her sister, Alystri exclaimed, "Anna, what are you doing here? Your a Trooper?" Looking closer at her sister, Alystri could sense that her sister had been through the refiners fire much like herself. Then she saw it, the scar on Alyianna's right eye. Remembering her Trial of Spirit, she gasped, that was not real, yet the scar from the blade of Lord Josen was there. Snapping out of her reflection by Alyianna's reply, she looked up as Alyianna said "Aly, you don't think I was the only one who changed that day our father was taken do you. I too had to find my way, and I chose to try to repay our fathers betrayal the best way I can by giving myself to the Republic." Alystri wondered why does everyone always know more than me. I still don't know the details of my father or his betrayal.

"Okay, there will be time enough for this later, It is good to see you! I have missed you dearly", Alystri said. "We must talk, but now is not the time". Quickly switching back into her role as a Jedi, Alystri asked "Who is in charge here?" With a smile, Alyianna replied, "I am Master Jedi, the situation is as follows. Several hours ago Sith Strike Teams landed on Tython and assaulted the Temple. The teams were able to land undetected and took the forces there by surprise. We believe that someone from within the Order provided them with the landing codes and disabled some of the countermeasures to detect unauthorized landings. The Sith teams quickly took the Temple and the surrounding areas. But that is not he most interesting thing, this is classified, but at the same time that the Sith attacked the Jedi Temple, the Jedi attacked the Sith on Korriban. So both sides, were already weak due to a large portion of their best warriors participating on the assault on the other. What I ask myself and what Republic intelligence is asking is how did this happen? It is not a coincidence that both factions attacked at the same time. Something is at work here. That is why we are going to Tython. We must find out who within the Order is at league with this larger force. The force that is using the Jedi and Sith as puppets for its nefarious goal."

Alystri was shocked, "Why had no one told me of the assault on Korriban? I cannot be left in the dark like this and be expected to see through the force the best path for us to take." Alyianna said, "The Jedi attack on Korriban is not well know, and I doubt that until now you have met up with someone who knew of this. We are not broadcasting it in ship to ship communications because we do not want it to be inadvertently intercepted. The attack on Korriban was successful just as the Sith attack on Tython was successful. Now we need to retake Tython and learn of who is behind all of this." Alystri nodded, "What of the enormous Sith who I was told we must investigate?" Alyianna turned to the other Troopers in the room, "Leave us, prepared the ships for departure, we leave in an hour."

After they left, Alyianna turned to Alystri, "Aly, I am with the Covenant. That Sith you speak of, Republic intelligence did some digging and it appears that there is record of her in the Jedi archives. We believe she once was a Jedi. In fact, her sister still is a Jedi, if you could call her that. That is why we must speak with her or if we can't find her, her sister. These family relationships which span both factions always seem to blur individual's true loyalty. We must go, the Sith have not left Tython, not yet. The Jedi counter attack is due to arrive soon and if we hurry we can arrive with them. Lets go hunting!"

Alystri looked at her sister proud of what she had become and happy to know that she did not have to hide her true mission from her sister. She did not know if her sister knew of Tru, but now was not the time. It seemed that there was never time to untangle the tangled web of deception within deception that her life had become. Looking through the force for a clue as to what this mission might lead to, all she saw was shadows and a tangle of outcomes to blurred to decipher. The threads of the future seemed to be in flux, too many decision points for one path to shine clear. One thing was for sure, this was a epicenter to something that would influence the future of the Republic and Order for many generations to come. Alystri needed to go to the eye of the storm and ensure that the path which finally shines clear is the one that is for the benefit of the Light!

"Let's go hunting, sis. Lead the way!" Both sisters left together, for the moment unified in purpose.
Alystri (Level 60 Watchman Sentinel)
Alyianna (Level 55 Vanguard Tank)
Tru-alanna (Level 12 Jedi Sage-Healer)
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Re: PnP: "Things are not always what they seem..."

Post by GuardianElite »

Carrack Station, One Day after the Invasion on Tython...

Karolin pursed her lips at the image on her Holo-comm. She didn't like this man, not one little bit. He was the bounty hunter who brought her in one time during her exodus from the Jedi. "...but why, I haven't been in any trouble since I was released to go to Makeb! It makes no sense?!?! And why you? Why would Mrysti even bother to hire you, she knows I hate you!"

Goldsting smiled from under the large brimmed hat he wore, even through the blue hue of the Holo-comm his image Karolin could tell the hat matched the Armor, which was no doubt the Bounty Hunter's characteristic 'Gold' color, "She didn't hire me to do anything. This is a need to get off Carrack Station and out of Republic space."

Karolin cocked her head to the side and looked around slightly. It made no sense to her. Sure the Republic had invaded Korriban, no doubt in response to the Empire's attack on Tython. Karolin held little love for either faction. What had Mrysti done? Whatever connection there was, Mrysti had to be at the center of it. Goldsting waited patiently as Karolin looked back down at his image. "Let's say I believe you. What am I supposed to do? Where do I go?" Goldsting shrugged in the image.

"Hey, that has nothing to do with me. I told her I would get you the message and I did. A Force User in your position has very few safe havens...but, I'm willing to help..." Karolin smirked, Goldsting help her? That was laughable, but she didn't interrupt him. "...I know your Brother has a place on Nar Shaddaa. I have alot of contacts there. If you decide to go to Nar, look up my buddy Igdo. He's a bartender at the Slopes. If I find out anything more from your Sister I will get it to him and he to you...."

It wasn't like she had alot of choices, she nodded, deactivating the Holo-comm. The Republic, once again after her for reasons she had no idea about. Mrysti was at the heart of it. If they wanted her for 'questioning, they would have to find her first and she was VERY adept at hiding. She dipped her head as she walked up the stairs from the Cantina, passing a few Republic Soldiers on the way past not even giving them a glance. She would go to Marstel's, but first a change of clothing. It was time to hide again and Nar Shaddaa was a great place to get lost in.
Mize, Level 60: Sith Juggernaut
Mrysti, Level 65: Sith Juggernaut
Sicness, Level 60: Sith Inquisitor
Amalgom, Level 60: Imperial Operative
Marstel, Level 60: Bounty Hunter
Karolin (Dark-side), Level 65: Sith Mararder

RTninefoursix, Level 65: Republic Vanguard
RTninefourfive, Level 60: Republic Commando
Karolin, Level 65: Jedi Sage
Porchia, Level 65: Gunslinger
Derrick-veruna, Level 65: Jedi Guardian
Beta, Level 60: Jedi Sentinel
V'ictoria, Level 60: Scoundrel
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Re: PnP: "Things are not always what they seem..."

Post by Alystri »

Alystri and Alyianna's strike team landed in a secluded grove near the Temple on Tython. Quickly, dismounting, the team began the movement towards the temple. As they climbed a ridge and looked down into the valley below, Alystri was shocked to see the Temple . Smoke billowed from the Temple and Sith battle banners flew from the makeshift command posts that they had set up outside the entrance to the Temple. Alystri, could not believe how easily the Sith had taken the center of the Order's existence. The place where it should have been the strongest.

Alyianna approached, "Where now sister? Alystri looked up from her reflection, "Lets wait here. There are bound to be patrols. Let the Jedi counter attack retake the Temple. That is not our mission." Alyianna nodded and gave orders through her squad communicator to the Troopers. Turning to Alystri she asked, "Aly, does it hurt to see the bastian of your Order like that?" Alystri grimly replied, "No, this is a result of what we and the Covenant are trying to prevent. This is what happens when we dare to touch the Dark and let it taint everything we do. We will find those who knew of this and they will be punished. We will cleanse the Order and then we will strike back destroying the Sith Order and all that is stands for."

Approximately an hour later, the lookout team saw it. A fifteen man Sith patrol heading west through the valley towards the ridge where they were hiding. The patrol appeared to consist of several Sith warriors, a Lord and what appeared to be two apprentices, a handful of Sith troopers and two heavy battle droids. Alystri could feel the force emanating from the Sith Lord. She sensed that he had spilt the blood of numerous Jedi during the Sith assault.

The Strike Team was outnumbered, but Alystri knew that this might be their only opportunity. Quickly, telling Alyianna to set up the ambush, Alystri prepared herself for the coming confrontation. Nodding, Alyianna sent out the order to set up an L shaped ambush. Efficiently following her orders, the heavy guns set up to the west of the Sith patrol where they could get effective frontal fire on the patrol, the remainder of the team in a line to maximize fires on the enemy patrol. Alyianna signaled to Alystri that they were ready. Alystri nodded and quietly said, "Do not engage until they are in the kill zone. Instruct your men to target the Troopers and droids. I will deal with the Sith.

Several minutes later, the Sith patrol was squarely in the kill zone. "Now!" shouted Alyianna as the Strike Team began to pour out immense fire on the Sith patrol. The heavy guns tore into the lead Sith troopers. Shields up, the Sith heavy droids began to lay down supressive fire as the Sith patrol turned into the ambush and began to attempt to assault through the main line of Republic Troopers. Suddenly, the Sith warriors leaped into the battle their red blades blazing. Cleaving two of Republic Troopers they began to send lighting cutting through the ambush. Alystri could sense the resolve of the troopers wavering. Alyianna shouted as she charged towards the Sith leader. Her blaster rifle blazing as she threw a sticky grenade in his direction. Laughing the Sith leader, sent Alyianna flying with a force push. Turning to his henchmen he barked "Take care of those heavy guns while I deal with this rabble."

Leaping over the heads of two Imperial troopers, slashing and decapitating one ,and sending the other to the ground with a force push, Alystri faced the Sith Leader. She shouted "Anna, get some mortars on that ridge over there to cut off their retreat!". Alystri then threw her saber slicing an imperial battle droid in two.

Smiling, the Sith Lord looked at Alystri, "Finally, a challenge. All the other Jedi in this god forsaken place cowered and begged for mercy as we pillaged and destroyed their precious Temple and archives." Alystri looked at him and said, "Careful, Sith. I am not in the mood for games. You may regret your casual words".

Alystri leaped towards him, her blades blazing. One of the Sith apprentices leaped to meet her and without thinking, Alystri parried his blade and sliced across his torso. Landing near the Sith Lord, she send force surging into him. Countering with his own force wave, the Sith leader laughed and said, "Maybe I underestimated you young Jedi. It will be a pleasure to show you the power of the Dark Side."

Alystri could feel the resolve of the Republic Troopers continuing to wain. She knew that she must end this battle soon. Already, half the Strike Team had fallen. Glancing towards Alyianna, Alystri saw her firing from cover at the remaining Sith apprentice and the last Heavy Battle Droid. Her men had taken up positions of cover around her. Strangely, the Republic heavy guns were silent.

Alystri drew the force into her and sent a waive of energy to her allies, bolstering their resolve and then Alystri leaped towards the Sith Leader. He met her mid air, their blades clashing and the smell of ozone filling the air. Flipping mid air Alystri landed facing the Sith Lord. "Sith, I need you alive, if that was not the case, you would already be dead" Alystri stated matter of factly. Turning she shouted to Alyianna, "Anna, I am going to give you your chance, focus fire on the remaining Sith. I will free you from the Droid". Reaching out with the force, Alystri sent a surge of power through the droid circuitry silencing its blasters and immobilizing it mid action.

Suddenly, Alystri was slammed with a force wave sending her crashing into a nearby tree. The Sith Lord smirked and said, "Foolish Jedi, you help your friends and leave yourself vulnerable. I am much to strong for you to help them and deal with me." Alystri, replied, "As you wish, you will regret my full attention, I promise you." Sending energy into her twin sabers she leaped towards him. Throwing one blade mid leap forcing him to counter with his saber. Landing next to him and catching her saber, Alystri felt the energy building in him. "Not this time, Sith", she shouted as she kicked him across the face forcing him to step backwards. Flames coursing down her sabers she launched into a flurry of attacks, driving the Sith Lord back.

Feeling the tide of the battle changing, Alystri sensed the remaining Sith apprentice had been eliminated. Looking through the corner of her eye, she saw one of the Republic heavy guns resume firing tearing through the immobilized battle droid. Catching Alyianna's eye, she communicated implicitly how to end this fight. Alyianna nodded as Alystri turned to the Sith Lord. Reaching out with the force she grasped the Sith Lord mid movement and lifted him into the air. Alyianna charged slamming into his immobalized body. Her knife impaling itself into his back.

The Sith Lord slumped to the ground beaten. Sending force into his corrupted body, Alystri held onto his life force and refused to let it leave. "Not, until I have what I need", Alystri declared. Standing over the Sith, Alystri reached into his mind searching for a clue as to the identity of the Mirialan Sith. Focusing his weakening gaze on Alystri, the Sith smiled and muttered, "I know who you seek and there you will only find death. That one, even the Sith Lords fear. She is consumed by the Dark and there is no redemption. Her soul was destroyed long ago by her Maker. She is only darkness, rage and hate. Jedi, if she is your desire, I will see you soon in hell. Alpha will consume you." With the last utterance, Alystri lost her grip on his life force as it disappeared into the force.

"Alpha, that is whom we seek", Alystri pondered. She could sense that the dying Sith truly meant what he said. Whomever this Alpha is, she was indeed powerful. Alystri sensed that if she was to face this Sith, this would be her greatest challenge and that she would need allies.

Turning to Alyianna, Alystri said, "Rally your men. We must move one. This will have been noticed. Bring our dead and contact the extraction ships. I must reflect on what I have learned."
Alystri (Level 60 Watchman Sentinel)
Alyianna (Level 55 Vanguard Tank)
Tru-alanna (Level 12 Jedi Sage-Healer)
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Re: PnP: "Things are not always what they seem..."

Post by GuardianElite »

Same day…Ministry of Defense Building; Office of Sciences and Special Projects, Galactic City, Coruscant…

Smiling broadly, RT nearly leapt around the desk at his friend, the Supreme Commander of the Republic Armed Forces, Jace Malcom. Stopping halfway across the long room, RT noticed Jace didn’t have the customary smile he usually had upon entering his friend’s office. Nevertheless, RT tried to lighten the mood.

“It’s not often you come off the top floor to see me Jace, not that my floor is that far away…” RT extended his hand, but Jace didn’t take it. Instead looking down and back behind him at the other two men entering the office with him. RT dropped his hand as Jace spoke, it was official this was NOT a social call.

“Colonel, these men are from SIS, Internal Affairs Division…and they have questions.” The other two agents simply nodded. The use of RT’s rank immediately put the conversation on another footing as RT took on a position of semi-attention in the presence of his Commander. Making his way back toward his desk, RT spoke off-handedly over his shoulder, not to the agents, but to Jace.

“What’s this about, Sir?”

One of the agents took the opportunity to address RT, moving past the other two and coming to a stop in the front of a rather large and plush looking chair that sat in front of RT’s desk. He sat, RT gave him a deathly glare.

“No one told you, you could sit…” The agent immediately got back up folding his hands in front of him. RT was determined that whatever this was about, he was not going to allow the SIS men to run the conversation. Jace moved back to the front, he took a seat in front of RT’s desk, which almost made RT smile. Jace knew RT wouldn’t bark at him for sitting.

“Colonel, it’s about your Sisters…both of them…” The rather impatient agent who sat finally spoke up, which got him a glare from both Officers. RT’s glare being the worst of the two.

“Karolin Alpha is wanted for questioning. Her status with the Jedi Order being what it is…and the recent unpleasantness on Tython—“ RT raised a hand sharply cutting him off right before he finished.

“Her status??? Her status was cleared the moment they assigned her to the fight on Makeb. Her status? Agent, my Sister has no status. She was cleared of her wrong doing, she made amends and was exiled from the Order. It works out for both of them…they get Karolin to do their dirty work and are not accountable for her actions.” The agent gave a placated smile lowering his hands and folding them in front of him.

“Your Sister is a known terrorist. Responsible for the death of numerous Republic personnel. This Attack on Tython had inside help and who would have more of a reason to strike back at the Order than—“ RT shot up out of his seat, slapping his hands on the desk angrily. But, it was Jace who spoke for RT’s feelings.

“Watch your tone, Agent. You are not in the SIS building anymore…this is MY building. This is the Ministry of Defense and you are speaking to a Republic Colonel, who happens to be THE Director of one of THE twelve bureaus in the Ministry…” The Agent lowered his head, a smirk slightly placed on his lips.

“My apologies Supreme Commander, but the fact remains…Karolin Alpha has gone missing as of today. Despite our best efforts, we are unable to locate her after she departed Carrack Station.” RT sat back down for the moment, slowly bringing his hands in a steeple to the front of his face.

“Missing? How do you determine someone is missing if they don’t know they were trying to be found? My Sister has a penchant for many things, going missing is not one of them. If you knew her you would know being stealthy is not her strong suit.” That brought a slight smile to Jace Malcom’s face as he cast a knowing glance to RT, who did not change his demeanor. The Agent gestured for a chair as RT allowed him to sit. The other agent producing a Holo-pad and placing it on RT desk for them all to see.

“This message was intercepted once we were ordered to bring her in for questioning. It appears someone else was on to her first…”

As RT watched the playback of the conversation between ‘Goldsting’ and Karolin all eyes in the room got wide at the mention of Mrysti. RT played it off, never changing his demeanor. The agents all looked at him. Deactivating the Holo-pad, the agent speaking looked directly at Jace Malcom.

“Sir, in light of this evidence and the fact that both Colonel RT’s Sisters are involved it is in the Republic’s best interest if Colonel RT is relieved of his position until such time as—“ Jace shot up from his seat this time, coming face to face with the agent.

“Now, you listen here…you came in my office on the premise of coming down here to question Colonel RT about his siblings. To come in here and suggest that RT has some kind of involvement—“ RT smiled as he stood rounding the corner of the desk to come up next to his Commander. It was now clear that either these agents weren’t read into ‘Project Alpha’ or had no idea what type of relationship the Republic had with ALL of his family. He laid a gentle hand on Jace’s shoulder.

“It’s fine, Sir. These men can make whatever assumptions or accusations they want. Without proof of this office’s involvement they are just that…accusations.” Jace continued, giving RT a hard glance.

“I have no intention of suspending Colonel RT of his duties! Mrysti Alpha is a Dark Lord of the Sith and an Enemy of the Republic. RT knows this and has no involvement with her at all. The fact that Karolin Alpha has gone missing has absolutely nothing to do with any of this…and until you can put all of this together, you SIS boys better do better than come in here and spout accusations and innuendo!” The agent gently picked up the Holo-pad folding it under his arm.

“I see your point Commander…Colonel, I apologize if my words came off as accusations. That was not my intent.” One agent gestured to the other as they both started the long walk across the broad room toward the exit, the annoyed agent turning back off-handedly back toward the two Officers, “Just so you know Colonel…a Jedi Strike Force has been sent to Tython to re-take the Temple. There is also another unit on Tython as well, to apprehend or eliminate Mrysti Alpha. If it is revealed that Karolin and Mrysti are working together, we will be back…”

Jace and RT exchanged looks as the door shut behind them. Flopping down in the seat Jace smiled weakly.

“Anything I should know, RT?”


The explosion sent shockwaves through the walls adjacent to the Imperial Commandos, who were now hunkered down next to Lord Mrysti Alpha. She stood up crunching the debris underfoot, moving past the freshly dead toward the archway. Another explosion sent debris flying toward her through the archway as she lifted a hand, the debris passed around her.

“Get your men up and follow me, Commander! It’s time to move to extraction…the Jedi are about to retake their Temple.” Activating her lightsaber, Mrysti walked deliberately and purposefully toward the main doorway. It was then the hum of another lightsaber rounded the corner, it’s green blade lighting the area around it. Mrysti gestured to the Commandos to pass her and continue forward as she brought her white blade up to her front. “Get going! I’ll handle this!”

The Jedi shrugged his shoulders, allowing the hood to fall loosely off his head. He pointed the tip of his blade toward Mrysti.

“You dare violate these sacred halls with your filth, Sith! Lay down your saber, so that you can be redeemed!”

Smiling wickedly, Mrysti kept her stance. Standing a full meter taller than the smaller Jedi, she rolled her shoulders slightly toward him. Her eyes lit with a sickening red haze.

“You want to redeem me, Jedi? You’re wasting your time…I AM the Dark Side…”

The battle only lasted a second as she leapt at the Jedi. He brought his saber up to deflect the leaping blow, but Mrysti landed short, planting her feet in front of him and spinning, her saber out to her side as it slashed through his mid-section. The body of the Jedi fell in two behind her as she opened her eyes to look at the staring Commandos.

“I said move! Why are you still just standing there!” The Commandos who watched with interest now moved out with a quickness toward the further exit, Mrysti close behind. Then it hit her, a click in her mind, a ‘blip’ in the Force. She stopped cold, looking around her, the hum of the lightsaber in her hand the only sound. It wasn’t the Jedi she had just slain, his life force joined with the Force almost immediately. This was something else. Sniffing the air slightly, she turned around.

“My Lord! Come on!! We have to go, reports are coming in….the Republic has made planetfall!”

Mrysti waved off the Commando leader, “No! Proceed to the extraction site…I have further business here…” She turned heading back into the recess of the Jedi Temple. The presence she felt was powerful, more importantly it was searching for her. She could feel it in the Force, this presence now had her name as well as her appearance. It was coming and she knew she couldn’t out run it.
Mize, Level 60: Sith Juggernaut
Mrysti, Level 65: Sith Juggernaut
Sicness, Level 60: Sith Inquisitor
Amalgom, Level 60: Imperial Operative
Marstel, Level 60: Bounty Hunter
Karolin (Dark-side), Level 65: Sith Mararder

RTninefoursix, Level 65: Republic Vanguard
RTninefourfive, Level 60: Republic Commando
Karolin, Level 65: Jedi Sage
Porchia, Level 65: Gunslinger
Derrick-veruna, Level 65: Jedi Guardian
Beta, Level 60: Jedi Sentinel
V'ictoria, Level 60: Scoundrel
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Re: PnP: "Things are not always what they seem..."

Post by Alystri »

Alystri sat in her quarters on the small cruiser assigned to the Strike Team. Her quarters had a small chapel attached which could be accessed only by her. It was her sanctum. She pondered what she had learned from the Sith leader. Who was this Alpha? She clearly inspired fear in her peers and was one whom Alystri should not take lightly. Every time Alystri reached out through the force to find a clue to guide her, she had the same results. The threads of the future were clouded.

It was difficult for one who did not know how to read the thin threads of fate to decipher the story they told. But Alystri was an adept at this. She normally, could focus on an event or person and see several possible outcomes shining through. Normally, one shone stronger than the rest. Using logic, Alystri then could guide her actions and the actions of those she led.

This time it was different. The closer she focused on the name, the darker the cloud became. It appeared that this Alpha was surrounded by several other forces, equally as strong. Their threads were intertwined in a tangled mess. The more Alystri tried to focus on one thread the more threads sprung out of the tangle. Neither stronger than the other effectively blinding Alystri to the most probably future. With so many strong forces together, Alystri was blind. She needed to separate them. Drive them apart. That was the only way to learn what they were and what their purposes were.

There was a knock on the chamber door. It must be Alyianna. No one else would dare disturb her. "Come" Alystri said. Alyianna entered, "Aly, I have learned something from my contacts and I feel that it may help guide your reflection. I was contacted by an individual within the SIS Internal Affairs Division. He reported on an interesting meeting he attended today. Apparently, this Alpha has a brother who is at the highest levels within the Republic Military. He appears to have the protection of the Supreme Commander of the Republic Armed Forces." Alystri inquired, "What is his name and why would someone so highly placed in the Republic Forces be allowed to continue when his sister clearly is one of the most powerful Sith of our generation?" Alyianna replied, "His name is Colonel RT, leader of one of the Ministries' Twelve Bureaus. The Sith we seek is known as Mrysti and her sister, the one I told you of before is named Karolin. Karolin has been thrown out of the Jedi Order for numerous crimes against the Republic and refusing to be rehabilitated by the Order. It appears that Alpha is not a name, it is a surname. Shared by all three."

Suddenly, Alystri knew why she was having problems deciphering the threads. These Alphas, were the forces twisted and tangled together. Family bonds, they seemed to always cloud individual's judgement. Why couldn't everyone see, the true Jedi Order teaches that one must leave these bonds and dedicate oneself to what is right. To the Light. If one of your family chooses to do otherwise, they you must do what you must for the good of the whole. Looking at Alyianna, Alystri wondered if she could do it. If Alyianna fell to the Dark? Her mother did it. Alystri knew it was her mother who turned her father over to the Republic. But her mother was too weak to do it in time and as a result thousands died. Would this RT do the same? What is more important to him, the good of the whole or the good of the family?

How could Alystri separate them. Drive them apart enough for her to see behind the vortex created by their tangles threads. "Where is Karolin?" Alystri asked. "That is the strange thing. She had disappeared. She communicated with a Bounty Hunted who told her he had a message from her sister Mrysti and then she fled. From the message it appears that she may be hiding on Nar Shadaa." Alyianna replied.

Alystri reached out through the force, reaching to find the location of the Alphas. Then she felt it. Someone reaching out for her. The darkness flowed into her, the strength of it seeping into her soul. It was darker that she had felt in a long time, if ever. It was a steely resolve to kill and destroy. No remorse, no feeling. Fighting to regain herself, Alystri broke free. "She knows of us and she is waiting." Alystri declared.

Suddenly, Alyianna's communicator blazed to life. "The Sith are falling back, the Temple is retaken." Blared over the comlink. Alystri could feel the truth of the statement, but even so, the dark force remained. It was waiting, watching. It was time for Alystri to decide. Should she face this Mrysti Alpha or should she chase down the sister. Clearly, they were in league. Why else would the sister flee based upon a message from her Sith sister. What of RT? The Covenant must know of this. Perhaps the Republic was too far gone to save. Did the Jedi Order know of this?"

Alystri turned to Alyianna, "Anna, are you willing to lose everything for the Covenant? Where we are going it appears that we cannot anticipate support from anyone except the Covenant. These individuals are placed at the highest levels of the government. You are a Republic Trooper and if you follow me, this may jeopardize your career and your life." Alyianna smiled, "Aly, I have seen first hand just like you what corruption can do. The people of the Republic deserve better than this. They don't deserve leaders who's loyalty lie with their selfish desires. What of the innocents who have died because of their failure to act. I swore to defend the ideals of the Republic and that is what I will do. If the Republic has fallen away from those ideals, then I will do what must be done to bring it back to the right path. Even if that means sacrificing everything. Change can only be brought through sacrifice. I am with you sister."

Alystri could not help but feel pride burning in her for her sister. Now, she needed to find Tru. Just like the Alphas had their family. So did Alystri. The Blue Winds would repay the damage their father did and redeem their name and the Republic. Anyone who would do damage to the Republic or the Order would be identified and if necessary eliminated. Enough innocent people had died as pawns in some Government or Jedi Order plot or end game.

"Anna, is there anyone below who has seen this Mrysti and can help us." Alystri asked. Alyianna replied. "There is one. But it is unclear where he stands in the matter." "Who is this one?" Alystri asked. "A Jedi named Torn." Alyianna answered.

Alystri knew of him. He was on Tython when she was training. He was a monster of a Jedi. One of few words, but lethal with the force. He would be a powerful ally or a powerful enemy. Only time would tell who he served. Alystri hoped he would fall on her side when the coin fell.
Alystri (Level 60 Watchman Sentinel)
Alyianna (Level 55 Vanguard Tank)
Tru-alanna (Level 12 Jedi Sage-Healer)
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