Basic Gearing Guide to 3.0 (Level 41 - 60)

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Basic Gearing Guide to 3.0 (Level 41 - 60)

Post by Zyera »

Found this guide and thought it would be helpful to others!
This guide assumes that you have a low or mid-level character that you are leveling up, and that you want to get from where you're at to being in viable starter gear at level 60 in the simplest and most economical way. This is not a comprehensive guide to all your options, just a short list of things that are on the critical path to getting from A to B the easy way. I will assume that you are at or able to get to level 41, with at least seven pieces of blue quality level 41 armor and a blue quality weapon and offhand.

From that baseline, here is what you can do to get to 60 and geared up.
Save Your Basic Commendations.
Take the commendation rewards from every mission that you do, and save ALL of your Basic comms to spend on your starter gear at level 60. You will not need to buy any more gear from level 41 on, if you follow the tips below, so you don't need to take gear rewards from any quests, HEROICs, or flashpoints that you run, and you won't need to spend any commendations to get any more gear.

Go to Makeb at Level 47.
As soon as you hit level 47, go to Makeb, pick up the GSI bolster on the orbital station (also available at any taxi stand on the planet), and level through from 47 to 55 there. Your blue level 41 gear will be good enough to see you through to 47, and thanks to the bolster you won't need to do any gear upgrades from 47 to 55. You can get the Makeb quest from the holoterminal on your ship at level 47. You may want to spacebar the cutscenes from the intro to avoid minor spoilers for Chapter 3. Again, save all your Basic comms from Makeb to use at level 60.

Run [SOLO] Forged Alliances at Level 55.
As soon as you ding 55, return to your ship and pick up "Prelude to Shadow of Revan" from the new mission terminal there. This will lead you through a solo version of the Forged Alliances story line, which will give you a full set of orange gear filled with 162 rated green mods (including mainhand and offhand). You also will get a substantial amount of Basic comms from this story line in the form of a Large Basic Commendations Box. Like Makeb, the [SOLO] versions of the FA flashpoints have a bolster effect, and as an added bonus you also get to summon a beastly companion droid that will tank and kill for you, so you will be fine running this story line no matter what you're wearing.

Finish Chapter 3.
At this point you can circle back and finish your Chapter 3 class missions on Voss and Corellia, which will be a breeze since you now are far overleveled and overgeared for them. You will want to finish Chapter 3 before moving on to Rishi, so that you can complete the new class mission there.

Play Through Rishi and Yavin.
After you finish Chapter 3, continue with the SoR story line, which will lead you to Rishi, and then to Yavin. The planet quests will reward you first with a full set of 168 rated gear, and following that with a full set of 178 rated gear. Those sets will carry you easily through to level 60.

Note: This is best gearing wise, best Story wise is Chapter 3 --> Ilum --> Makeb --> Forged Alliance --> Rishi --> Yavin 4

Once you are 60 the fun of Endgame Gearing Begins. Will add another guide to that and link it here. More soon! Enjoy Leveling!

Lady & Realm Leader | GW2 - Zyera.4835 | SWTOR - Keywork Legacy

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