<spoilers>Curse of Strahd

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Re: <spoilers>Curse of Strahd

Post by Talolan »

SESSION 20 Nov 8th 2017
(Roxanne, Baiz, Kermit, Talolan, Tundrra, Zelldeb)
Date: Eleint (The Fading) 26, 1491 DR.

Amber Temple
  • More combat, more dark gifts
  • the party takes long rest in the barbarian encampment room.
  • Thuring and Deluna exit through the hole in the wall to check on the mounts, which have been discovered to be stolen and led into the forest.
  • while resting a the party devised a plan to clear out the flaming skulls.
  • splitting up the group and coming at it from the south and north.
  • explored the north room first interupting a ghost dinner
  • a quick lighting bolt from thuring clears the room
  • tundrra ends up with a fancy magical cup.
  • trapped 2 skulls in dining room
  • killed the 3rd one.
  • found staff on a body burnt by flaming skulls.

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Re: <spoilers>Curse of Strahd

Post by Tundrra »

(Baiz, tundrra, Kermit, zelldeb, talolan)

Amber Temple
  • The party finished up exploring the flaming skull hallway.
  • A couple more magically locked doors dotted the 2 floors of the west wing.
  • A couple small rooms that were are accessible, one containing a Spector who haunted a bedroom, and another with a detailed 3D model of Ravenloft Castle.
  • We took a short rest while Tybolt sketched a map of Ravenloft, and Edmond finds a book that gives +2 wisdom to its reader.
  • Continuing the exploration of the main floor of the Amber Temple, which is a prison for Dark magics, the party busts through a set of double doors which have 6 large piles of treasure each with a powerful artifact in it and is guarded by a invisible amber golem.
  • The 6 artifacts were to big of a temptation for the group, and the golem is defeat and items attuned.
  • a long sword and ring to Tybolt (giving him 30+ stats), a mask to Deluna, a cape to Thuring, and Edmond picked up a set of +1 plate armor.
  • Kasimer stays close by and watches, looking for the gift he came here to find.
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Re: <spoilers>Curse of Strahd

Post by Tundrra »

SESSION 22, Eleint 27
(Baiz, tundrra, Kermit, zelldeb, talolan)

  • Deluna led the group into the adjacent room through some cracks in a wall from the treasure room.
  • inside 6 vampire spawn burst from some crates of dirt, quickly knocking Deluna unconscious.
  • Tybolt flexed his new found strength, Thuring is also knocked unconscious and Deluna goes down a 2nd time after awakening for a short moment.
  • Once the battle is over and Edmond is able to keep the spawn from escaping, the party investigates 3 additional amber prisons.
  • thuring, kasimer and edmond received the gift to bring back the ancient dead, which makes there body's wither.
  • thuring received the gift of vampirism, and we deduct this is how Strahd became a vampire.
  • The room above, held a large library full of blank books and 2 secret doors.
  • We rested in the library. (Long rest)
  • The next day in one of the secret doors we found a very old and weaked skeleton, with a weakened memory. we used a greater restoration on him.
  • he was able to answer many questions and with a promise of an escort and unlocking of all the sealed doors he asked for our final greater restoration on him,
  • very helpful lich:), named Exethanter
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Re: <spoilers>Curse of Strahd

Post by Tundrra »

SESSION 23, Eleint 28
(Baiz, tundrra, Kermit, zelldeb, talolan)

  • Ding Level 8.
  • The Lich Exethanter was true to his word and unlocked the remaining amber doors, inside we found more amber crypts offering dark gifts, which were all declined.
  • Upon departing the Lich offered to uncurse some of our attuned items and take them back. Unfortunately Tyboltks unlucky dice and ring were to powerful for the Lich to remove, nor were the Dark gifts.
  • Tybolt tried to find the traces of our Mounts and Deluna shapeshifted into a eagle and circled the area with no sign of the barbarians.
  • The party pushed on to the safety of Wizards of Wines avoiding packs of upset Werewolves.
  • Shelter and protection were freely given by the Raven folk of the winery. We were able to chat and catch up on the events of Borvia.
  • the Ravens offered transportation to Berez In order to help us complete our final quest.
  • (long rest)
  • The next morning the giant crow-folk 2 at a time carried each of us to the outskirts of Berez.
  • The ruined city, half sunk into the marsh was surround by a thick fog.
  • We were warned about the hag and her scrarecrow spies.
  • So Deluna transformed into a direwolf and with advantage on sound and smell perception checks we carefully picked our way through the ruins.
  • Eventually making our way to the remains of a old mansion.
  • Once inside a ghost appeared telling us to leave. Before leaving we asked if he knew of the Master of the Marsh.
  • he happened to be the Master of the Marsh, Burgomaster Lazlo Ulrich.
  • He told us of the story of Marina and how the city became to be destroyed.
  • He told us to find a statue due west of here and we would find what we came for.
  • The Statue was of a Kneeling Woman, engraved on it was “a rose of great beauty plucked to soon”
  • She was the spitting image of Strahd’s beloved Tatyana, according to the ghost of the Burgomaster.
  • and We thought the statue looked an awful lot like Ireena Kolyana.
  • With Tybolts great strength he was a blue to move the statue revealing a hidden compartment underneath.
  • This popped several undead with snakes in their belly. We decided not to stick around and ran past them and back to our transportation.
  • We then learned of the great powers of the crow pendant which will allow us a great advantage against Sthrad.
  • from there Kasimer left to raise his dead sister and to rally his fellow dusk elves to our cause.
  • we returned to the outer gates of Krezk the city where the Abby awaits.
  • Ding Level 9.
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Re: <spoilers>Curse of Strahd

Post by Tundrra »

SESSION 24, Eleint 28-30
(Baiz, tundrra, Kermit, talolan)

City Gates & Abbey of St Markovia
  • The guards at the gate reported a increase of werewolves in the area and only let us in due to our previous travels there.
  • The party went straight to the Abbey of St Markovia, Deluna went inside to talk to the Abbot and Golem bride, Vasilka.
  • Edmond the Decayed, climbed the outer wall to look into the room that previously held the body of his angelic guide. The room was empty.
  • As Deluna continued to discuss the dress Vasilka wore and the Abbot’s plan to woo Strahd, Edmond and Tybolt entered the hall.
  • Edmond asked of the remains of Valandras, and was told he was buried outside in the cemetery.
  • After asking to leave to say our respects the party made its way to the fresh grave.
  • Edmond shifted the dirt with a spell and began the resurrection spell.
  • Valandras arose with a look of disgust at Edmond rotted flesh and grew furious at the Abbots presence near by.
  • The Abbot in turn felt the awakening of his brethren and screamed in anger.
  • They charged each other with Valandras busting through a window attacking the Abbot. macing each other.
  • weakened from the Rez, Tybolt followed Valandras with his Uber strength ring.
  • once the Golem joined the fray deluna tried to keep it busy while Thuring and Tybolt worked on the Abbot.
  • when the Abbot was finished, Valandras removed the curses from Tybolt and chewed out Edmond for is dark gifts.
    Valandras said to Edmond wrote: In all my miseries; thou hast forced me,
    Out of thy failure, to play the fool.

    When you are forgotten, as you shall be,
    And sleep in dull cold marble, where no mention
    Of you more must be heard of, they will say, to my shame, Valandras taught thee,
    They will Say, Edmond, that once trod the ways of glory,
    And sounded all the depths and shoals of honour,
    Found thee a way, to become a wreck, to fall;
    though thy master miss’d it.

    Mark but your fall, and that that ruin’d me.

    Edmond, I charge thee, fling away ambition:
    By that sin fell the angels; how can man, then,
    The image of his Maker, hope to win by it?

    Love thyself last: cherish those hearts that hate thee;
    Corruption wins not more than honesty.

    Still in thy right hand carry gentle peace.
    To silence envious tongues. Be just, and fear not:
    Let all the ends thou aim’st at be thy lord's,
    Thy God’s, and truth’s; then if thou fall’st, O Edmond,
    Thou fall’st a blessed martyr! Serve the morninglord;
  • Deluna showed the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind to Valandras to see if Edmond would be able to use it, which he responded when the time is right and if Edmond redeems himself.
  • Valandras stayed in the Abbot to care for the mutants.
  • The party stayed with the burgomaster as they did on their last trip.
  • Edmond gave Deluna the wisdom tome, Tome of Understanding, for helping to raise Valandras and almost considered taking a Night watch.
  • That night the wizard Mordenkainen spoke to Deluna in a dream that he had found a artifact, the Heart of Sorrow, that Strahd was using for Temp Hp, and he would destroy it while we confront Strahd.
  • Long Rest (Eleint 29)
  • the next day we headed to Kasmir’s home, half way to ravenloft.
The Road to Ravenloft
  • once there, the dusk elf was excited to finally reunite with his sister.
  • Before night fall, Deluna transformed into a giant eagle and flew to the Wizards of Wine Winery, where he coordinated a plan to have the help of the WereRavens. They agreed to distract Strahd's werewolf allies while the party worked to confront Strahd. They also agreed to help the party enter Ravenloft through a balcony that over hangs a giant cliff face.
  • Deluna and his raven escort were followed by a swarm of bats, with some stealth cloud flying they were able to lose the bats and make their way back to Kasamir's.
  • Long Rest (Eleint 30)
  • The party road its horses east on the road towards Ravenloft.
  • After some time a fancy carriage awaited them with a door open of invitation, however the group ignored it and the carriage sped away quickly in front of the party.
  • Once the castle was insight, Kasimar casted a spell to create an illusion of the party making camp, while the party itself flew upon the giant ravens to the back of Ravenloft landing on the balcony.
  • Upon landing, members of the party noticed 3 windows carved out of the cliff side several feet under the balcony.
  • With some cleaning of the stained glass and consulting Tybolts map sketches the group decided it be a quicker way to the dungeons below if they were to enter through the windows.
  • Inside the room were two coffins, upon inspection it was determined they were the remains of Strahds parents the King Barov von Zarovich and Queen Ravenovia van Roeyen. No other things of interest were found in the room, other than the entrance.
  • The entrance was flanked by to large statues, and between them was a blue light creating a wall, Deluna's dispel magic had no effect.
  • Tybolt tested the wall and was able to pass through unharmed, and the party followed.
  • The party entered a large room full of columns holding up the castle and the ceiling is teaming with thousands of sleeping bats , each column seemed be hollow, plaques on them with names.
  • The party agreed they were in a crypt, and the first plaque they found was labeled with Tybolt's name on it. (we did not open it)
  • Crypt 23: tybolts name
  • Crypt 25: Stefan Gregorovich: First Counselor to King Barov von Zarovich
  • Crypt 26: Intree Sik-Valoo: He spurned wealth for the knowledge he could take to heaven
  • Crypt 19: Artimus (Builder of the Keep): Thou standest amidst the monument to his life
  • Crypt 22: Sir Erik Vonderbucks
  • Crypt 20: Sasha Ivliskova — Wife
  • Crypt 21: Patrina Velikovna — Bride: After reading several of the crypts, the party found Kasimar's Sister's name, Patrina Velikovna, he quickly opened it.
  • A banshee of his late sister attacked us, but was quickly put down.
  • Patrina’s crypt contained a Spellbook and 250 pp, 1,100 gp, 2,300 ep, 5,200 sp, and 8,000cp.
  • Kasimar is staying behind to raise his sister, even after the party tries to persuade him to wait until he is clear from the castle.
  • another crypt is sought by the group, and so the search goes on as we end for the night.
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Re: <spoilers>Curse of Strahd

Post by Tundrra »

SESSION 25, Eleint 30
(Baiz, tundrra, Kermit, talolan, Zelldeb)

Ravenloft Crypts
  • The party started the night separated from one another in the crypts below Ravenloft.
  • Unable to see each other Edmond comes across a open crypt door, with 3 large spiders silently awaiting for him.
  • With a low voiced shout for help a few of the members near by were able to find him and help clear out the spiders.
  • From there the party continued to read the names of the crypts, while heading slowly south closer together.
  • One humorous name “Sir Klutz Tripalotsky: He fell on his own sword” struck the party of a clumsy knight who impaled himself, so it was decided to open the crypt.
  • Inside a suit of rusted armor was inside, with a sword through its chest, Edmond removed the sword which released a Spector.
  • The Spector of Sir Klutz was thankful for the removal of the sword and offered to join the group, following only Edmond's command.
  • Once at the most southern point, the party finds 3 blue magical objects, maybe portals? surrounding a door.
  • Leaving the door for later the party continues north noting the names on the crypt, looking for the Saint Makovia's crypt.
  • A handful of crypts were noted to circle back to.
  • In the north east corner the Saint's crypt was finally found.
  • The crypt was protected by a trap that Edmond successfully triggered:) Thuring and Deluna dragged a stone door across the hall and laid it on the triggered trap keeping it from resetting.
  • Inside the remains of Saint Makovia were inside, most of her bones were ash.
  • Edmond believed the remains should be taken back to the church in Vallaki, however upon picking it up, a voice spoke to them that they should use the bone against Strahd.
  • Thuring believed mixing some of the ash of the Saint in a healing potion, would be able to heal some of his curses, which it did. Deluna scooped some up for future use.
  • Across from the Saints crypt was a crypt dedicated to the Wizard of Wines, Deluna hoping to find one of the missing gems from the winery only found empty bottles inside.
  • Eventually the party found a door at the Northern most door.
  • With some strength checks the door was opened and the party entered a very peaceful and large crypt.
  • In the middle of the room was a casket, that Edmond was unable to budge, however when Deluna offered to open it for him and it slid with ease.
  • Inside were the remains of Strahd's brother Sergi von Zarovich wearing a pristine set of plate armor, decorated in the morning lords symbols.
  • With the blessing of the morning lord Edmond was able to dawn the armor, which removed one of his curses and changed his Lawful Evil alignment back to Lawful good.
  • (Short Rest)
  • During the short rest in the quiet crypt, the party identified the +2 plate armor, the St Makovia's bone (Mace of Disruption) was a bane to vampires and undead and Thuring identified a Staff of Powe.
  • After the rest the party headed back to the southern most door and was able to temporarily dispel one of the blue magical objects so the party could pass.
  • With a mage hand the party was able to open the door with ease and enter the evil feeling crypt.
  • Loose earth filled this room with a coffin at its center. Edmond felt the presence of 3 evil vampire spawn under the earth.
  • As we discussed a way of dealing with them, they burst from the ground slashing and biting.
  • Deluna used his dark gift of shooting one with a cone of cold.
  • While Edmond casted, turn unholy. Which caused one of the Ladies of Strahd to escape in a unseen portal.
  • Thuring finishing off one of the brides with his own Cone of Cold Staff and Tybolt and Edmond killing the other.
  • Thuring burnt the bodies and coffin while the party passed back through the door into the main crypts.
  • Debating to open more crypts or to move on, the tracks of the escaped bride were found and tracked leaving the crypts.
  • Believing the party was probably discovered at this point it would be a good idea to relocate.
  • Tybolt consulted his map sketches finding a secret passage behind one of the crypts to the north.
  • From there the party slowly progressed down a small tunnel, removing a trap along the way.
  • At its exit the party entered a well lit room with a giant fire pit in the middle, that had emitted no heat. The descriptions on the fire brazier, made it sound as if maybe a portal to get around the castle quickly.
    Brazier Inscription:
    Cast a stone into the fire:
    Violet leads to the mountain spire
    Orange to the castle’s peak
    Red if lore is what you seek
    Green to where the coffins hide
    Indigo to the master’s bride
    Blue to ancient magic’s womb
    Yellow to the master’s tomb
  • this is where we called it a night for session 25
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Re: <spoilers>Curse of Strahd

Post by Tundrra »

SESSION 26, Eleint 30
(Baiz, Tundrra, Kermit, Talolan, Zelldeb)

Ravenloft : Fire Brazier Room
  • 3 additional doors leave the teleportation room.
    -NW: Steep stairs, untraveled.
    -NE: Spiral stairs, rarely traveled.
    -S: Red curtain
  • The party chose the least traveled one after consulting Tybolt’s map in search of the jails.
  • Heading carefully up the dusty steep stairs triggered a bright flash of light and before them stood Strahd.
  • Tybolt was quick to stab him in the gut, which dispersed the illusion of Strahd.
  • The stairwell came to a dead end and the party struggled to find the hidden door.
Ravenloft : Chamberlain’s office
  • Once forced open we were met by a fully eared Dusk Elf, the chamberlain of Strahd, Rahadin.
  • Tybolt and Deluna entered the room, with Deluna attempting to greet the fellow elf were met with mind attacks.
  • Tybolt landed a painful blow to the elf and Deluna was quick to polymorph him into a long eared rabbit.
  • Thinking combat was over the party didn’t notice the Shadow Demon who snuck up on Tybolt.
  • When combat was over Deluna attempted to interrogate the rabbit and when it became clear no information would be brought forth the party decided on a game plan.
  • Bound and laid prone Deluna cut the ear tips of the rabbit, causing the Dusk Elf to return to his former self.
  • He quickly teleported from his bonds and continued to attack and tried to escape, but was chased down.
  • The room to the south hid a small box of 150 electrum and many remains.
Ravenloft : Bone Room
  • South again was a room full of bones and at the top was the dragon skull of the silver dragon Argynvost.
  • Thuring insisting to resurrect his master started preparations immediately.
  • Tybolt stood guard at the southern door, Deluna to the east and Edmond having a bad feeling about the room went to guard the door from the outside with the spirit knight.
  • While the ritual transpired the party took a Short rest.
  • While standing guard, Edmond encountered 3 drunk vistana thugs who say they had recently escaped the dungeon and tried to persuade him to escort him from the castle. Edmond so he could not but did offer them direction which they took.
  • When The Dragon rised he was confused and angry, attacking the group.
  • Eventually Thuring calmed him and filled him in on the past 1000yrs.
Guard room
  • Thuring and Argynvost both weaken from the Rez spell the party looks to make a quick exit from the castle to regroup and heal.
  • Tybolt maps us out a route to the top of the castle’s outer wall.
  • The route takes us through a old guards room and it’s former residents rise from the floor.
  • quick work are made from the undead and roaming broomstick:)
  • Reaching a tall spiral staircase the party makes its way to the open air, where Argynvost transfoms into is true form flying the party to Argynvostholt.
  • Session 26 ends for the night.
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Re: <spoilers>Curse of Strahd

Post by Tundrra »

SESSION 27, Eleint 30 - Highharvestide
(Baiz, Tundrra, Kermit, Talolan, Zelldeb)

  • As Argynvost approach the mansion's doors a procession of his old followers kneeled and greeted him.
  • With a look of disgust at his old fateful followers who had forgotten their mission to him were released from their bonds, all except Thuring who stayed true to his faith in Argynvost and the ending of Strahd.
  • When the revenants disappeared their armor and weapons fell to the ground, Argynvost stepped up to the leaders former location and took up his great sword +2.
  • Four days of rest are needed for Argynvost to regain full power, so the party took one of the upper level rooms to start their first night of rest, while Argynvost took the room across the hall.
  • During watch that night wolves filled the front entrance of the mansion followed by a werewolf invading party.
  • Deluna attempted to slow the pack with tangled vines along the balcony and stairwell as the others awoke form their slumber.
  • With the might of a dragon, the wolves fell quickly and the werewolves were chased into the chapel where they were finished off.
  • The rest of the night was quiet, till morning…
    (Long Rest) Date: Highharvestide
  • Two smoke columns in the distance filled the sky. One from the direction of the Wizard of Wines and the other from Vallaki.
  • Argynvost agreed to travel with the party even while weakened and flew them over Vallaki
  • First was a close fly over of the camp of the Dusk elves and the Vistani next to Vallaki.
  • Bodies of dusk elves lay everywhere outside of their homes while the Vistani celebrated inside the main tent.
  • As the party flew over the town most of the western side was on fire, Hooded figures were fighting the guards.
  • The party landed outside the burning church of morning lord, st Andrel’s Cathedral and set off looking Ireena, however only found the priest slain, Father Lucian Petrovich.
  • Edmond a faithful follower of the morning lord raised the priest from the dead using one of his dark gifts.
  • He was able to tell us that Ireena was taking, more than likely to Strahd.
  • Deluna stayed behind to heal citizens of the town, while the rest of the group went off looking for Ireena’s brother, the captain of the guards, Izek Strasni
  • The burgomaster’s mansion was burnt down and none of the guards or hooded figures could be found till they reached the City’s center.
  • There the was speech by Lady Wachter In front of a crowd of hooded figures.
  • Behind her were the bodies of the burgomaster and his wife, tied to steaks and at the ground the city commander of the watch.
  • Thuring casted a Freezing rain on all of them, killing them.
  • The body of Ireena’s brother was to mutilated to raise from the dead so the party left to see if Kasimir survived

Vistani Encampment
  • Kasimir’s House was empty with two dead guards out front.
  • The party snuck up to the tents to listen and the sound of sleep could only be heard.
  • Tybolt Cut a hole to see in and confirm they were sleeping and saw the dead body of Kasimir.
  • Tybolt dragged kasimir’s corpse out of the tent quietly and Edmond began the hour long raise dead ritual.
  • Argnovost burns the place down with his breath weapon killing all the Vistani.
  • while Edmond raises the dead, Tybolt raids treasure cart, and Deluna sends horses back to inn where they had previous rented some.
  • Kasimir tells us of his betrayal to his sister and her renewed vengeance against the Dusk elves.
  • we find out she has the mage spell book and has gone back to Strahd who she was once in love with.
  • Kasimir joined the party once again.

  • Next the party flew to the Wizard of wines winery, where it was found burnt down with no bodies to be found.
  • tracks were found leading away from the winery, something big was dragged something into the forest.
  • along the way of the tracks the bodies of ravenfolk were discovered.
  • Eventually the tracks led to the bog village of Berez.
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Re: <spoilers>Curse of Strahd

Post by Tundrra »

SESSION 28, Highharvestide - Marpenoth 1
(Baiz, Tundrra, Kermit, Talolan, Zelldeb)

  • Wet, swampy and full of insects, Deluna felt at home again, welcome back to Berez.
  • Knowing from their previous trip of the dangers Deluna led the group in Wolf form.
  • The tracks went deeper into the swampy village, where the party heard a loud scream come from the direction of a hut.
  • Outside of the hut was a empty upside down giant’s skull and 2 cages full of dead ravens.
  • A Witch came out of the hut with the head of the The ravenfolk’s Leader, Daven Martikov.
  • With The last of the ravenfolk dead the party attacked Baba Lysaga
  • She quickly Jumped into the skull and began flying 20’ above the ground attacking the party.
  • After a round of attacks the Hut stood up and attacked with large vines from the ground.
  • Much like the evil Druid’s statue of Strahd a Green light shined inside the house.
  • Deluna jumped through the door noticing the green brighter near the Tub and dresser.
  • everything in the home was nailed down and Deluna was able to pull out the dresser drawers before being Knocked out of house.
  • The Dragon Argynovost destroyed the skull in the air causing the witch to fall.
  • Thuring Ice wand’d the dragon (immuned), house and witch (killing her).
  • Edmond jumped into the House as well as Deluna.
  • While Deluna was in the house transformed into bear form was able to tip the tub and grabbed the one of the glowing green gems.
  • Both were knocked from house while Thuring fireballed it and Killing it.
  • Edmond going back in recovered the 2nd gem as well as finding scrolls and a rapier.
  • Identified The new items from Berez.
    (Long Rest) Marpenoth 1
  • The next morning the party returned to the same spot on the castle wall.
  • Thuring Felt strahds presence and Tybolt consulted is maps to find the quickest route.
  • The wizard Mordenkainen spoke to Deluna warned him that Strahd had allies with him.
  • from the castle wall the party broke through a glass window into a Dining hall that had not been touched since his brothers wedding.
  • The next room opened up to a small Library with a big fire place.
  • Thuring removed the flames from the hearth while Tybolt opened the secret passage behind it.
  • Inside was a chest, Corpse and sconces.
  • moving the scones around opened a Passage to a long wide Hall.
  • The chest was opened releasing a gas to those near by.
  • moment later Old faces return and attack as vampire spawn, Ireena the Vistani Ezmeralda d’Avenir and 2 guys.
  • With no hope of turning the allies back, Lots of Ice wands were shot off in mourning.
  • A Big boom fills the castle and the wizard speaks to Deluna again telling him the the protections around Strahd are weakened.
  • Here ends session 28...next week is the grand finale!
Tundrra TT:TableTop
*NOR/LD-High Council
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Re: <spoilers>Curse of Strahd

Post by Tundrra »

SESSION 29, Highharvestide - Marpenoth 1
(Ojike, Baiz, Tundrra, Kermit, Talolan, Zelldeb)

  • Guest appearance of Ojike playing the NPC Dragon Argynvost.
  • The party gathered outside a unlocked door, with Strahd on the other side
  • Tybolt opens door easily
  • Strahd and Kasimir's sister, Patrina stood upon a tall tower looking down at the party
  • Edmond charged in to scale the wall and initiative begins
  • Tybolt is first through the door scaling the tower and makes the first blow.
  • Deluna transforms into a eagle and flies to the top of the tower
  • The Dusk elf wizard Patrina sealed the door way with a wall of force separating the party in half.
  • With Tybolt and Deluna alone with Strahd and his bride they were targets for shadows and attacks.
  • Between cone of cold and Tybolts attack’s the wall came down with the wizards concentration being broke.
  • As the rest the party was about to come through Strahd shut and locked the door with his Lair ability.
  • With some muscle the door is smashed in
  • As Strahd's allies fall, he walks through the wall causing the party to back track and chase him back to the library.
  • There books come to life attacking the party.
  • Additional vampire spawn burst through side rooms.
  • Argynvost is surround and takes much of the damage.
  • Strahd continues on to the next room and is chased down by Tybolt and Edmond.
  • As Strahd weakens he feeds on Deluna for health eventually killing him. (Player Death)
  • Strahd raises Deluna's corpse as a zombie, but it is to little to late as Strahd is struck down and retreats in mist form to his crypt.
  • Deluna's zombie form melts away to form into a human vs his former half-elf self.
  • One of the Amber Temple's Dark gifts reincarnated the druid.
  • Once the party has regrouped, they headed quickly deep into the crypts below where they found Strahd's rebuilt coffin
  • Strahds transparent self is burnt and steaked, but his spirit remained.
  • Argynvost tells the party in this plane Strahd will always be, but he an others will stay vigil and keep Strahd from rising in power ever again.
  • Thuring vowels to stay in Barovia and stand again Strahd.
  • The rest of the party makes there way through the country tying up loose ends and heads back through the mists back to what they think is home...
  • ...But where they end up is unknown.
Tundrra TT:TableTop
*NOR/LD-High Council
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