Account security concerns.

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Account security concerns.

Post by Khaei »

Please post here if you notice anything suspicious regarding GW2 account (like hacking attempts, suspicious e-mails, etc.) for us to know and be on the lookout.

Edit: Tips for Keeping Your Guild Wars 2 Account Secure

Edit2: Also there more info here:

To protect your account, make sure you use a strong, unique password for Guild Wars 2 that you've never used anywhere else. If your password isn't strong and unique, change it right now. For the highest level of protection, also create a unique email address to use solely for Guild Wars 2.

Here are the things we're doing to protect your accounts.

We have the "password reset" feature temporarily disabled. If you need to reset your password, contact our customer support team.

We now have email authentication turned on for all players with verified email addresses. With this feature, even if someone guesses your password, when he tries to login from a location that you've never logged in from before, you'll have an opportunity to approve or disapprove of the login through an email check.

We've noticed that hackers who discover a working email address and password combination don't always immediately exploit the compromised account. We sent email to everyone whose account has been suspiciously logged into asking them to immediately change their email address and password.

We will also be sending email to all customers whose accounts have been unsuccessfully tested by hackers. We strongly recommend that these customers create a new, unique email address for their account.

We left in-game mail disabled for another half-day, because it's difficult for hackers to loot accounts when both in-game mail and the trading post are disabled. Keeping mail disabled this morning to prevent account looting gave us time to get email authentication turned on for all players, and gave players time to secure their accounts. But we will be turning in-game mail back on soon, so we ask everyone to quickly secure their accounts.

Email authentication - We started ramping up email authentication after last night's server update, and it's now enabled for 100% of players with verified email addresses. Email authentication provides a high level of security for everyone, and can provide an even higher level of security when combined with two-factor email authentication.

Here's how you can set that up. Create a new unique Google or Yahoo email address solely for your Guild Wars 2 account. Verify that email address with Guild Wars 2 to turn on email authentication. Then follow the instructions at Google or Yahoo to enable two-factor authentication for all logins to your email address.
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Re: Account security concerns.

Post by Khaei »

Just FYI:

I have received a suspicious email:

"The Guild Wars 2 Team" from via

There are other players receiving suspicious emails via bluehornet. Las posted below that there's a tweet about GW2 actually using Bluehornet's mailing list service. So, it is authentic Arena mail.

Secondly, someone was trying to reset my account password. I received an e-mail about it from Arena, which also stated:

"If you did not request to reset your password, you can ignore this email and no changes will be made to your account."

So, it looks like it won't do any good to whomever was trying to reset the password. Safe for now :)
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Re: Account security concerns.

Post by Lasarian »

Per GW2 Twitter Feed, Blue Hornet is the service they use to send their newsletter.
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Re: Account security concerns.

Post by rallis »

I have gotten 2 emails about someone trying to reset my password with a link to change it if i was the one to do the request. With WOW and Blizzard in general, I would get tons of scam emails to trick me into trying to reset my password or some other scam.

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Re: Account security concerns.

Post by Roxanne »

rallis wrote:I have gotten 2 emails about someone trying to reset my password with a link to change it if i was the one to do the request. With WOW and Blizzard in general, I would get tons of scam emails to trick me into trying to reset my password or some other scam.

Oh yeah, this is the reason that I disregard all of the emails from "blizzard" that come my way. I figure if there is a problem, I'll either figure it out on my own or they will shut down my account, lol. It's also the reason that I tend to disregard "legitimate" emails from other companys, especially the ones that urge me to follow a link to sign into my account. Sad, but it's the way of the cyber world. :rolleyes
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Re: Account security concerns.

Post by Ojike »

Roxanne wrote: Sad, but it's the way of the cyber world. :rolleyes
So true. :(
Ojike *NOR/GR
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-John F Kennedy
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